Version 3.5.4 - 2006-08-09 * new setting mirror:include-regex. * load ssl keys for protected data connection as well; use new option ftp:ssl-data-use-keys to disable it. * fixed human-readable options of du and cls. * fixed compilation on certain systems. Version 3.5.3 - 2006-08-04 * fixed a core dump in ftps with gnu tls. * fixed random queue duplication. * fixed compilation with modules and socks. * fixed installation with modules. * added configure --enable-packager-mode option (Daniel Black ). Version 3.5.2 - 2006-07-28 * strip CRs from ls output, as before. * updated help for pget. * fixed mirror -c and get -c hang. * fixed mirror timestamps for hftp and http. * fixed mirror for files starting with a tilde. * fixed use of PROPFIND when http:use-propfind is no. * fixed directory listing and globbing for ftp over http proxy. * updated gnulib sources (Nix ). Version 3.5.1 - 2006-07-05 * fixed a coredump in pget. Version 3.5.0 - 2006-07-05 * implemented pget -c (continue) with a status file. (`set pget:save-status never' to disable periodic saving of the status). * new options of `repeat' command: --count (-c), --delay (-d), --while-ok, --until-ok. * listing and dns cache optimized; added per host enable/disable for caching. * made ABOR more robust. * added support for ALLO command and ftp:use-allo setting. * use binary mode for `quote' (e.g. `quote POST' for http). * sped up uploading in fish protocol. * fixed coredump in pget when terminal lacks prev_line capability. * fixed pget for URLs with question sign. Version 3.4.7 - 2006-05-18 * get1 can now automatically rename files to server suggested file name. * new settings fish:charset and sftp:charset (for sftp version<4). * fixed http chunked transfers with explicit Content-Length. * fixed compilation with sun c++ compiler. * fixed compilation without ssl. Version 3.4.6 - 2006-04-25 * fixed opening sites with explicitly specified port (it could either use default port or spin). * fixed ftps over http proxy with CONNECT method. Version 3.4.5 - 2006-04-22 * handle ftp PRET errors. * send ssh password twice if needed, this fixes a problem with encoded secret keys. * updated programming examples. * fixed cross-references between jobs/tasks libraries and lftp. Version 3.4.4 - 2006-04-06 * new setting mirror:dereference. * new exit options: top, kill. * fixed stalling when uploading empty files with ftps. * fixed lftp exit code when cmd:at-exit is set. * fixed a rare spinning. Version 3.4.3 - 2006-03-15 * don't create target file when source file does not exist. * show done jobs before exit. * changed default for http:use-propfind to no. * fixed condition for getting exact time for cls. * fixed coredump with non-absolute http redirection. * fixed coredump when exiting lftp with a done job. Version 3.4.2 - 2006-02-08 * fixed a coredump in cls (option parsing). * import TIME_STYLE environment variable to cmd:time-style. Version 3.4.1 - 2006-02-07 * new cls option --time-style, new setting cmd:time-style. * use PROPFIND first to check directory existence (http). * fixed CCC - don't try to shutdown ssl connection gracefully. * fixed an abortion when completing with cmd:remote-completion set to false. Version 3.4.0 - 2005-12-31 * flush cache when changing ftp:charset. * show all queued commands on `queue' command. * support open ranges for `mirror --size-range'. * new setting dns:max-retries. * change dns:fatal-timeout setting to accept time interval suffixes. * prefer getaddrinfo over gethostbyname2. * treat GNUTLS_E_UNEXPECTED_PACKET_LENGTH as EOF indicator - this fixes secure ftp with ProFTPD server. * fixed netrc usage when no user name is given. Version 3.3.5 - 2005-12-02 * added mirror --older-than, --size-range and --max-errors options. * improved CCC support - allowed protected transfers after CCC. * added support for sftp v5 and v6 (experimental). * added configure option --with-pager. * fixed file uploading via protected ftp with openssl. * fixed compilation on cygwin. * fixed compilation with sun c++. Version 3.3.4 - 2005-11-15 * added support for CCC command and ftp:ssl-use-ccc