=============== == PinePgp == =============== PinePgp 0.18.0 Description ----------- PinePgp is set of display and sending filters which enables pine to send and receive signed and/or encrypted e-mails. Supported are both PGP (version 2.6.x, 5.x and 6.5.x) and GnuPG (version 1.0.0 and later). Copying ------- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. See the COPYING file or GNU General Public License page for license information. Copyright 1998,.. by Peter Soos and others. All rights reserved. Requirements ------------ mktemp: If installed, it is used to handle temp file used to store gpg/pgp output when checking/decrypting incomming message so proper footer can be created. If you do not want to install this utility, you can still use PinePGP, but use --without-mktemp when running configure. For more information about mktemp see . Sources can be downloaded from or from mirrors . RPM package of mktemp can be foud for example at . Download -------- You can find sources at: http://www.megaloman.com/~hany/_data/pinepgp/ http://terminus.sk/~hany/_data/pinepgp/ Also you can download RPM packages from: http://www.megaloman.com/~hany/RPM/pinepgp.html http://www.megaloman.com/~hany/RPM/pinepgp26x.html http://www.megaloman.com/~hany/RPM/pinepgp5x.html http://www.megaloman.com/~hany/RPM/pinepgp65x.html http://www.megaloman.com/~hany/RPM/pinegpg.html To verify files, use my public key from , or from public keyservers (for example wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net): pub 1024D/01F72129 2001-08-03 Peter Hanecak (Hany) Key fingerprint = 432F 1A38 8126 9B52 8AAE 8681 705B 82EF 01F7 2129 uid Peter Hanecak (Hany) uid Peter Hanecak (Hany) sub 2048g/FAF03B1C 2001-08-03 [expires: 2003-08-03] Releases 0.16.0 and earlier are signed with my older and now expired key: pub 1024D/1664445A 1999-09-08 Peter Hanecak (Hany) Key fingerprint = 84F1 078F B502 3C80 2B6E 23E6 F536 2F64 1664 445A uid Peter Hanecak (Hany) uid Peter Hanecak (Hany) sub 2048g/1BC5CE1A 1999-09-08 [expires: 2001-09-07] Installation ------------ Administrator ------------- First, you need some UNIX system which have 'sed' and 'awk' alredy installed. Also 'mktemp' utility is recomended (PinePGP version from 0.12.90 to 0.17.1 requires it, for version 0.17.2 and later it is optional but recomended). After you have sucessfuly downloaded and unpacked source tarball, do the following in source directory: $ ./configure $ make $ make install Before building you can manualy enable support for particular encryption utility and also specify path to utility with --with-[=]. For example you can enable GnuPG support (and let configure found path to binary) and enable generic PGP 2.6.x support with /usr/bin/pgp using following: $ ./configure --with-gpg --with-pgp=/usr/bin/pgp You can also disable support for particular encryption utility with --without-. Example (disabling PGP support): $ ./configure --without-pgp If you have mktemp installed but do not want PinePGP to use it, you can use --without-mktemp configure parameter: $ ./configure --without-mktemp If you want to disable partial fix for Naive Sign & Encrypt (more information can be found at http://world.std.com/~dtd/sign_encrypt/sign_encrypt7.html), use --without-nsefix: $ ./configure --without-nsefix For more information on ./configure arguments run: $ ./configure --help User ---- After "Administrator" part is completed, users on your system can run either 'pinegpg-install', 'pinepgp5x-install', 'pinepgp65x-install' or 'pinepgp26x-install' to add particular filters into theire own pine configuration file (~/.pinerc). Example (install GnuPG filters): $ pinegpg-install To enable "encrypt to yourself" feature, specify your e-mail adress as argument when running install script. Example (install GnuPG filters, replace joe@earth.org with your own e-mail address): $ pinegpg-install joe@earth.org Usage ----- Viewing signed and/or encrypted messages ---------------------------------------- To view signed and/or encrypted message just selects it from index. Signed and/or ecrypted parts are displayed following way: --[PinePGP]--------------------------------------------------[begin]-- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX signed and/or encrypted message XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX --[PinePGP]----------------------------------------------------------- YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY YY encryption backend and/or PinePGP messages YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY --[PinePGP]----------------------------------------------------[end]-- Example: --[PinePGP]--------------------------------------------------[begin]-- Hello, this is signed message from me. Hany --[PinePGP]----------------------------------------------------------- gpg: Signature made Fri 28 Sep 