[12.1] released 6/15/06 * The base64 encoder also used an invalid encoding for the last unit of data if (bytes_of_input % 3 == 1). As with the previous similar bug, most base64 decoders, including mailx's own, ignore such bits since base64 data is always a multiple of 8-bit bytes. (Patch by Lukasz Stelmach.) * Quotes are now placed around the "protocol" parameter in S/MIME headers in accordance to RFC 2045 (Marco Arioli, Jeffrey Stedfast). * The conversion of messages in state-dependent encodings has been fixed; garbage characters could be inserted because the state was not properly reset when a buffer was enlarged (patch by Matthew Fischer). * A warning about an initalization of an unsigned value to -1 has been eliminated (patch by Matthew Sienkiewicz). * Percent characters in the "prompt" variable are now handled correctly; values of "folder" beginning with an at character and longer than the maximum system path length do not cause a heap overflow anymore (patch by Ulf Harnhammar). [12.0] released 3/4/06 * The program has been integrated into the Heirloom project as "mailx". The new project homepage is at . The name "nail" will persist in some places, and the mailing list will remain with the same address for now. If you want to continue to call the program as "nail", create a symbolic link to "mailx". * Mailx no longer prints a space before the address in "MAIL FROM:" and "RCPT TO:" in SMTP. This should make it work with Sendmail X (bugs reported by Stephane Lentz and Claus Assmann). * The new "-S variable[=value]" command line option sets the internal option "variable", and, in case of a string option, assigns "value" to it (based on a request by Dmitry Butskoy). * If the "smtp-auth-user" variable is set but neither "smtp-auth-password" nor a matching "smtp-auth-password-user@host" can be found, the user is asked for the SMTP AUTH password on the terminal (proposed by Svend Sorensen). * When a TERM signal is sent to the SMTP transfer child process, it will abort and save the message to the "dead.letter" file (proposed by Perry Hutchison). * Use of the "resend" command with multiple messages at once now works as documented (bug reported by Svend Sorensen). * When the "next" or newline command is typed as the first command after a folder has been opened, the first (new) message is printed even if a folder hook has been executed previously (bugreport by Stephen Isard). * In combination with OpenSSL, when a SIGPIPE was received on an SSL socket during a call to SSL_read() e.g. because an IMAP connection had timed out, a segmentation fault occurred because OpenSSL apparently cannot handle calls to SSL_shutdown() from the signal handler. This has been fixed (bug reported by Svend Sorensen). * Building without socket support works again (Patch by Fernando J. Pereda). [11.25] released 7/29/05 * The base64 encoder used an invalid encoding for the last unit of data if (bytes_of_input % 3 == 2); it wrote two encoded bits beyond the last byte then. Most base64 decoders, including nail's own, ignore such bits since base64 data is always a multiple of 8-bit bytes. This might explain why no harm caused by this error has been found for years. (Bug reported by Lukasz Iwaszkiewicz). * When a completely cached IMAP message was copied on a server supporting the UIDPLUS IMAP extension and the message had not been printed during the current session yet, the cached entry for the target message contained the message body twice. This bug has been fixed, but cached messages written by previous nail versions may still suffer from this error. To get rid of them, delete them from the IMAP cache directory. The file README in that directory explains its structure. * When sending messages, input data that lacks a terminating newline is now always encoded in quoted-printable. * Wildcard host names in certificates according to RFC 2595 are now accepted (Bug reported by Svend Sorensen). * The new "maximum-unencoded-line-length" variable allows to configure the limit on the line length that causes an ASCII text message to be sent in quoted-printable if exceeded (on request by Greg Cox). * Since RFC 2595 allows wildcards at other places than RFC 2818 which is implemented by Mozilla NSS, host name verification is now done separately. * The "sort xyz" commands now uncollapse all threads of a previously threaded folder view; messages in collapsed threads were previously not shown when the folder was sorted. * The junk mail filter now also ignores the "X-pstn" header fields generated by "postini" filtering software. [11.24] released 7/14/05 * When the 'replyto' variable was set, sending a message resulted in a segmentation fault due to a NULL pointer dereference (Bug reported by Nick Pasich). * An 'imap-list-depth' variable was introduced to control the maximum depth of the folder traversal for the 'folders' command if the folder separator on the IMAP server is not the slash '/'. * If standard output is not a terminal device, the output of the 'folders' command applied to an IMAP account is no longer arranged into columns. * The new '-R' option causes all folders to be opened read-only. * When the From address was changed with '~H', the value obtained from the 'from' variable was still used for the SMTP transfer, for generating the Message-Id, and for S/MIME signing. This has been fixed; the changed address is now used throughout. * When reading header fields from a terminal, the input buffer could overflow by one byte (Patch by Ulf Harnhammar). * Only applicable if Mozilla NSS is used for SSL support: If the certificate of the server contains a dNSName, NSS ignores the CN. Thus if the CN contains a name that does not also appear as one of the dNSNames, the certificate is rejected. This case is now verified separately in nail, and the certificate is accepted if the CN matches the host name of the server. [11.23] released 6/28/05 * The output for the '~p' tilde escape was extended to include the fields implied by the 'from', 'replyto', 'sender', and 'ORGANIZATION' variables (Proposed by Bob Tennent). * The 'autocc' and 'autobcc' variables are now evaluated before composition of a message begins. The resulting addresses can thus be edited and viewed using the '~b', '~c', '~h', and '~p' tilde escapes, but changing the values of the 'autocc' and 'autobcc' variables using '~:set' has no effect on the currently composed message anymore. * The values of the 'from' and 'replyto' variables can now contain multiple addresses. * A 'sender' variable was introduced to set the content of the 'Sender:' field for outgoing messages. * A '~H' tilde escape was introduced. It allows to set message-specific values for the 'From', 'Reply-To', 'Sender', and 'Organization' header fields. These fields are now also accepted in the editor output with the 'editheaders' variable. * The '-r' option now actually disables tilde escapes as documented (Bugreport by Bob Tennent). * The INSTALL file now notes that sendmail must support the '-r' option if the '-r' option of nail is used (Issue reported by Attila Zimler and Allan Peda). * The 'move' command does not anymore mark messages as moved if writing to an IMAP folder fails. * The 'undelete' command now also clears the 'saved' flags of messages that have been moved. * Fixed a crash due to a null pointer dereference that occurred when both control and non-ASCII bytes but no NUL bytes were present in a message body and no content type was defined in a mime.types file. * The ~F and ~M tilde escapes did not work for interpolating messages with binary attachments anymore since version 11.13 (Bugreport by Tivon Luker). * The current message is now