This file is hideously out-of-date. Use instead. ============================================================================= Unsorted ============================================================================= [ ] Alen Williams When using the article filter in a news group, it would be nice if there could be a .not. or invert button somewhere. So if the filter is "Banana", then I'd like to be able to hit the button and select all the articles (so I can delete them or mark them read) that DON'T have Banana in there... [ ] Jed S. Baer The [Send Now] button puts the posting job at the bottom of the task queue. I'd like it if posts went to the top. Yeah, I know that could wind up being an issue someday for large binary attachments. Maybe that could be addressed by detecting an attachment, and putting it at the top/bottom of the task queue based upon that? [ ] Charles Kerr Need an up/down arrow in the rule-ui. [ ] Martin Wulffeld 1) When in a thread and you press minus several times the thread should continue collapsing until at the 'root' of the thread. It's a pain to have to move to a part of the thread for collapsing it further. [ ] Martin Wulffeld 5) Selecting an ignored thread Pan will load the article. If I have ignored a thread I absolutely do not want it to be loaded. If I want it loaded I should have to un-ignore it. [ ] Martin Wulffeld 6) Ignoring a thread Pan should automatically move to the next unread thread/message. [ ] Martin Wulffeld 12) Maybe I didn't look close enough but I can't find a purging mechanism!? [ ] Jacob Gorban 1. Steps to reproduce: Select a thread which has several replies. Press the [+] button on the left of it. Select one of the early replies and press on [+] again to close the thread. Result: In the thread (header) pane the cursor will be on a line which is (number of replies - number of previously selected reply) higher than the thread where it was opened. [ ] John Levon wrote: > A thread should automatically expand at one level deep when I have it > selected in the messages pane. A useful option, I think. [ ] John Levon wrote: download new headers mark all as read delete all download new headers there are two problems : 1) I get new headers that I've apparently already read 2) New unread headers are not marked as read when I read them [ ] 2. I wanna expand on Christian. I would like to have customizeable headers above the messages-bodies. E.g, I'm interessted in the newsreaders the guys use. Perhaps othe are more interessted in only few more headers and don't wanna see *all* the headers. [ ] Robert Broughton > I mentioned newsgroup moderation. To do this, I really need access to > all headers. What I would like to be able to do is fire up the external > editor, and edit headers at will. [ ] would be nice to be able to sort group list by column [ ] option to set debugging levels during runtime [ ] "Thomas K. Gamble" When adding new conditions to the filter editor, they get dumped to the bottom. [ ] (Peter Borgmann) Never checked out printing in PAN before: It works fine but PAN shouldn't print the Message - Header IMO. Is there already a solution to that behaviour? [ ] "lock" an article to prevent purging of header & body [ ] "Dan Mann" Pan is great! One suggestion here: How about being able to pan (no pun intended) images inside the preview pane by holding down the mouse button and moving the mouse around the screen (like gqview does)? This would be awesome because I wouldn't have to depend on the scroll bar(s). Right click zoom 1:1 and fit window (along with memory of this setting) would be great as well. [ ] Garry Knight Rule to search cached article body [ ] Wendell Dingus" Yesterday I opened a group and tagged the first 3 files at the top of the list. I inadvertantly also had the "minus sign - book pic - name of group" at the top of the article pane selected. I pressed SHIFT-S and nothing. I did so a few times before realizing I had the group name selected also. No biggie, just might confuse someone... [ ] Adam Warner For example, I just posted to nz.test and aus.test (nz.test; aus.test). If I follow up to nz.test then the cross-posting works. However if I follow up to aus.test then I am only posting to aus.test. This is a verified problem. There also appears to be an issue where replies to a cross-post are only seen in one of the newsgroups. [ ] Jordan Nelson (pan-users) It would be very helpful if you could configure Pan to run a system call (like a perl script or something) with the filename of the just-decoded file as the first argument. This could allow for doing whatever you want to a file, such as automatically sorting it, logging it to a database, etc. Am I making any sense? [ ] Ryan Ware (pan-users) Also, sorting the tasklist by date/time the article was posted would be nice. My connection isn't very fast (iDSL) and it would be nice to start with what's going to expire first. [ ] Ryan Ware (pan-users) It would also be nice to be able to merge groups together so that you didn't have to see the same posts in group after group. However, this can have a tendency to use a _lot_ of memory. [ ] "best_before_'89" When I search for an article by a certain sender, it gets found. The problem is that when it is highlighted, and I click on it, it does not open. I have to click on a message either side of it first, THEN I go back and click on the found message to open it. [ ] Japie Folders, subscribed, and unsubscribed all in a tree view in grouplist [ ] Michael Perry >How to resize the main window (806x520)? I have a 800x600 resolution and >Pan is to big, I resize it and tell the different window managers (e, >windowmaker, sawfish, etc) to remember the size,,, Pan ignores it. This has been reported several times to the mailing list and on I have the same problem so I quit using pan because the display takes up all of my 800x600 display on my latitude ls laptop. [ ] Paul Smith I've selected the "use single click preview" option but am not getting the effect I'd like. I'd like to press N to go to the next unread message and display it in the preview pane similar to pressing Ctrl-U in Outlook Express, but I still seem to have to actually click on the message in the thread pane to display it in the preview pane. