_ _ _ __ ___ ___ __| | ___ ___| | mod_ssl | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ / _` | / __/ __| | Apache Interface to OpenSSL | | | | | | (_) | (_| | \__ \__ \ | www.modssl.org |_| |_| |_|\___/ \__,_|___|___/___/_| ftp.modssl.org |_____| _____________________________________________________________________________ ``Programming is like sex - one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life.'' -- Unknown SUPPORT Mailing List ____________ There is an official support mailing list for mod_ssl users: modssl-users@modssl.org Here you can reach the mod_ssl author Ralf S. Engelschall and people who use mod_ssl and which can help you in case of problems. Use this forum to spread your mod_ssl related ideas and suggestion, too. Feel free to ask anything mod_ssl-related you want. As of June 2000 there were around 1000 people subscribed to to this list. There is a companion mailing list modssl-announce@modssl.org to which release announcements are crossposted. So when you're only interested in information about new mod_ssl releases you can alternatively subscribe to this list. No discussions take place there, of course. Mailing List Subscription _________________________ To subscribe to this Majordomo-controlled mailing list, just send an E-mail to majordomo@modssl.org (*NOT* to modssl-users@modssl.org !!) with only subscribe modssl-users @ in the _body_ (leave the subject empty). DO NOT SEND @ LITERALLY. INSTEAD REPLACE IT WITH YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS. After sending this, Majordomo will respond with an authority challenge which has to send back again for security reasons (to avoid that others subscribe you without your ok). Now you are successfully subscribed to this list. Mailing List Participation __________________________ BE CAREFUL people about U.S. export laws when you're located physically inside the United States and participate on this list (because this list is located _OUTSIDE_ the United States). The U.S. export laws also apply to "technical assistance", which can include any type of technical conversation. It's OK to talk about feature sets and capabilities, but to talk about program structures or API's or send code snippets back and forth opens up serious legal threats to any contributor which stays in the United States. So, feel free to give feedback about features, configuration, etc. but pay close attention to U.S. export laws when you post mod_ssl internals to this list. The general disclaimer follows and should be always remembered by subscribers of this list which stay _inside_ the United States: Please REMEMBER that export/import and/or use of cryptography software or even just providing cryptography hooks is illegal in some parts of the world. When you re-distribute this package or even email patches/suggestions to the authors or other people PLEASE PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO ANY APPLICABLE EXPORT/IMPORT LAWS. The author of mod_ssl is not liable for any violations you make here. So be carefully yourself.