Todo list for libxfce4util (> 4.0): ----------------------------------- - Make xfce_textdomain() a C function and check for gettext framework in libxfce4util's configure - Add a xfce_timer_fire_once(time, func) that fires a timeout after a specified amount of time and automatically removes the timeout afterwards. In KDE3 two important changes have been made: * Default values are no longer written. When a configuration file in a location other than $KDEHOME defines a value for a key and the application subsequently writes out a new configuration file to $KDEHOME, that configuration file will only contain an entry for the key if its value differs from the value read from the other file. This counters the problem that changing default configuration files under $KDEDIR would not take effect for users, since these users would most likely have their own copy of these settings under $KDEHOME. KDE3 will make sure not to copy these settings so changes made under $KDEDIR will affect all users that haven't explicitly changed the affected settings to something else. * Configuration entries can be marked "immutable". Starting with KDE3, configuration entries can be marked "immutable". When a configuration entry is immutable it means that configurations files that are read later will not be able to override its value. Immutable entries can not be changed via KConfig and if the entry is present under $KDEHOME it will be ignored.