Read INSTALLATION for instructions on configuring/compiling/installing nn. Major differences from nn-6.6.5: The name length displayed is now based upon the width of the screen. nn will now correctly parse From: lines that contain () For example: From: "Jesse James (home)" used to display as "home", the new behavior will display it as "Jesse James". However, this may affect killfiles that depend upon the old behavior. To use the old behavior, set the new run-time variable 'old-packname' to true. Header check macro is now case insensitive for both news and folders. Added GPG support, which comes with a new run-time variable 'sign-type', and a compile-time variable SIGN_TYPE to set the default to either pgp or gpg. nn will now look in /etc/resolv.conf for a domain if DOMAIN isn't defined and hostname isn't a FQDN. new command ":show config" will show the compile-time definitions. nntp-user and nntp-password are now be settable in the init file. Note that this may have serious security ramifications if the nntp-password and the users password are identical. DISTRIBUTION: The current version of nn is available via anonymous ftp from BUG REPORTS and SUGGESTIONS: Please send bug reports (and fixes) to the following address: You may also use nn-bugs for suggestions for improvements. The easiest way to send a bug report is by using the :bug command in nn. NN HAS ITS OWN NEWS GROUP: There is an unmoderated news group dedicated to nn: The group is used for discussion on all subjects related to the nn news reader. This includes, but is not limited to, questions, answers, ideas, hints, information from the developer, patches, etc.