shown in the header summary even if it has been killed. * The 'kill' command did not operate correctly on 64-bit big-endian machines. * A notification is now printed when text is saved to dead.letter. * Changing %{prefix} in nail.spec works now for the RPM %install and %files step too (Patch by Allan Peda). [11.22] released 3/20/05 * In threaded mode, the thread structure is now shown using line-drawing characters in the header summary. (This looks best on a UTF-8 terminal.) * If a message contains both a 'References' and an 'In-Reply-To' header field, 'In-Reply-To' is now preferred for threading and the ',' address. * When a message part of content-type text/anything is written with the pipe-type/subtype mechanism, it is now converted to the character encoding of the locale (as it was before 11.14 or so). * When using a hostname with a port number attached with SMTP STARTTLS, strip the port number for correct host name verification (Bugreport by Gary E. Rafe). [11.21] released 2/19/05 * When mail is sent using SMTP, 'Bcc:' fields are not passed to the server anymore (Bugreport by Matthew Fischer.) * When replying to a message part for which a 'pipe-type/subtype' variable was set, quotes were inserted in the text sent to the pipe instead of in the output received from it (since v. 11.14 or so). * A message that is already marked as answered is not marked again if it is replied to and the 'markanswered' variable is set. * Nail no longer generates an error if renaming a message in a maildir folder fails because both the old and the new link have the same name (i.e. if the rename operation was superfluous). * The new 'sendcharsets' variable was incorrectly named 'charsets' in nail.rc in the last version. If nail 11.20 was the first version of nail you ever installed, you should correct this by hand since the file is not overwritten by 'make install'. (Bugreport by Matthew Fischer.) * Mozilla NSS error reports are more detailed now. * For the 'touch', 'mbox', 'unread', and 'new' commands, a following 'next' command will advance to the next message as if the current one had been printed, as it has been the case with traditional mailx (Bugreport by Michael Sipser). * Files in maildir folders are now read in the order obtained from readdir(). * When the variables 'sign' or 'Sign' are set to the empty string, they are treated as if they had been unset for the '~a' or '~A' commands. [11.20] released 1/13/05 * A 'forward-as-attachment' variable has been introduced. If it is set, the 'forward' command uses a MIME 'message/rfc822' attachment for the original message instead of including it in the newly created text. * The character set to be used for outgoing messages can now be specified with the 'sendcharsets' variable. It can contain multiple values, with the first appropriate one being used to send the message. The 'charset' variable is still accepted but has been removed from the documentation. * If 'sendcharsets' contains more than one character set name, the '~@' tilde escape now asks about character sets for individual attachments if it is invoked without arguments. * If neither the 'sendcharsets' nor the 'charset' variable is set, the character set for outgoing messages that contain non-ASCII characters is now 'utf-8' instead of 'iso-8859-1'. * When the 'encoding' variable was set to '8bit' and a message contained characters that were not representable in the outgoing character set in its body but not in its header, the characters were replaced by question marks and the message was sent, instead of being rejected (Bugreport by Suresh Ramasubramanian). * When sending messages in 8bit, conversions from a multibyte terminal character set failed because multibyte input characters where split across two conversion buffers if they spanned across buffer boundaries. * A 'reply-in-same-charset' variable has been introduced. If it is set, nail tries to reply in the character set of the original message first. * When the header of an outgoing message contained a non-ASCII character but the body did not, the name of the international character set was used for declaring the content-type of the body too. Us-ascii is now used for the body in such cases. * When the 'fullnames' variable was set and the full name of a recipient was the only string in both header and body of an outgoing message that contained non-ASCII characters, no conversion between terminal character set and outgoing character set was performed for it. * For files that contain ASCII control characters but no NULs, a 'charset' parameter was erroneusly generated even though these are not 'text/plain' according to MIME. * Resolved a symbol conflict with SVR4 systems like Solaris that lead to failed builds because of a redeclaration of 'enum idtype'. * When announcing messages after a folder open or a 'newmail' command, a deleted message can no longer become the current message unless all the messages have been deleted. This applies to message deleted by the 'folder-hook' mechanism in particular. [11.19] released 1/2/05 * A 'chained-junk-tokens' variable was introduced for the Bayesian junk mail filter. If set, the filter considers two-word tokens as described in Jonathan A. Zdziarski's paper 'Advanced Language Classification using Chained Tokens', . * When running in a UTF-8 locale, unprintable characters are now replaced by Unicode control pictures or the Unicode replacement character when printing to a terminal. * The 'show' command now also avoids writing unprintable characters to a terminal. Same for the 'classify' command with the 'verbose' option set. * Only MIME-encode words in header fields if they start with '=?' or end with '?=' (instead of encoding any words containing '?', '=', or '_'), and declare them as 'us-ascii' if they do not contain any bytes with the highest bit set (Bugreport by Suresh Ramasubramanian). * Fixed a junk mail tokenizer bug which caused the remainder of a message to be ignored if a period occurred at the first position following another token boundary. * 'In-Reply-To' fields that refer to multiple message-IDs are now handled; the first matching ID wins for the 'thread' command, and the ',' address selects all referenced messages. [11.18] released 12/9/04 * When the 'write' command asks for an attachment filename and a '|' is given as the first character, the attachment is piped to the rest of the string interpreted as a shell command (contributed by Stephen Isard). * The ~p escape now includes recipients that are local files in its output (Bugreport by Bob Tennent). * The 'ungood' and 'unjunk' commands put the wrong marking on the messages they were applied too (regardless of the database update they performed). 