Begin3 Title: NETWATCH Version: 1.0a Entered-date: 28MAR2001 Description: - Views the ETHERNET & PPP for hosts/packet counts/ protocols and displays in NCURSES format with COLOUR indicating hosts activity (RED current/ Yellow > 1min / Green >5min Blue >30min ) - Provides an ETHERNET/PPP "top" program for isolating high bandwidth hosts - Allows selection of individual hosts (Remote or Local) and monitors the transmissions - Provides Router statistics using the passive monitoring (rather than querying the router box itself) - Code loosely based on Statnet2.1, but presentation and direction is significantly different. Thanks to Jeroen Baekelandt and Scot Wilcoxon for Statnet2.1. Keywords: net monitor load ethernet ppp sniffer Author: ( Gordon MacKay ) Maintained-by: ( Gordon MacKay ) Primary-site: /pub Alternate-site: /pub/Linux/system/network/monitor 116k netwatch-1.0a.src.tgz 280k netwatch-1.0a.bin.tgz Platforms: Linux Copying-policy: GPL End