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Apologies if I've missed something obvious. [ ] When you go back to the articles tab from the message tab, the view is down at the bottom of the window instead of up at the current article, where it should be. [ ] Martin Cosgrave It would be nice to have some sort of bandwidth limitation; since the news server is usually the closest thing it seems to get high bitrates at the expense of other more distant services. [ ] Simon Templar Decode a random group of articles selected by user [ ] option to auto-expand threads when reading one. [ ] option to auto-expand threads. (Add to preferences, it should be default) (Add to preferences, it should be default) [ ] Ability to filter by any header (such as content-type, newsreader etc) [ ] Doug Palmer And for a difficult one. Is it possible to set up a rule action which says 'delete/mark as read this article and all the followups to this article (or depth-n followups)'? This would be very useful in conjunction with a spam/bozo filter. There are certain bozos that post in such a way as to almost guarantee that the replies spiral into a mess of off-topic flaming. Actually, depth-n followups would probably be the most useful, as things settle down after a while; setting it to depth-1 would take care of most problems. It wouldn't matter too much if this action gets things wrong from time to time, as articles expire. But it would save a lot of pruning time on potentially interesting megathreads. [ ] Spoiler Some time ago I implemented spoiler-support for pan, it's easy enough - when you encounter "^L" (control-l, formfeed), you "mute" the following text - you can copy most of the code from the mute-quoted-text routine. It's common in all newsgroups discussing tv-shows for example. [ ] Cross-posted articles If I read article x in group y and it was xposted to group z, then ant tit to be marked read when I enter group z. I know this requires database-synching of the different groups which, probably, is a PITA, but it's really neat. Maybe one could do this through a filter? mark read if article was already read in other group or something? [ ] "Dan Stromberg" Is there a way of piping an article through a filter? trn does this with the "|" command - I've found it really useful. Even better than that would be if there were a way of configuring pan so you have a configurable button you can click that you've preassociated a command with, that'll do the pipe without having to type the command each time. I'm particularly interested in this so that I can pipe the ascii diagrams in to a filter that makes the diagrams more presentable. But this could also be helpful with unsharing source code and such too. [ ] Convenient jumping from one newsgroup to another from a post's newsgroups header (ie, viewing a crossposted message thread in all it's newsgroups) [ ] In composer: add "Save as Draft" and "Delete" [ ] some way to do one-shot tasks without waiting a turn in the queue. [ ] Nicer handling of message headers (ie, a list of commonly-used headers) [ ] a case-sensitivity toggle for rule criteria? [ ] replace ^I with spaces when posting a message to skip tab damage [ ] tree view for groups? [ ] the subject Find: filter doesn't find new subjects nested in a thread [ ] I'd like to select the whole text of the message (like ctrl-a in (Francesco) [ ] For the newsgroup list pane, I find it irritating to have to set the properties for each of the groups I subscribe, I rather liked Agent's way of setting default properties for all of the subscribed newsgroups, and being able to 'adjust' using the property for a particular newsgroup to override the default properties. [ ] Andreas Scherbaum And another thing, more a feature request: is it possible to get a window to fetch a single message from server with a given message-id? Most references to other articles coming this way so it would be nice to give pan the message id and it will fetch the message from the news server and display it. [ ] Japie a wish for Pan, wich is already more than complete. -showing emoticons as images. (like mozilla does) [ ] Jan Schaumann do we want Pan to support "posted-and-mailed" - ? [ ] Jan Schaumann do we want Pan to support "mail-copies-to" - ? [ ] Jan Schaumann do we want pan to support spoilers - ? [ ] Jim Henderson Date/time is an option I like to have available, though, since I use Netscape to read the same groups at work and know what time I'm caught up through on the two servers I use most... (Analysis: plugging in date/time into a rule and saving the rule to have to apply it would be annoying; better to have the 'apply' button let the user fill in fields somehow) [ ] Jason Baietto I absolutely love pan, but I have a minor feature request. Can you add resettable per-server download counters so that I can keep track of how many megabytes I've downloaded from a given server? Pan makes it so easy to download stuff that I've exceeded my nntp provider's limits twice now. Thanks in advance and thanks for a terrific product. [ ] Matthew Lenz i dunno how newshark does this, but it associates a 'life' percentage to articles and gives you an idea as to how much longer a specific article (or binary post cluster) will be around before being dropped from the server. It also lets you sort by this percentage in the download pane. (so you can be sure to download the oldest article first) [ ] Matthew Lenz preview a binary attachment. (for example only download and decode the first N number of parts and then launch in associated viewer.) [ ] python/perl hooks [ ] It can open all kinds of links without forcing netscape on me [ ] virtual folders - one for programming, one for gardening [ ] x-face support? [ ] Add support for SSL. has patches for SLL support in Lynx, which points the way pretty nicely. (Note to users: I need an account on an SSL news server; please mail if you can provide one for testing.) [ ] Jan Schaumann Shortcut to edit a message in pan.sendlater, possibly 'e' (Analysis: just make it more prominent in the menus) [ ] specify which server to send posts through, rather than always using current server [ ] search headers from multiple groups [ ] delete old articles as a group grows to larger than N articles [ ] pan-users: single-click to open all threads (>2x) [ ] pan-users: extern app to pass messages through before they're posted. [ ] prefs option to check server for new messages when you load a group [ ] log viewer improvements: coloring based on priority, error, etc [ ] per-group configuration options: logging [ ] group-centric design? [ ] "Michael J. Venables" a leech function (like NewsBot ( for viewing, filtering and grabbing all binaries (independent of the news thread viewer itself)