'Ungood' now marks a message as being junk, and 'unjunk' clears the junk mark. * A 'record-resent' variable has been introduced. If it is set, the 'resend' and 'Resend' commands save messages to the 'record' folder. (Proposed by Bob Tennent.) * 'redirect' and 'Redirect' are available as aliases for 'resend' and 'Resend', respectively (proposed by Bob Tennent). * A 'forward' command has been introduced that behaves more like the forwarding mechanisms of other contemporary mail user agents. Along with it, there are 'fwdignore', 'fwdretain', 'unfwdignore', and 'unfwdretain' commands, and a 'fwdheading' variable. The 'forward' command is probably only useful with a 'fwdretain' command executed before. Such a command is executed by default in /etc/nail.rc for new installations; for other sites, it is recommended that it be added manually. * Characters with width 0 (e.g. Unicode combining characters) are now handled correctly in header summaries. * When a message in a multibyte character set like UTF-8 that was encoded as quoted-printable was printed and a multibyte character was separated by a '=' continued line, it was not decoded correctly since release 11.14. [11.17] released 11/18/04 * When the 'write' command was used to save attachments in releases after 11.14, the output file was not properly closed. Since writes to that file are buffered, data was only completely written when nail was quit. [11.16] released 11/18/04 * When a header field line that started and ended with a MIME encoded word followed a line that ended with a MIME encoded word, the newline character preceding the next header field was erroneously omitted when a message was displayed since version 11.14. * If a header fields contains a MIME encoded word and a large string of ASCII characters at another point, the large string is encoded as multiple encoded words to comply to RFC 2047. * The pipe-type/subtype mechanism did not work for MIME contents other than text/anything since release 11.14 (Bugreport by Bob Tennent). * When S/MIME support was built using Mozilla NSS, the verification of an encrypted message that had not yet been downloaded from an IMAP or POP3 server failed at the first attempt. * Previous versions refused to write messages or attachments to /dev/null on some Solaris versions. * If the 'from' variable is set to an address that does not contain an '@' character, no (syntactically incorrect) Message-ID is generated anymore. [11.15] released 11/10/04 * The compilation process was fixed to work without CPPFLAGS=-D_GNU_SOURCE on Linux/glibc again, although mremap() is not available then. It is therefore recommended to use CPPFLAGS=-D_GNU_SOURCE with Linux/glibc. (Bugreports by Stephen Isard, Laurens Blankers, Bob Tennent.) * The handling of interrupts during IMAP and POP3 operations has been revised as discussed on the mailing list. See the NOTES section in the manual page for a description. * When an editor is invoked using ~e, ~v, 'edit', or 'visual', interrupts are no longer ignored in its process. With most editor implementations, this does not make any difference since they enable interrupts themselves again; however, traditional implementations of 'ed' do not. * The 'forward' command has been renamed to 'resend' for alignment with the terminology of RFC 2822; it is still available under its old name for at least a transition period. Also, 'Resent-From:' and related fields are now prepended to older fields as specified. * A 'seen' command has been introduced; it takes a message list and marks the messages as having been read. * The semantics of the 'unjunk' command have been changed; it is now exactly the opposite of the 'junk' command and undoes its effects. An 'ungood' command has also been introduced to do the same for a previous 'good' command. * Since many versions of Linux do not correctly update the modification time of a file with mmap(), utime() is now called to force an update when the junk mail database is changed. * A mbox-style "From " line is now generated when a "message/rfc822" MIME part is printed. * The 'multipart/digest' MIME content type is now properly handled. * When a malformed MIME multipart message is encountered that contains the boundary string on two immediately following lines, the second line is no longer treated as the begin of a new part. * The makeconfig script and the installation instructions now include support for building nail with Mozilla NSS on Solaris. * Building IMAP GSSAPI authentication with Heimdal Kerberos libraries works again. [11.14] released 11/4/04 * A 'Z' command was introduced. It is similar to the 'z' command, but scrolls only to header groups that contain at least one new or flagged message. This is useful for reading large mailing lists. * The attachment decoding functions have been rewritten. As a result, nail is now able to decrypt and display encrypted parts of multipart messages. * For MIME messages of type 'multipart/alternative', only the text/plain part is displayed now if one is present with the 'print'-like commands. The 'print-alternatives' variable can be set to print all parts, as it was done previously. The 'Print'-like commands always print all parts. * The ~F and ~M escapes now cause all parts of MIME multipart messages to be included in the message being composed. * A 'show' command was introduced to make the raw MIME-encoded message text visible. * Modifications to messages made using the 'edit' and 'visual' commands do no longer cause changes to the current folder. This is the behavior demanded by POSIX.1-2004. MIME decoding and decryption are now performed before each message is passed to the editor. If you prefer the old behavior, set the new 'writebackedited' variable. * When large amounts of messages were deleted on an IMAP server (or many other STORE commands were generated e.g. because many messages were marked as read), nail sent all of these commands asynchronously. This did slow down operation with some servers and eventually lead to a deadlock after some thousand commands were sent. Nail now waits for server responses in defined intervals. (Bugreport by Stephen Isard.) * The handling of read-only compressed mbox format folders was fixed. * In version 11.12, fcntl() read locking was erroneously introduced for files other than system mailboxes too. It is now disabled for such files again. * If the junk mail database is stored in uncompressed format, mmap() is now used to access it if possible. * Recipients that are file names are now removed from the Cc: and Bcc: fields of outgoing mail too, as it was already done for To:. * If S/MIME support was built using OpenSSL and an encrypted message was tried to be decrypted without an appropriate private key, nail dumped core due to a NULL pointer dereference. It now fails sanely. [11.13] released 10/27/04 * Backslashes outside a quoted command argument are now handled properly. * For junk mail detection, the characters '_', '#', '&', and '%' are now considered as word constituents. Also the '/' character is kept if it occurs between digits, and the ';' character if a '&' was previously encountered within the same word. * For junk mail detection, fields of MIME part headers are now handled like fields of the main header. * For junk mail detection, most HTML tags are now ignored, similar to the proposal in Paul Graham's 'Better Bayesian Filtering'. Also, the top and bottom probabilities are now adjusted to the number of messages used for building the database. * When the junk mail database is updated, it is now truncated beyond the last byte just written. Previously, stale data could have remained after this point, which was no problem for nail itself, but could make zcat(1) fail on the file. * In the junk mail database, hashes of 56 bits are now used to represent words. A side-effect is that it is possible to test for occurences of given words with a higher certainty. * To take advantage of the changes to the junk mail recognition method, you have to delete your junk mail database and have to create it again. * The new 'probability' command prints the junk statistics for given words. * The 'answered', 'classify, 'draft', 'flag', 'good', 'junk', 'undraft', 'unflag', and 'unkill' command now make their argument the current message. This is now also done by the 'score' command unless the new score of the message is negative. * Very old versions of OpenSSL are now detected by the configuration script. OpenSSL code will not be included if the version is too old (Bugreport by Thomas Voegtle). [11.12] released 10/21/04 * Blank characters between MIME encoded words in header fields are now discarded for display purposes as demanded by RFC 2047. * Unless the 'fullnames' variable was set, nail did not generate 'To' header fields when replying to messages since version 11.5 (Bugreport by Bob Tennent). * An internal problem in the token scanning for junk mail detection has been fixed; the end of the mail header was not always correctly determined. * Special characters in IMAP or POP3 account strings like 'imap://user@host' can now be escaped using URL notation, e.g. 