setting. * remove password from URLs when showing them on status line. * fixed `open -u' with an URL. * fixed a rare spinning. * fixed compilation on HP-UX. * fixed handling of 334 reply to AUTH command. Version 3.3.3 - 2005-10-21 * added support for LFTP_HOME environment variable. * added workaround for proftpd's empty directories. * fixed `open file:/path'. * fixed some bugs introduced in 3.3.2. Version 3.3.2 - 2005-10-17 * fixed a coredump caused by double-free. Version 3.3.1 - 2005-10-12 * new setting xfer:destination-directory (default for -O option of get, mget). * fixed path+file combination in http - avoid double slash. * fixed url composition in hftp, a slash was missed. * fixed `open'. * fixed a coredump when a bookmark contained lots of quotable characters. * fixed a coredump when an error happened while loading CA or CRL certificates. * fixed uploading of empty files via ftp with ftp:ssl-protect-data on. * fixed exit code of slot command. * fixed a coredump with `kill all'. * fixed path extraction from html files (broken in 3.3.0). Version 3.3.0 - 2005-08-12 * now plain files can be current location in http protocol. * report total bytes transferred and transfer rate in mirror. * included a script for file verification (verify-file). It can check crc32, md5sum, gzip, bzip2, rpm, unzip and other things. * new settings xfer:verify, xfer:verify-command. When xfer:verify is on, verify-command is launched after successful file transfer (to local disk) to check the file consistency. * fixed `source -e' to allow subprocess reading from the terminal. * fixed `source' to return error exit code if the file is unreadable. * fixed `source' on large command files - some commands were truncated. Version 3.2.1 - 2005-05-25 * fixed handling of file names starting with a tilde in sftp protocol. * fixed minor problem with `lftp -u user --help'. * fixed compilation with modules. * fixed compilation without OpenSSL and GnuTLS. * fixed compilation with certain compiler versions. * relaxed version requirement on GnuTLS. Version 3.2.0 - 2005-05-14 * added support for gnutls library. Now OpenSSL is only used if explicitly configured with option --with-openssl, and by default gnutls is used. * added parser for AS/400 ftp listing. * fixed a coredump in mirror when symbolic link target is unknown. * fixed tilde expansion in get -O argument. Version 3.1.3 - 2005-04-15 * added mirror --loop option to re-mirror until no changes found. * fixed mirror creating too many children mirrors. * fixed cls and mirror with http backend, when PROPFIND returns 404 error. * fixed mirror --use-cache with sftp backend. * fixed a rare hang in sftp. Version 3.1.2 - 2005-04-04 * cache negative results, new setting cache:expire-negative. * set http:use-propfind and http:use-mkcol automatically if those methods are unsupported, so that they will not be retried. * handle DAV:creator-displayname in PROPFIND parser. * parse incorrect XML returned for PROPFIND requests as HTML. * fixed coredump and href handling in PROPFIND result parsing. * fixed sftp transfer of growing files. * fixed compilation with socks5 on freebsd. Version 3.1.1 - 2005-03-23 * new setting ftp:ignore-pasv-address. * use IP TOS for ftp connections. * new `quote' command extentions for http: `quote move' and `quote copy' for DAV operations. E.g. `quote copy index.html'. * fixed timeout handling when waiting for FXP source confirmation. * fixed http DAV method MOVE (use full URL in Destination; fixed stall). Version 3.1.0 - 2005-02-25 * http DAV support added (PROPFIND, MKCOL, DELETE, MOVE). * new setting mirror:set-permissions. * added cls -r option (reverse sorting). * ignore non fatal STAT and FSTAT errors in sftp. * fixed globbing for file names starting with a tilde. * fixed fish and sftp for solaris 9 ssh. * fixed SITE UTIME and overloaded MDTM in ftp protocol. * fixed spinning when local disk is full. * fixed passive ftp mode for some broken servers. * fixed wrong year in cls output when the time is several hours in the future. * fixed Last-Modified parsing in non-english locales. * optimized memory usage