Newspost 2.1.1 INSTALLATION Just type 'make' then 'make install' to install to /usr/local. If you want it installed to a different directory, type 'make install PREFIX=/yourdir'. You can also specify BINDIR and MANDIR separately. The generic Makefile should work on most systems. However, if you are running Solaris you should type 'make solaris', and users of QNX should type 'make qnx'. The Makefile uses gcc by default, so you should edit the first 2 lines of the Makefile if you are using another compiler. Also see base/newspost.h for some compile-time options. USAGE See the man page for detailed information and examples. For a quick start, type "newspost -h" to see available options. NOTE Newspost automatically appends the name of the binary attachment you are posting and which part of that file your are posting. For example, if you use the commandline $ newspost -s "This is my favorite album" *.mp3 The subject lines posted would be: This is my favorite album - Track01.mp3 (1/2) This is my favorite album - Track01.mp3 (2/2) This is my favorite album - Track02.mp3 (01/17) This is my favorite album - Track02.mp3 (02/17) This is my favorite album - Track02.mp3 (03/17) etc... Nothing is appended to the subject line when the -t option is used. See the EXAMPLES section of the manpage for more information. FEEDBACK Feedback is welcome, but patches are more welcome, as well as makefiles for different OSes. Please report any bugs you find. Jim Faulkner