'foo%2Fbar' for 'foo/bar'. It was previously not possible to use these characters. This is a slightly incompatible change as the '%' character must now also be escaped, as '%25'. (Bugreport by Thomas Wolff.) * The system mailbox is now locked using fcntl(2) for reading too (Problem reported by Thomas Wolff). * When new mail arrives in an IMAP mailbox, the current message is now properly advanced by the 'next' command if it has been printed before. * If neither the host name nor the user's email address can be determined, no Message-ID fields are generated. * The empty string is now accepted as a message subject for sending. [11.11] released 10/13/04 * When sending messages that contain ASCII control characters but neither NULs nor non-ASCII characters, the quoted-printable MIME encoding is now used instead of 7bit. * A dangling pointer after a memory reallocation could result in a coredump when the junk mail database was updated by a 'good' or a 'junk' command. * The code for accessing the junk mail database has been made more machine- independent. It will not make a difference on most of the platforms on which nail runs. If your compiler does insert padding into C structs that contain only members of type char, you will have to create the junk mail database from scratch again, though. [11.10] released 10/3/04 * The creation of quoted-printable encoded MIME data was broken in 11.9. * Junk mail filter improvement: Do not ignore single-letter words; extract hostnames from URLs and store them separately. [11.9] released 10/2/04 * A Bayesian junk mail filter has been added. See the 'EXAMPLES' section of the manual page for an introduction. * Fixed an IMAP response parsing bug which caused nail to hang on messages that contained no text with many IMAP servers. * Empty lines within the command lists for account or macro definitions are now ignored. * An attempt to define a macro twice is now properly detected and results in an error message. * Nail was reported to hang sporadically when sending multipart messages on HP-UX. A possible reason for such problems on systems without /dev/urandom has been eliminated (Bugreport by Patrick Briggs). * Fixed a small internal stack buffer overflow that occured regardless of input data and lead to segmentation faults on some platforms when the header summary was printed, depending on the stack layout. * Nail now builds without socket (networking) support again. * Function declarations and definitions have been converted to ANSI C. This should cause no problems since the code used ANSI C features anyway before. [11.8] released 9/23/04 * Support for S/MIME has been added. Introductory documentation is available in the 'EXAMPLES' section of the manual page. * It is now possible to use Mozilla NSS instead of OpenSSL for both S/MIME and SSL/TLS. This makes it possible to use Mozilla to manage the certificate databases. See the INSTALL file for futher details. Note to redistributors: The new file nss.c is governed by the Mozilla Public License (MPL), so make sure that you comply to it (or delete that file and do not use NSS). * Certificate revocation lists (CRLs) can now be used with S/MIME and SSL/TLS in combination with OpenSSL (for NSS, no special support is necessary). * New 'remove' and 'rename' commands for mailboxes are available. * Variable names that contain an '@' are now converted to all-lowercase internally. Thus in variable names like disconnected-user@host, imap-auth-user@host, password-user@host, smtp-auth-user@host, the case of the user@host part does not matter anymore. [11.7] released 9/16/04 * A collapsed view of message threads was introduced. See the 'collapse' and 'uncollapse' commands, and the 'autocollapse' variable. * The 'z' command now always shifts the header summary by a full screen of messages and is not disturbed by deleted, hidden, or killed messages anymore. * When an 'account' command was executed and messages were sent to mbox when the old mailbox was quit, the mbox on the new account was used. Messages from the old mailbox now go to the mbox on the old account. * Nail did not properly keep the mark for the current message if messages were expunged on an IMAP server. * The 'move'/'Move' command now sets the current message to the first undeleted message following the last message it moved, like the 'delete' command. * The 'markanswered' variable has been fixed to be effective with the 'Reply' command too, and not to mark messages if the reply has been aborted by '~q' or '~x' or if a send error was detected. * If the initial connection setup to an IMAP server is interrupted or if authentication fails, folder hooks are no longer executed. * If the 'inc'/'newmail' commands were executed on an IMAP connection that was already closed by the server, nail did not catch SIGPIPE properly and was terminated. * IMAP or POP3 servers that erroneously send a Unix 'From ' line at the beginning of message headers are now handled gracefully. [11.6] released 9/7/04 * An IMAP performance improvement introduced in release 11.5 lead to an inconsistency in the internal states if a command like 'copy' was followed by another command that fetched a message text from the server. Due to an error in the IMAP response parser, this sometimes resulted in core dumps. * Support for the 'maildir' folder format was added. * The 'account' command was changed; its syntax and semantics are similar to the 'define' command now. This change is downwards compatible, and old 'account' definitions are still accepted. * If the account listing generated by the 'account' commands without an argument exceeds the screen height, the pager is invoked now. * It is not an error to 'unset' an undefined variable from within a 'call' command or folder hook now. * A 'defines' command was added to print the currently defined macros. * The header summary that is printed when new mail arrives erroneously included killed messages. * When a message in a multibyte character set like UTF-8 that was encoded as quoted-printable was printed and a multibyte character was separated by a '=' continued line, it was not decoded correctly. * The '&' addressing mode is now recognized in non-threaded mode too, although it has no special effect then. * When the 'thread', 'sort', 'unthread', or 'unsort' commands are called from within a folder hook, they do not print a header summary anymore. Also, the first new message is made the current message correctly now in this situation. [11.5] released 9/5/04 *************************************************************************** * A mailing list has been created to discuss future nail developments and * * problem reports. If you like to participate, you can subscribe at * * . Regardless * * of your subscriber state, bug reports etc. should be sent to the list * * address from now on. * *************************************************************************** * A new message addressing mode '(criteria)' is now available. It uses the IMAP SEARCH command if possible, and otherwise performs the equivalent actions locally. This addressing mode is of interest even for those people who do not