for large directories. * compilation fixes for some compilers. Version 3.0.13 - 2004-12-20 * man page updated. * fixed mirror option --no-symlinks (sense reversed). * fixed a coredump. Version 3.0.12 - 2004-12-03 * new setting ftps:initial-prot to workaround broken ftps servers. Default is empty so that lftp would assume it is not known, and if PROT command is not implemented then clear data transfers would be assumed. * ftp over http proxies with CONNECT method can now use proxy authorization. * mirror fixed not to chmod unchanged files (should help incremental backups). * fixed excluding files for sftp protocol (mirror -x). * fixed transfer of growing files over fish protocol. * fixed mkdir over hftp. * fixed delay between connection attempts (broken in 3.0.10). * Polish translation updated. Version 3.0.11 - 2004-11-03 * new mirror option --no-symlinks. * implemented transfer continue in fish protocol (thanks to Loic Le Loarer). * improved completion for aliases. * fixed file removing in mirror --delete-first. * fixed FXP transfer mode (broken in 3.0.7). Version 3.0.10 - 2004-10-20 * better mirror -R completion added. * fixed upload retry corruption bug. * fixed rare coredump in parallel mirror. * don't retry on wrong password in fish and sftp protocols. * don't send empty Cache-Control http header. * don't unconditionally chmod files in mirror. Version 3.0.9 - 2004-09-20 * fixed a hang up when filtering output via an external command (the bug appeared in 3.0.8). * don't use ftp:port-ipv4 in FXP mode. Version 3.0.8 - 2004-09-14 * made http:cache-control host specific; added hftp:cache-control. * new setting http:authorization. * fixed sftp and fish protocols working with FreeBSD servers. * fixed transfer of zero length files when modification time is not known. * fixed put over fish protocol when source file grows. * fixed a core dump in FXP transfer mode. Version 3.0.7 - 2004-08-09 * slow-start in sftp implemented. * ftp proxy which expects user@proxy-user@host is now supported with new boolean setting ftp:proxy-auth-joined. * key passphrase for sftp is now supported. * new setting http:cache-control to set corresponding request header. * don't send FEAT to ftp proxy before login. * fixed timeout handling after FEAT command. * fixed find and du to show status line correctly when output goes to screen. * fixed shell (!) command to return proper error code. * fixed binding ftp data socket in non-passive mode. Version 3.0.6 - 2004-06-12 * completion for bm: URL scheme implemented. * fixed `du' command with large files >2Gb. * fixed saving old directory when no cd verification is performed. * compilation on HP-UX fixed. Version 3.0.5 - 2004-05-31 * new URL scheme bm:bookmark_name[/path] to specify bookmarked URLs. * fixed encrypted FXP in certain server combinations. * fixed ftp retrying on 4xx code when data connection was already closed. * fixed compilation without SSL. Version 3.0.4 - 2004-05-24 * encrypted FXP is now supported with CPSV or SSCN commands. * new setting ftp:ssl-protect-fxp (default is no). * cpu usage optimizations, sftp speed-up. * fixed uploading of zero sized files over ftp. * fixed coredump when AUTH SSL was used and the server refused to setup ssl connection. * fixed coredump on unexpected extra ftp server reply. * added workaround for ftp servers violating RFC2389 (format of FEAT reply). * added workaround for ftp servers which refuse to switch to utf-8 before login. * fixed compilation on systems without strtok_r. Version 3.0.3 - 2004-04-23 * cls for sftp can now print symbolic user, group and number of hard links. * make `cd dir/' check if dir exists. * follow ftp:ssl-force even if ftp server does not advertise AUTH in FEAT reply. * fixed excessive STAT commands in FXP transfer. * fixed core dump when disconnecting with active FXP transfer. * fixed memory leak in sftp uploading and file renaming. Version 3.0.2 - 2004-04-15 * support for ftp commands CLNT, HOST and OPTS MLST added. * ftp command MLSD disabled by default as it does not return symlink info. * added workaround for MLSD format bug in NcFTPd. * fixed