man was written by John Eaton ( He does not maintain man anymore - please do not bother him with remarks about the current version, which is rather different from the original one. man-1.2 was released by Zeyd M. Ben-Halim ( man-1.3, man-1.4* and man-1.5* were released by Andries Brouwer ( In man-1.5 Richard Verhoeven's man2html was added, together with some scripts by Michael Hamilton. This html stuff is still alpha (but it works - no negative reports so far). man-1.6 and versions following were released by Federico Lucifredi ( In man-1.6 Eric S. Raymond's browser-handoff functionality was added, with future minor versions planned to cleanup internationalization and cross platform support (Cygwin, solaris, and perhaps Win32). The current maintainer is Federico Lucifredi ( The current version can usually be found at a backup distribution site is located at releases are also posted to the Metalab site regularly. Feedback from distribution packagers is very appreciated. There is a very different man program, also derived from John Eaton's original version (by Graeme W. Wilford) distributed under the name man_db, with version numbers like man_db-2.3.10. Do not confuse the two, they are mutually incompatible, although they perform nearly the same job.