use IMAP with nail because it adds powerful generic search methods, such as a way to search within message bodies. * The 'folders' command now really works with IMAP accounts. It also accepts an argument to list the subfolders of a specific folder. * The new 'headline' variable allows to customize the columns in the header summary. * The new 'attrlist' variable allows to customize the attributes column in the header summary. * The message flags 'Flagged' (F), 'Answered' (A), and 'Draft' (T) are now available, for IMAP mailboxes as well as for local folders. See the 'flag', 'unflag', 'answered', 'unanswered', 'draft', and 'undraft' commands and the 'markanswered' variable. * The 'kill'/'unkill'/'score' commands were added to make messages invisible on the user's wish. * It is now possible to define sequences of commands as macros, see the 'define', 'call', and 'undef' commands. Macros can also be automatically invoked when a folder is opened using the 'folder-hook' and 'folder-hook-fullname' variables. * The new 'move' and 'Move' commands mark messages for deletion when they have been successfully transferred to the target folder. * The new addressing mode '`' selects all messages that were included in the message list to the previous command. * The combination of the previous additions allows a score/filter file to be set up; this is described in the EXAMPLES section of the manual page. * New 'noop' command to send NOOP to POP3 or IMAP servers. * The IMAP UIDPLUS extension (RFC 2359) is now used if available on the server. It speeds up the IMAP cache when copying messages to IMAP folders; the message is copied directly to the cached target folder then and does not need to be downloaded again when it is accessed there. * When an IMAP SELECT command fails and a connection to a folder that is not located on the same server is made afterwards, the connection to the old server is properly terminated now. * Command lines like 'nail -A imap -f @mailbox' now work. * IMAP or POP3 user names that contain an '@' character, such as 'foo@bar' in 'imap://foo@bar@hostname', are now handled (Bugreport by Lars Kellogg-Stedman). * If the 'autoinc'/'newmail' variables are set and new mail arrives in threaded/sorted mode, no summary of old headers is printed anymore. * If new mail arrives and messages are expunged on an IMAP server at the same time, all of the new messages are now announced correctly. * The 'inc'/'newmail' commands now set the current message to the first new message again. This undoes the change made for version 11.1. * When the 'autoinc'/'newmail' variables are set and new mail arrives, the 'next' command or enter key prints the next message as usual if the current one has been printed; it printed the current message again in this situation. * IMAP performance improvement: When new mail arrives, or when messages have been expunged, metadata is fetched only for the new messages, instead of fetching it for all messages in the folder again as it was done before. * IMAP performance improvement: If the header of a message was already fetched from an IMAP server, nail now uses 'BODY.PEEK[TEXT]' when fetching the whole message and does not download it again. * IMAP performance improvement: The CLOSE command is now used instead of EXPUNGE when a mailbox is quit. * Cached IMAP performance improvement: When a mailbox is opened and messages are cached, their sizes and internal dates are taken from the cache. * The wcwidth() library function is now used to determine the width of multibyte characters if it is available. * If $MAIL does not exist and 'emptystart' is set, a proper error message is printed now, and a following 'account' command succeeds. * The SSL code compiles with older versions of OpenSSL (e.g. 0.9.6b) again (Bugreport by Lutz Horn). [11.4] released 8/29/04 * The SSL/X509 DNS name verification code was fixed; it used incorrect code from a book which sometimes caused segmentation faults (Bugreport by Lars Kellogg-Stedman). * The 'disconnect' command now accepts an optional message list specifying messages to be read into the IMAP cache before the connection is closed. * The new 'cache' command reads a list of messages into the IMAP cache. * IMAP BODY.PEEK[] is now used when fetching messages from the server, and the '\Seen' flag is set when the 'quit' command is executed. Thus an 'exit' command does not cause messages marked to be read. * The 'connect'/'online' commands now announce new messages that are found on the server. * The 'replyto' variable can now contain multiple addresses. * If the 'sort' command is used without arguments, the current sorting criterion is printed. * The 'sort', 'thread', 'unsort', and 'unthread' commands now only print a header summary if the 'header' variable is set. * The 'size' command has been fixed to print the full sizes of messages that have not yet been entirely read in IMAP and POP3 folders, instead of the sizes of the already downloaded parts. * Deleted messages remained in the cache until an IMAP folder was accessed a second time since 11.3. They are now deleted immediately when a folder is quit in online mode. * The configuration system now also checks for iconv() in libiconv if it is not found in one of the standard libraries (Matthias Andree). * Specifying LIBS on the make command line does now work with several make implementations of commercial Unices too (Bugreports by Matthias Andree, Matthew Sienkiewicz). [11.3] released 8/18/04 * When an IMAP mailbox is opened in threaded/sorted mode and new messages arrive or old ones are deleted, the internal thread structure is now properly rebuilt. The previous failure to do so made nail dump core in most cases. * The 'forward' command was fixed; it used an unitialized variable since release 11.2, possibly leading to segmentation faults (Bugreport by Bob Tennent). * The behavior of the 'autoinc'/'newmail' variables regarding IMAP folders was changed. If both variables are unset, announcements are printed only if messages have been deleted on the server. * The 'new'/'unread' commands now also work with IMAP folders. * When a message is deleted or saved in disconnected mode, its cache entry is not removed until the message is actually removed from the server in online mode. This in particular means that saved or 'mbox'ed messages are still available in IMAP inboxes in disconnected mode until they have reached their target folder in online mode. * When new messages were received in an IMAP mailbox after messages had been deleted in a previously visited IMAP mailbox, 'Expunged x messages' was erroneously printed. [11.2] released 8/15/04 * A message thread-oriented mode is now optionally available; cf. the 'thread' and 'unthread' commands, the 'autothread' variable, and addressing changes. * It is also possible to sort messages by various other criteria; cf. the 'sort' and 'unsort' commands, the 'autosort' variable, and addressing changes. * New 'fullnames' variable: When replying to a message, full names for the recipients are included if it is set, instead of using the plain email address. * New commands 'disconnect' and 'connect'/'online' to switch to disconnected IMAP mode and back while retaining the current mailbox. * IMAP GSSAPI authentication was implemented; it has been successfully compiled with MIT, Solaris, and HP-UX GSS libraries. See the 'imap-auth' and 'imap-auth-user@host' variables. * CRAM-MD5 authentication was implemented for IMAP and SMTP. See the 'imap-auth' and 'smtp-auth' variables. * POP3 APOP authentication is now supported; see 'pop3-use-apop'. * STARTTLS is now also supported for IMAP and POP3; see 'imap-use-starttls' and 