spinning in cls when output stalls (e.g. cls|less). * fixed coredump when ftp:proxy was specified without protocol name. * fixed assertion failure when using ftp over http proxy with CONNECT method. * fixed timeout message in sftp when it is disconnected. * fixed compilation on systems lacking atoll function. Version 3.0.1 - 2004-04-06 * fixed timeout handling in sftp. * fixed a coredump in case of some network errors. * fixed compilation with gcc-2.95. * fixed compilation with socks. * fixed compilation without ssl. Version 3.0.0 - 2004-04-02 * sftp protocol support (use `sftp://user@host' URLs). sftp is a protocol implemented as ssh2 subsystem, it is binary and works over a secure channel. * faster directory caching, no re-parsing each time. * ftp now follows RFC2640; FEAT, LANG, UTF8 support; new settings ftp:use-feat and ftp:lang. * ftp can set modification time on remote files using either SITE UTIME or two argument MDTM command (off by default); new settings ftp:use-site-utime and ftp:use-mdtm-overloaded. * ftp can now use MLSD to get machine parseable file listing (ftp:use-mlsd). * charset translation in ftp protocol, new setting ftp:charset. * new mirror option --delete-first to remove old files before transferring new files. By default mirror removes old files after the transfers. * now mirror can replace directories with plain files or symbolic links if --delete (-e) option is specified. * ftp can now use CONNECT method of http proxies (when ftp:use-hftp is false). * mirror open --newer-than can now take time specification like that of at(1) command, like `week ago', `now-7days' or `2004-01-01'. * new mirror options --ignore-size and --only-missing. * new mirror option --use-pget[-n=N] to make mirror use pget to transfer files. * debug output can now include date and time on each line (debug -t). When lftp goes to background, this is turned on by default, along with pid (-p) and context (-c). Try `debug -tcp' and see. * get1 command has now --source-region and --target-position options to get a part of a file. * better handling of ~/.netrc - multiple logins for the same machine are allowed, proper password is taken automatically from netrc if a login matches. * pget has now a progress bar which shows file download state. * new source option -e to execute output of an external program. * chmod -R fixed. * fixed cache invalidation when file name being invalidated ends with a slash. Version 2.6.12 - 2004-01-23 * fixed put over https protocol. * fixed spinning in bg mode when an external program was still running at the time of moving to background. * fixed compilation with IRIX MIPSPro compiler. Version 2.6.11 - 2003-12-22 * fixed mirror for empty files. * a rare coredump fixed in http 0.9 handling, when first line of reply is empty. * compilation fixes for compilers other than gcc. * translations update. Version 2.6.10 - 2003-12-11 * security fixes in html parsing code. * fxp between ftps session is now possible (unencrypted yet). * fixed a rare bug with access to freed memory in ftp. * fixed a bug in mirror, now it does not incorrectly append directory name when target directory is the root. * fixed compilation on AIX. * Polish translation updated. Version 2.6.9 - 2003-11-19 * new setting ftp:ssl-protect-list for encrypting file listings selectively. * don't use PRET again if it is not supported. * added cls --sort=time option (alias for sort=date). * don't set file modification time if it grew while downloading. * new setting cmd:verify-path-cached. * added long options for `open' command. Version 2.6.8 - 2003-10-10 * better multibyte character support. * experimental ftp protocol command PRET added; new setting ftp:use-pret. * unblock SIGCLD signal when running external programs. * fixed included readline compilation. * fixed compilation with socks. Version 2.6.7 - 2003-08-29 * new settings ftp:use-size, ftp:use-mdtm, ftp:use-telnet-iac. * optimized writing to local disk by increasing write size. * fixed size catching from 150 ftp server reply. * correct exit code of commands help, lftp (reported by trancefx). * hftp improvements