2001 03:00:00 PM CEST using DSA key ID 01F72129 gpg: Good signature from "Peter Hanecak (Hany) " --[PinePGP]----------------------------------------------------[end]-- Sending signed and/or encrypted messages ---------------------------------------- To send signed and/or encrypted message just compose it as ussual. Then press (send message) and select particular filter: + 'unfiltered' for normal message + 'gpg-sign' for signed (by you) message + 'gpg-encrypt"' for encrypted message (you need public key of recipient in your key ring) + 'gpg-sign+encrypt' for signed (by you) and encrypted message (you need public key of recipient in your key ring) "encrypt to yourself" feature ----------------------------- With this feature enabled, outgoing encrypted messages are encypted also with you as recipient (using e-mail adress you supplied in configuration or when running install script) so when you are viewing your outgoing encrypted messages you are able to actualy decrypt them. Pine filters manual configuration --------------------------------- If you want to add filters manualy into pine configuration file, than you have to add following lines (or change current filter definitions) into it (example will add GnuPG filters): # This variable takes a list of programs that message text is piped into # after MIME decoding, prior to display. display-filters=_LEADING("-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----")_ /usr/bin/gpg-check,\ _LEADING("-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----")_ /usr/bin/gpg-check, # This defines a program that message text is piped into before MIME # encoding, prior to sending sending-filters=/usr/bin/gpg-sign,/usr/bin/gpg-encrypt _RECIPIENTS_,\ /usr/bin/gpg-sign+encrypt _RECIPIENTS_, If you want to use filters with "encrypt to yourself" feature, use following (replace joe@earth.org with your own e-mail adress): # This variable takes a list of programs that message text is piped into # after MIME decoding, prior to display. display-filters=_LEADING("-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----")_ /usr/bin/gpg-check,\ _LEADING("-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----")_ /usr/bin/gpg-check, # This defines a program that message text is piped into before MIME # encoding, prior to sending sending-filters=/usr/bin/gpg-sign,/usr/bin/gpg-encrypt _RECIPIENTS_ joe@earth.org,\ /usr/bin/gpg-sign+encrypt _RECIPIENTS_ joe@earth.org, Your own pine configuration file is ussualy ~/.pinerc . System wide configuration file should be in /etc/pine.conf but that depends on type of your system. Pine's compose-send-offers-first-filter --------------------------------------- Setting this feature will cause the first filter in the sending-filters list (in case of default PinePGP install it is 'sign' filter) to be offered as the default instead of unfiltered, the usual default. For aditional information on cryptography consult Pine, GnuPG and/or PGP documentation. Pine filters temp directory --------------------------- PinePGP filters are using ~/.pinpgp directory for placing temporary files. Install script automaticaly creates this directory for you if it does not exists (with 0700 access permissions). How to contribute ----------------- If you would like to submit a patch, send it to me or to any other author. Please be sure to include a textual explanation of what your patch does. The preferred format for changes is 'diff -u' output. You can generate it like this: $ diff -urN pinepgp-orig pinepgp-work > mydiffs.patch Other Resources --------------- About PinePGP ------------- + Using GnuPG with Pine for Secure E-Mail: Good introduction to e-mail encryption using PinePGP with GnuPG. Other e-mail encryption tools ----------------------------- + Pine Privacy Guard: Small perl script to interface Pine and GnuPG for the secure exchange of e-mail. TODO ---- + some other package formats to support more distributions + take a look at http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=01/01/09/2117217&cid=144 and http://sourceforge.net/projects/janitor/ and figure out whether we can include S/MIME x.509 support + Ed Vazquez, Jr. : For those of us with multiple signatures, some way to select a signature on sign/encrypt would be nice. Ideal would be the ability to define a default signature, but have the option to change on send. + Ryan W. Maple : add something like "From: XXX\nTo: XXX\n..." at the end of signed+encrypted and encrypted messages to address problems described in http://world.std.com/~dtd/sign_encrypt/sign_encrypt7.html Authors ------- Peter Soos Peter Hanecak Martin Edas Edlman Contributors ------------ Jon Wilson Scott C. Wood phuzzie Magnus B{ckstr|m Tim Bishop Rolando Abarca Matt Brubeck Ryan W. Maple Dale Bewley Thank you. Maintainer ---------- Current maintainer is Peter Hanecak .