'pop3-use-starttls'. * Autodetection of the terminal character set works again (did not work since 10.8). * The 'showlast' variable works again; it had no effect since version 11.0. * Made it compile using the HP-UX C compiler again (did not work since 11.0). * Standard input is now redirected to /dev/null in the child process that contacts the MTA. A result is that ssl-verify=ask has the same effect as ssl-verify=strict for SMTP servers, and does not put the terminal in an indeterminable state anymore. * The initial connection to IMAP or POP3 servers is now made before the previous mailbox (if any) is quit. Thus if a server is unreachable, nail keeps the previous mailbox open instead of getting in a mailbox-less state. * Stale cache entries for messages deleted on the server were not removed in some circumstances. * The 'inc'/'newmail' commands are now ignored in disconnected mode and no longer display errors about hidden (uncached) messages. * The cache now compiles and works on systems that lack fchdir(), such as some Cray machines (Thanks to Cray-Cyber.org). * The defaults for /etc/nail.rc have been updated. This will have no effect on existing installations unless the file is copied by hand. * Nail does not hang anymore in disconnected mode if a message addressed with ^ or $ is not cached. [11.1] released 8/8/04 * IMAP mailboxes can now be cached locally. See the string variable 'imap-cache' in the manual page. The cache can also be used for disconnected operation mode, see 'disconnected' and also the '-D' command line option. * When nail is notified by the server that messages have been expunged, the user is informed about this condition even if new messages have also arrived. * When the group of variables for an 'account' command contains a variable prefixed by 'no...' and the related variable is not set, it is not an error to unset it. * The 'headers' command has been made faster when operating on an IMAP mailbox by bundling IMAP requests. * When a 'folder' command was executed to change from an uncompressed file to a compressed one, the latter was incorrectly detected as being read-only. * Unless one of the 'autoinc' or 'newmail' variables is set, nail does not actively check for new messages in the current IMAP mailbox before each prompt. New messages may nevertheless be detected after any other IMAP command has been issued, so the effect is mostly that not every nail command causes an IMAP command to be sent. Also if 'autoinc' or 'newmail' are set to the value "noimap", they are ignored for IMAP mailboxes but still effective for local folders. * The 'inc' and 'newmail' commands now use the same method to determine the location of the current message as the 'folder' command does. That means if there has been new mail before that is still unread when newer mail arrives, the older messages are displayed first. * Nail does not generate 'Sender:' fields anymore. * If OpenSSL is not available, STARTTLS support is not built, and nail compiles again without OpenSSL. [11.0] released 7/30/04 * IMAP support has been added. It should considered to be in beta state now, but should not have any disturbing effects on other code unless it is actually used. (So the version jump does not require vendors to continue to ship older releases.) To get started with IMAP, see the manual page for the 'account', 'folder', and 'imap' commands, and for the 'folder' variable, as well as the EXAMPLES and NOTES sections. * Support for SMTP AUTH LOGIN was added (contributed by John Fawcett). * It is now possible to encrypt SMTP with SSL/TLS, using the STARTTLS method as well as with the SMTPS variant. * New 'account' command to set groups of variables. * Line and column limits (used e.g. for the header summary) are updated when the size of the terminal is changed (handling SIGWINCH). * If saving an outgoing message to the folder given in the 'record' variable fails, the message is not sent but put in 'dead.letter' instead. This rarely happens with local record folders, but is of concern if 'record' refers to an IMAP mailbox. * For addresses specified with the ~b, ~c, ~h, and ~t tilde escapes or by the 'editheaders' method, if a comma, parenthesis, angle bracket, or quoting character appears, only the comma is accepted as an address separator. Otherwise, whitespace separates addresses as elsewhere. This allows the insertion of comments in recipient addresses and more closely matches the behavior of System V mailx. (Thanks to Ryan Lovett and Hilko Bengen.) * An internal version of getopt() is now used to properly work around system defects such as the option reordering on GNU libc based systems. If you really prefer the libc version, remove getopt.o from the list of objects in the Makefile. (Note that nail already worked around the glibc problem, so unless _your_ patches changed its behavior, use the new internal getopt() to remain compatible.) * The undocumented facility to pass sendmail options on the command line of nail has been removed because it was not compatible with POSIX and System V. If you need to pass options to sendmail, create a shell script which invokes it appropriately and let the nail variable 'sendmail' point to its location. * Fixed the text of some usage messages (thanks to Christian Reiber). [10.8] released 6/28/04 * Support for IPv6 is not built by default anymore. There are just too many hosts on which it doesn't work while the IPv4 functions work fine. If you have use for IPv6 support and know that it works, enable it in the Makefile. * autoconf and automake are no longer used for building. See the file 'INSTALL' which describes the transition of existing build setups. * The --enable-all-chars configuration option is no longer available. A run-time nail option variable 'print-all-chars' has been introduced instead. * Nail can now handle folders in compressed mbox format. If a file name given on the command line or with the 'folder', 'copy', and 'save' commands ends with '.gz' or '.bz2', gzip(1) or bzip2(1) are executed when reading and writing to it. Likewise, if a folder 'name' does not exist, but either 'name.gz' or 'name.bz2' are found, the compressed folder is used. To make use of compressed folders, just compress the respective mbox format file. * If the variable SHELL is not set, the default shell is now /bin/sh instead of csh. * If the variable EDITOR is not set, the default editor is now 'ed', as specified by SUSv3. * Introduced an 'ssl-verify-user@host' variable as an account-specific variant of 'ssl-verify'. * Introduced an 'ssl-method-user@host' variable as an account-specific variant of 'ssl-method'. [10.7] released 3/19/04 * The IEEE and The Open Group have granted permission to use parts of the POSIX standard text for the documentation of 'nail'. See the file 'COPYING' for general terms. The manual page has been updated accordingly. * If the variable 'sendwait' is set and the mail transfer agent returns a non-zero exit status, the exit status of nail will also be non-zero (Christian Reiber). * For the first (textual) part of a multipart message, create a 'Content-Disposition: inline' header field to make it clear to other MUAs that this part should be displayed directly (suggested by Alexandros Gougousoudis). * Base64 encoded messages were not decoded correctly on machines where the 'char' type is unsigned by default (Fix by Benjamin C. W. Sittler, reported by Hilko Bengen). * Any address that contains a '@' character is treated as an internet mail address (even if it contains a '/' character before). * Fixed the 'autocc' and 'autobcc' variables to really accept address lists instead of single names. * If