from Johannes Zellner: CSM proxy support; colored listings; do not print hour:minute if not known. * translations updated. * fixed a bug with saving last working directory for a site. * fixed a bug with FXP of zero sized files. * fixed a bug happening when a 5xx reply is received after QUIT is sent. * readline updated to version 4.3. Version 2.6.6 - 2003-05-28 * raised sane mirror connection limit to 64. * fixed hftp file information retrieval when use-head is off (reported by Robert A. Thompson). * ignore zero size reported by SIZE (for * fixed a bug with exclude/include of directories in reverse mirror. * several bugs with mirror --script fixed (reported by Olaf Kaehler). * fixed a bug with unterminated string in HTML parsing; add wwwoffle support (AIDA Shinra). * fixed a bug with ssl settings pointing to files and directories (Diego Reyes). * fixed a bug with sending empty path in HTTP protocol (Geoffrey Lee). * fixed catching of file size from ftp server message 150. * fixed hftp with password - now it should work with all proxies as it sends password in URI even when Authorization header is used. * new debugging command .tasks to show number of tasks. * now lftp does not load/save histories until it interacts with user. E.g. `lftp -c command' does not update ~/.lftp/rl_history now. Version 2.6.5 - 2003-02-28 * new mirror options --log= and --script= to produce lftp commands equivalent to the actions done (log) or to be done (script) by mirror. `-' as file name means stdout. * fixed a dead-lock when resuming FXP with passive source. * re-get file size and date after HTTP redirect. * added workarounds for proftpd. * handle EPIPE (Broken pipe) error as temporary network error. * fixed a dead-lock in HTTP retrieval after redirect. * added cls option --sort=date (Oskar Liljeblad). * fixed compilation on OpenBSD and older Solaris. * fixed handling of symbolic links in find. * lftp -f and -c options can now be combined with -d. * fixed slot handling in non-interactive mode. * fixed large file support in cat command. * fixed dante socks compilation (now lftp does not use poll with dante). * fixed data connection abort with ssl connection to wu-ftpd. Version 2.6.4 - 2002-12-26 * new settings net:socket-bind-ipv4 and net:socket-bind-ipv6 to bind sockets to a specific address (useful to select a specific network interface to use). * now reget does not start transfer if not needed. * ssl:verify-certificate set to no by default. * fixed ~ handling in find and mirror. Version 2.6.3 - 2002-11-04 * fixed wrong eta calculation. * fixed cls when redirected output file was not writable. * fixed uploading of zero sized files over fish protocol. * fixed timezone manipulation on linux. * fixed a compilation problem on hp/ux. Version 2.6.2 - 2002-09-10 * readline history is now stored in a file. * handle full-disk condition as fatal if the file is removed. * recursive deletion (rm -r) fixed. It used DELE instead of RMD. * fixed a rare core dump, usually happening on completion. * fixed compilation with modules. Version 2.6.1 - 2002-08-10 * fixed core dump when handling Content-Disposition. * fixed core dump when specifying zero queue position (Glenn Maynard). * fixed ETA rounding - it was possible to see 1h60m (reported by Igor Zhbanov ). * a number of compile problems fixed. Version 2.6.0 - 2002-08-02 * separated rate limitations for download and upload (set limit-rate 200:100). * added SSL certificate support and several SSL related settings. * connection slot support. Now you can switch sessions with Meta-[123...] or with command `slot '. You can also use slot: as a pseudo-URL. * per-slot queues. Now you can have several queues for the same site using different slots. * queue can be stopped now. Use `queue' with no args to create a stopped queue, `queue start' to run it, `queue stop' to stop it. When you exit lftp, the queue will start automatically. * mirror now appends source base name to target if target ends with a slash. * improved hftp:proxy setting. Now it defaults to http:proxy and is not needed if ftp:proxy is set to `http://...'