This is libungif, a library for manipulating gif files in a manner compatible with libgif, the gif library authored and maintainer by Eric S. Raymond. The observant builder of this package may in fact notice that this package is mostly Eric S. Raymond's libgif with a few changes (Please see the NEWS file) Latest versions of libungif are available from sourceforge: ==== Building this package should be as simple as: ./configure gmake gmake install ==== Deprecation list. Will be removed in libungif 5.0: * GIF_ERROR and GIF_MESSAGE are on the deprecation list as they are also utility helper functions rather than essential to the functioning of the library. * The qprintf methods of the library are now deprecated. Do not use GifQuietPrint or GifQprintf. These should have been pushed out into the utility helper library instead of sitting around in the library proper at the same time as the getarg functions were moved out. Getting rid of these will let us get rid of our dependence on stdarg.h/varargs.h (Which a Gif reading library has no business requiring.) * In the SavedImage struct: int Function will be removed. Use SavedImage.ExtensionBlocks[x].Function instead. * In gifalloc.c: MakeExtension is deprecated as well. Use AddExtensionBlock instead. (This and the previous int Function were deprecated because they only handle one Extension per image. The new code handles multiple extensions.) * varargs style interface in qprintf and getarg: It's a mistake to have two different interfaces that depend on compile time choices between varargs and stdargs. The future is to get rid of varargs style altogether. (Also: these are probably going strictly into the utility functions so the library won't have to worry about them at all.) ==== I have found that automake currently generates Makefile's containing some GNUmake specific syntax. If you're having troubles building with your system provided make, please install GNU make and try rebuilding. ==== This package uses autoconf, automake, and libtool to create the configure script, so if you need to edit the or change a makefile target you should read the DEVELOPER file for hints on recreating the distribution using these tools. Good luck! -Toshio Kuratomi ==== READ.ME file for giflib version 3.0: READ ME for GIFLIB For complete documentation on the package, point a web browser at doc/index.html. See the file INSTALL for instructions on how to install and test the package. GIFLIB has a home page at Eric S. Raymond (