Compilation ----------- To compile mtools on Unix, first type ./configure, then make. To compile mtools on a Bebox, refer to README.BEBOX. Doc --- The most uptodate doc of this package is the texinfo doc. Type 'make info' to get online info doc, and 'make dvi ; dvips mtools.dvi' to get a printed copy. The info doc has a concept index. Make use of it. You may get an info copy using the following command 'make info'. This can then be viewed using emacs' info mode, or using a standalone info viewer. Man pages are still present, but contain less information, and are less uptodate than the texinfo documentation. If you do not have the necessary tools to view the texinfo doc, you may also find it on the Workd Wide Web at the following locations: Compiler -------- Mtools should be compiled with an Ansi compiler, preferably gcc Authors ------- Original code (versions through 2.0.7?) by Emmet P. Gray (Texas, USA), who no longer appears to be reachable by Internet e-mail. Viktor Dukhovni (at Princeton, USA) had major input into v2.0. Since 2.0.7: maintained primarily and until now informally by Alain Knaff (Luxembourg) and David Niemi (Reston, Virginia, USA). Please report bugs to the mtools mailing list at Before reporting any problems, check whether they have already been fixed in the Alpha patches at and You may subscribe to the mtools mailing list by sending a message containing 'subscribe mtools' in its body to Current Status -------------- Stable release 3.3.