. * fixed mirror in case of server without MDTM command (Glenn Maynard). * mirror could start multiple transfers if it could not cd to a direcory, even without --parallel (test case by Glenn Maynard). * fixed fd leak in `(commands)' structure (Glenn Maynard). * fixed memory leak in '(commands)'. Version 2.5.4 - 2002-06-05 * fixed double free problem introduced in version 2.5.3. * compilation fixes (Glenn Maynard). Version 2.5.3 - 2002-06-02 * security fix: long error message from ftp server could cause buffer overflow. * fixed ftp:fix-pasv-address. Now the address should be fixed properly. * handle HTTP `100 Continue' in any open mode. * status line fixed: don't write a space to last screen column. * security fix: check that addresses have proper length (Michail Litvak). * migrated to gettext-0.11.2 and automake-1.6.1. Version 2.5.2 - 2002-05-07 * new setting ftp:fxp-force to disable copying data over client. * new settings cache:enable, cache:expire and cache:size for cache control. * create parent directories of target mirror directory. * ignore any error 550 for NLST if no file name is given. * fixed ftp request to http proxy - port number could be missing. * change http request to GET after redirection from a POST request. * handle relative redirect location from a POST request correctly. * try next peer address if server disconnects without greeting message. * a memory leak fixed (Glenn Maynard). * fixed compilation on case-insensitive systems. Version 2.5.1 - 2002-04-16 * translations updated. * fixed a failed assertion when cls redirection could not create file. * fixed a rare coredump when host name becomes unresolvable. * fixed occasional spinning in mirror. * fixed some bugs in trio_sscanf function. * fixed flood of waitpid errors when lftp forks into background. Version 2.5.0a - 2002-03-12 * make it compile without ssl. Version 2.5.0 - 2002-03-06 * mirror understands URLs now. It can mirror between two ftp sites, for example: `mirror ftp://site1/path1 ftp://site2/path2'. It will use FXP if possible. * mirror can now upload/download certain files first based on pattern list, new setting mirror:order contains the pattern list. * mirror has now options -X and -I which allow to specify exclude and include as shell glob patterns. E.g. `mirror -X *.bak'. * mirror can now set file owner/group if it can (--allow-chown option). * mirror options -t, -T, --time-prec and --loose-time-prec are now obsolete, so are settings mirror:time-prec and mirror:loose-time-prec. * find can now understand URLs and plain files specified on command line (Glenn Maynard, Alexander Lukyanov) * chmod can now handle symbolic modes and can work recursively (Glenn Maynard). * now plain ls can also use color for file names. * new setting xfer:disk-full-fatal. When it is false, lftp waits for more disk space instead of cancelling transfers in case of full disk (Glenn Maynard, Alexander Lukyanov). * cls improved (Glenn Maynard). * `bookmark list' hides passwords now. Version 2.4.10a - 2002-03-10 * missed file triostr.h was added. Version 2.4.10 - 2002-02-26 * newer trio library with scanf fix. * try another FXP mode (fxp-passive-source on/off) on any 425 reply. * translations updated. * fixed lftpget -v. Version 2.4.9 - 2002-01-30 * use trio library if system's printf is broken with %lld. * fixed single quote escaping in several places. * fixed coredump if service is unknown. * fixed keep-alive for http/1.1. * fixed uploading in ssl enabled ftp when data connection is protected. * don't send AUTH TLS to ftp proxy. * fixed fish protocol module. Version 2.4.8 - 2001-12-04 * fixed rm and rmdir - they were actually interchanged in 2.4.7. * fixed listing parser in Fish protocol, now it extracts all information. * force LC_NUMERIC to C, this fixes floating point settings initialization. * fixed assertion failure when setting ftp proxy after establishing connection to an ftp server. * fixed a memory leak and some other bugs in cls (Glenn Maynard). Version 2.4.7 - 2001-11-12 * du command (Glenn Maynard). * fixed coredump in `mget -E', introduced in 2.4.6. * speed-optimized directory