a message is sent to both addressed recipients and local folders, don't pass the file names with the SMTP client. * The ~w command appends the message text to an existing file instead of refusing to write, as POSIX.2 states (Bugreport by Bob Tennent). * Escape sequences in quoted arguments to the alias, unset, chdir, cd, source, set, group, ungroup, unalias, file, folder, if, else, endif, alternates, ignore, discard, retain, saveignore, savediscard, saveretain, unignore, unretain, unsaveignore, unsaveretain, shortcut, and unshortcut commands are no longer handled specially. This is for compatibility with System V mailx and POSIX standards. * The echo command accepts the same escape sequences as specified for echo(1) in recent Open Group standards. * Only the \t and \n sequences are handled for the ~a, ~A and ~i tilde commands and the insertion of the MAILX_HEAD and MAILX_TAIL strings (Thanks to Bob Tennent). * Solaris: When the MAILX_TAIL variable was set and a ~p command was issued before the message was sent, parts of the text were sent twice. * Introduced a 'hostname' variable to override the value obtained from uname(2) and getaddrinfo(3) (William Bader). [10.6] released 11/15/03 * A nested MIME multipart message with a sub-part piped through an external program (such as HTML with w3m) caused nail to abort after SIGPIPE if the PAGER command terminated before reading the whole message. * A 'next' command following a 'hold' command displays the next message after the one the 'hold' applies to (Bugreport by Mike Sipser). This might not be exactly what POSIX specifies, but it makes sense and is consistent with traditional behavior. If you actually favor 'next' not to advance after 'hold', contact me and I'll add a configuration option for this. * If the value of the 'record' variable started with an environment variable reference such as '$HOME' or with a tilde and the 'outfolder' variable was set, it was not expanded correctly (Bugreport by Volker Kuhlmann). [10.5] released 4/27/03 * A command line argument specifying a To-address can contain multiple recipients separated by commas (Werner Fink). * 'showname' variable (based on code contributed by Stephen Isard). * Display nonprintable characters in mail addresses as question marks. * Fixed MIME encoding of user's From address with respect to quoted characters. * 'autobcc' and 'autocc' variables. * The effects of the 'bsdcompat' variable are now individually configurable. This introduces the 'bsdflags', 'bsdheadline', 'bsdset', 'bsdannounce', 'askatend', 'bsdorder', and 'bsdmsgs' variables. * The current message pointer could be garbled when 'newmail' was set and new messages appeared (Fix by Stephen Isard). [10.4] released 1/19/03 * A missing #ifdef HAVE_ICONV caused build errors on platforms without iconv() support (J.A. Neitzel, Jens Schleusener, Lars Kellogg-Stedman, Felicia Neff, Chris Pinnock). * Extraction of parts from header fields with more than 2560 characters fixed (Lukasz Sznuk, William Cherry). * Source archive name in nail.spec corrected (Didar Hussain). * Fixed segmentation violation when encountering multipart header fields that contain no ':' character (William Cherry). * Respect the 'allnet' variable when comparing strings in message lists. * IPv6 support (Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino). [10.3] released 11/29/02 * Fixed a buffer overflow that occured with iconv() support disabled (Stan Tobias). * MIME encoding of '(non-ASCII-string' comment strings in address fields fixed (non-ASCII-string immediately following the opening parenthesis). * Convert header fields to outgoing character set even if the body contains ASCII characters only. * Build properly on platforms without socket support (J.A. Neitzel). * Don't require towupper() with mbtowc() (J.A. Neitzel). Searches for wide characters in subject fields are not case-insensitive without towupper(). * Some OpenBSD and NetBSD versions don't adjust the kernel file offset properly after a 'fflush(); rewind()' sequence, violating POSIX.1. This caused empty mails to be sent if the 'record' variable was set. The code now works around the problem (Thanks to J.A. Neitzel). * NetBSD lacks gethostent(), causing the configure check for socket support to fail. gethostbyname() is now used instead (Thanks to J.A. Neitzel). [10.2] released 11/23/02 * Fixed a NULL pointer dereference that occured if the 'showto' variable was used without the 'alternates' command (Bugreport by Bob Tennent). * POP3 client with SSL/TLS support. See the description of the 'folder' command, the 'EXAMPLES' and 'NOTES' sections in the manual page, and the description of the new variables 'password-user@host, 'pop3-keepalive', 'ssl-no-default-ca', 'ssl-v2-allow', 'ssl-verify', 'ssl-ca-dir', 'ssl-ca-file', 'ssl-cert', 'ssl-cert-user@host', 'ssl-key', 'ssl-key-user@host', 'ssl-method', 'ssl-cipher-list' 'ssl-rand-egd', 'ssl-rand-file'. You need to execute './configure --with-openssl' to compile with SSL support. * Respect assignments to the MAIL variable in startup scripts. * Secondary mailboxes with %:folder (see the 'folder' command). * 'shortcut' and 'unshortcut' commands. * NAIL_EXTRA_RC variable. * ',' address (matches the parent of the current message). * ';' address (matches the message that was previously the current message). * Recognize MIME in header field searches with '/'. * The 'save' and 'copy' commands use the mbox file if invoked without an argument. * Use wordexp() to expand special characters in filenames if available. $SHELL-specific metacharacters are thus no longer recognized. * The output of the 'from' command is piped through the pager if it exceeds the screen height. * 'datefield' variable. * 'editheaders' variable (contributed by Stephen Isard). * '-t' command line option. * 'term' condition for 'if' command (contributed by Stephen Isard). * Don't prepend a message with a blank line when saving if a blank line is already present at the end of the file. * Fixed quoting for command argument of 'pipe' (Stephen Isard). * 'save' and 'copy' commands accept quoted file names with embedded whitespace. * Allow '|shell-cmd' (Stephen Isard). * 'piperaw' variable (Stephen Isard). * If 'askcc' or 'askbcc' are set and 'bsdcompat' is not set, the user is asked for additional recipients before composing the message starts. * Don't append an additional newline to filenames in recipient lists. * Message lines starting with '>' were truncated by the 'forward' command. * Don't rename old Resent-xxx fields when creating new ones. * Deletion of attachments with '~@' fixed. * Don't mark the saved copy of an unread message as read. * Fixed use of a char variable for getc() (Arthur Korn). [10.1] released 10/14/02 * POSIX.2 leaves the characters following 'From ' unspecified, so the presence of sender or date strings is no longer required to separate messages in a folder. * 'inc' and 'newmail' commands, 'autoinc' and 'newmail' variables. * Don't use iconv() if a message contains us-ascii characters only (Problem reported by Thomas Fieseler). * Don't report 'Held n messages in mailfile' if n == 0. * Don't report a 'Fatal error in process' with '!' unless bsdcompat is set. * Missing fflush() caused empty mails with some GNU libc versions to be sent, unless SMTP was used (Problem reported by Thomas Fieseler). [10.0] released 9/29/02 * Base64 decoding was calling malloc(0) which caused "Out of memory" errors on some platforms (Bugreport by Stan Tobias). * Install nail.rc in the place specified with --with-rcfile (Bugreport by Jeffrey Neitzel) * Code cleanup in send.c (Contribution by Stan Tobias). * When writing attachment