LIBNJB was concieved and written by: ------------------------------------ John Mechalas Contributors: ------------- Linus Walleij (Much code, Windows port) César Talon (NJB 3 initial code) David A. Knight (Code, especially for NJB1) Dwight Engen (NJB Zen stuff) Bernie (NJB 2 stuff) Paul Lalonde (NJB Zen USB 2.0 stuff) Tom LeRoux (Dell Digital Jukebox stuff) Friso Brugmans (NJB Zen NX stuff) Ryan Marsh (MacOS X porting, fixing and testing) Richard Low (MacOS X porting, fixing and testing) Michael a.k.a. LuNaTiC (NJB Zen Touch testing) Shaun Jackman (Debian packaging, automakification) Kevin Williams (MSVC++ 8 port) Polar Humenn (playback hacks) ...and several other people on the libnjb-users mailing list.