listing parsing. * fixed EPLF listings. Version 2.4.6 - 2001-10-30 * new setting ftp:timezone to select time zone of file listings. * new setting fish:shell to select remote shell, default is /bin/sh. * translation updates. * optimized cpu usage in ascii mode transfer (Glenn Maynard). * restore prompt when remote completion is interrupted with ^C. * fixed local tilde completion. * compilation fixes. Version 2.4.5 - 2001-10-17 * fish protocol support improved. Now password can be used for authentication. * new command `cls' - colored ls (Glenn Maynard). * colored completion file list, like cls (Glenn Maynard). * `ls' and `cls' now display status before listing is printed. * accept @ in URL passwords (Jonas Jensen). * added a workaround for WarFTPD ABOR glitch. * new configure option --with-included-readline. * powerpc fixes (Aaron Schrab). * fixed a coredump on exit. * fixed home directory glitches (reported by Glenn Maynard). Version 2.4.4 - 2001-09-13 * sometimes lftp forgot to send CWD to restore working directory after reconnect - fixed (bug introduced in 2.4.2). * trio updated. Version 2.4.3 - 2001-09-05 * man page updated. * sometimes lftp did not expand tilde in remote path - fixed. * fixed `bookmark add' in cygwin port. Version 2.4.2 - 2001-08-23 * new setting ftp:home to specify starting directory explicitly. Set it to `/' to override RFC1738 ftp url semantics if you don't like the look of `ftp://host/%2Fpath'. * fixed validation of ftp:ssl-auth. * fixed a coredump with assertion "res==Ftp::OK" failed. * improved abort sequence for passive mode, now wu-ftpd does not hang. * compile properly when configured with modules. * compilation fixes. Version 2.4.1 - 2001-08-08 * translation updates. * fixed a coredump due to incorrect memory allocation. * compilation fixes. Version 2.4.0 - 2001-07-30 * fish protocol support (over plain ssh connection). * use CONNECT method for https over http proxy. * support for variable name completion (Nicolas Noble). * queue editing support (Glenn F. Maynard). * support http keep-alive in case of chunked transfer encoding. * terminate some never-ending jobs before moving to background. * included trio for systems lacking vsnprintf (Albert Chin). * support for HTTP/1.1 416 reply code. * support for ftp ACCT command (ftp:acct variable) and for SITE GROUP command (ftp:site-group variable). E.g. `set ftp:acct/user@host account/password'. * new setting ftp:port-ipv4 to specify explicitly IP address sent with PORT command (suggested by Julien Oster and Jonas Jensen with patches). * new setting ftp:ssl-auth to specify AUTH argument to use (SSL, TLS, TLS-C or TLS-P). * roxen directory listing support. * fixed reget of non-existent files. * fixed restart of transfer in FXP mode. * fixed rare live-lock in open (it required dns:use-fork=no and happened rarely). * fixed a memory leak happening in resolver when dns:use-fork=no. * fixed debug redirection to a file (debug LEVEL -o log). * fixed glob for */* in http. * fixed a memory leak in find/mirror for ftp protocol (reported by Glenn F. Maynard) * fixed handling of range-end==-1 in http header Content-Range:. Version 2.3.11 - 2001-05-24 * new settings ftp:retry-530 and ftp:retry-530-anonymous. Retry on server reply 530 for PASS command if text matches these regular expressions. These settings should be useful to distinguish between overloaded server (temporary condition) and incorrect password (permanent condition). * retry ftp login quickly on next address if the server has many (works well on, for example). * improved fuzzy variable name matching. Exact prefix and exact name after prefix are taken into account separately. E.g. http:pro is not ambigous now between http:proxy and https:proxy. * implemented -c option for reverse mirror (mirror -R -c). * french translation updated (Nicolas Noble). Version 2.3.10 - 2001-05-11 * used libtool to build modules (finally). * allow open "" to switch to disconnected dummy session. * allow adding bookmark for disconnected dummy session. * fixed ftp listing time conversion for DST. * fixed http Referer generation: don't