# Configuration options for translating the p2c examples. Language HP # All programs are in HP Pascal dialect VarFiles 0 # This helps basic.p's listtokens procedure work UseEnum 0 # Not necessary except to keep Sun's pitpicking # compiler happy. # These kludges will get basic.c to compile without extra runtime support: # External procedures: FuncMacro hpm_new(p,n) = (*p = Malloc(n)) FuncMacro hpm_dispose(p,n) = Free(*p) #FuncMacro hpm_new(p,n) = (*p = new char[n]) #FuncMacro hpm_dispose(p,n) = (delete [] *p) FuncMacro misc_getioerrmsg(s,io) = sprintf(s, "I/O Error %d", (int)io) FuncMacro misc_printerror(er,io) = printf("Error %d/%d!\n", (int)er, (int)io) FuncMacro gotoxy(a,b) = (a,b) # Functions imported from asm: FuncMacro asm_iand(a,b) = (a & b) FuncMacro asm_ior(a,b) = (a | b) # Functions in basic.p; may as well do these, too: FuncMacro ixor(a,b) = (a ^ b) FuncMacro inot(a) = (~a)