data, the 'w' command will no longer append to a file, but truncate and overwrite it. * Extract filenames from obsolete 'Content-Type: ...; name=file' fields (Stan Tobias). * Delete directory components from attachment filenames before saving (Fix by Stan Tobias). * NAILRC variable (based on a suggestion by Stan Tobias). * "bsdcompat" and "prompt" variables; prompt defaults to "? ". * "allnet", "debug", "flipr", "outfolder", "sendwait", and "showto" variables * "bang" variable. NOTE: Previous versions behaved as if this variable had been set. * ~a and ~A tilde escapes with standard semantics. * -F command line option, "Mail", "followup", "Followup", "Copy" and "Save" commands. NOTE: This changes the abbreviation of the "folder" command to "fold". * "set nofoo" unsets the variable "foo". The variables "nosave" and "noheader" have therefore changed in their positive counterparts and are now set by default. * The pg command is now the default pager unless bsdcompat is set. * Line and character counts are printed for copy and save commands. * MAILX_HEAD and MAILX_TAIL variables. * LC_MESSAGES support. * -I option prints 'Newsgroups:' field in header summary now. NOTE: The functionality of the old -I option, "interactive", is no longer available as an option. Use something like "env interactive= nail ..." instead. If only tilde escapes in send mode are needed, the new -~ option can be used. * The optional name argument in combination with the -f option is now evaluated as a separate operand, not as an argument to -f. This enables usage as "nail -fin name", but "nail -f name -in" is no longer valid. * Pipe the output of ~p through the PAGER if the text is long (Bugreport by Stan Tobias). * The output format of the "set" command is changed to 'variable="value"' if bsdcompat is not set. * Pipe the output of the "set" command through the PAGER if it is long. * Headers are not printed automatically after executing a "folder" command if bsdcompat is not set. * The "next" command was fixed according to the remark in the POSIX rationale not to skip a message e. g. after "delete". * -B, -h and -~ command line options. * Lines in message files can now be of arbitrary length and can contain NUL characters. * -r disables tilde escapes; -r flag and address is passed to sendmail. * followupall, followupsender, replyall, replysender, respondall, and respondsender commands. * New, new, and Unread commands (are all aliases to unread command). * unalias command implemented (had been documented since 4.4BSD). * unignore, unretain, unsaveignore, and unsaveretain commands. * If data from standard input contains NUL characters, no character conversions are performed and it is sent in base64 encoding. * Non-binary data with long lines is sent in quoted-printable encoding. * Fixed segmentation violation when using the "folder" command after an interrupt signal was catched. * Resent-Reply-To: header field is no longer generated for conformance with RFC 2822. * Fixed -u user option and %user special file name not to ignore 'user'. * The 'Reply' command uses the 'Reply-To:' header field in favor of 'From:'; the 'reply' command adds recipients given in the 'To:' and 'Cc:' fields if a 'Reply-To:' field was present in the message. This means that 'Reply-To:' just overrides 'From:' without a special effect on the 'reply' and 'Reply' commands. * When grabbing headers e. g. with the '~h' command, a comma is printed between names if bsdcompat is not set. * RPM spec file (contributed by Didar Hussain). [9.31] released 6/18/02 * New editing mechanism for attachment list: ~@ tilde escape. * The ~a tilde escape is obsoleted by ~@ and has been removed. * Header fields starting with =? are only interpreted as RFC 2047 fields if they are entirely valid (Bugreport by Russell Kroll). * Sender addresses in message lists (as in 'delete from@host') match only the exact from address. * Added ~x tilde escape (abort message composition without saving dead.letter). * Fixed recognition of RFC 2045 parameter attributes (Bugreport by Russell Kroll). * The "for" command now inserts an intact "Resent-Reply-To:" header field. [9.30] released 2/20/02 * Avoid to prepend quote prefix twice when replying to multipart messages. * Fixed a problem with empty Content-type fields in multipart messages. * Allow name lists for -b and -c command line options (Bugreport by Winfried Szukalski). * Added a --with-rcfile option to configure for nail.rc. * Added the "showlast" option (Contributed by Jay Nospam). * Properly respect TMPDIR; create a new name for each temporary file. [9.29] released 12/10/01 * Fixed a SIGPIPE problem concerning the PAGER. * Avoid to display parts of next message when encountering masked From lines (Bugreport by Russell Kroll). * Implemented pipe-content/subcontent MIME display mechanism (based on a suggestion by Bob Tennent). * Respect continued MIME quoted-printable lines in non-text content. [9.28] released 10/23/01 * Fixed a crash occuring at unterminated RFC 2047 header parts (Bugreport by Bruno Haible). * Fixed a crash that occured when replying to a message with empty subject (Bugreport by Russell Kroll). * Send attachments in base64 encoding if a line exceeds 950 characters (Bugreport by Rolf Jakob). [9.27] released 5/13/01 * Check addresses when they are entered and drop invalid ones. * Supress glibc's getopt(3) argument reordering. * Fix handling of last entry on a mime.types file line (bug introduced in 9.24) (Bugreport by Allan Peda). * Improved handling of proprietary character set names on SVr4 iconv. [9.26] released 2/17/01 * Avoid to prepend or append multiple newline characters to the record folder. * Handle unquoted multipart boundaries again (Bugreport by Bob Tennent). * Help texts are compiled into the binary. Old files can be deleted (based on a comment by Christian Weisgerber). * nail.rc gets installed in /etc and is not overwritten if it exists. * Check for iswprint() before using wide character code (Bugreport by Hubertus Krogmann). * Use a non-zero exit status if a message could not get formatted in send mode (Bugreport by Allan Peda). [9.25] released 1/25/01 * Fixed the problems some people had when viewing multipart messages (Bugreport by Thomas Fieseler and Russell Kroll). * Added the -r startup option to specify a From address. * Make fallback paths for csh, more, ex and vi configureable (Suggested by Arthur Korn). * Remove fcntl lock of mailbox while waiting for dot lock (Problem reported by Arthur Korn). [9.24] released 1/18/01 * Use nl_langinfo to get the terminal's character set. * Add an In-Reply-To header field in replies. * Correct user's mime type file to ~/.mime.types as documented (Bugreport by Allan Peda). * Build even if no sendmail installation is detected (Bugreport by Gabor Z. Papp). * Adjust string length if an invalid multibyte character was replaced by '?'. * Properly display lines that contain an invalid multibyte character sequence. * Handle tabulators in MIME headers correctly (Bugreport by Russell Kroll). * Drop invalid entries for the References field instead of refusing to send (Bugreport by Bob Tennent). * Do not refuse valid domain literals in addresses (Bugreport by Bob Tennent). [9.23] released 11/15/00 * Added the ~' * Proper handling of nested multipart messages implemented * We now ignore the MIME-Version header field and look at the Content-Type field instead * Can now compile on SVR4 systems using -lucb * Changed generation of multipart boundaries * Sending MIME messages to files now works * Fixed core dump if variable `encoding' was unset (Bugreport by Alexander Shelkovich) [9.0] released 2000-03-20 * Initial release