add extra /. * fixed two buffer overflows (reported by Julie PELAT <>) * fixed rare deadlock message in case of ftp timeout. * included gettext-0.10.37. * included readline-4.2. * new translation zh_TW (by R.I.P. Deaddog ). * made `lftp@' the default ftp password. Version 2.3.9 - 2001-03-22 * new setting module:path, path to look for modules. * new setting http:referer to send Referer: header, `.' expands to current directory URL. * new setting hftp:use-type to disable `;type=' url suffix. * terminal status line support (Glenn F. Maynard ) * fixed mirror exclude/include options for hftp and http. * ignore certain file locking errors, don't print messages. Version 2.3.8 - 2001-02-16 * miscellaneous improvements. * fixed rate limit with closure (net:limit-rate/ * don't bind data socket to loopback address. * fixed core dump after asking for ftp:proxy password. * fixed rare spinning in dns child process when parent terminates. * portability fix: make it work on SCO UNIX. * CygWin port: allow command files to be in ascii mode (CRLF). Version 2.3.7 - 2001-01-15 * fixed OPIE/SKEY automatic password generation. * fixed put over http or hftp when server replies `100 Continue'. Version 2.3.6 - 2001-01-02 * new setting cmd:save-cwd-history. * new setting ftp:fix-pasv-address, don't fix PASV address by default. (this fixes a problem with certain masquerading firewalls). * new setting hftp:use-authorization for some proxies (default is yes). * send port in Host: HTTP header. * check net:no-proxy before using hftp instead of ftp. * new commands bzcat, bzmore (Chmouel Boudjnah). Version 2.3.5 - 2000-11-25 * implemented [ipv6::address]:port as specified by rfc2732. * fixed local tilde globbing. * don't wait for file lock forever; print warning if locking fails. * save cwd_history only if needed. * `queue' command now sets last job number to itself. * optimize number of poll calls during ftp transfer. * fixed mput for directory case (continue loop instead of returning). * don't queue up too much MDTM/SIZE commands in sync mode. * fixed --with-modules compilation. Version 2.3.4 - 2000-10-13 * fixed completion and globbing for file names starting with tilde. * some compilation fixes. Version 2.3.3 - 2000-10-01 * fixed `ls|head'. * new setting ftp:bind-data-socket (bool) to disable binding of local end of data connection in passive mode. * japanese translation (Masayuki Hatta) Version 2.3.2 - 2000-09-28 * fixed bug in mirror - some files were not downloaded. * fixed very rare bug with assert(rate_limit!=0). Version 2.3.1 - 2000-09-25 * fixed cmd:move-background handling. * fixed `cd ... &' in queue command. * fixed passive mode IPv6 ftp (Arkadiusz Miskiewicz). * fixed module configuration for https and ftps. * allow ssl path to be specified in --with-ssl=/path (David Champion). * spanish translation updated (Nicolás Lichtmaier). Version 2.3.0 - 2000-09-18 * https and ftps protocols support (openssl library is needed for that). * completion now appends a slash to remote directories (finally!). * new mirror option --parallel=[N] to download several files in parallel. * ask for password for ftp:proxy if not supplied. * now if you set ftp:proxy to, hftp will be used automatically instead of ftp, but pwd will still show ftp://. * large file (>2G) support added. * full http keep-alive support. * new settings http:put-method (PUT or POST), http:put-content-type, http:post-content-type. * new setting xfer:max-redirections for http redirections following. * automatic cookie accepting (off by default). New setting http:set-cookies. * two http specific quote commands: `quote set-cookie' and `quote post'. (e.g. `quote set-cookie var=value' or `quote post /cgi-bin/script.cgi var=value > output'. * send encoded path in http protocol as it was entered by user in URL. (e.g. `get -o cba') * new settings http:accept, http:accept-charset, http:accept-language. * new setting cmd:move-background to disable automatic moving to background; `exit bg' forces moving to background. * `wait all' waits for termination of all jobs. * show QUIT reply in debug output. * new setting ftp:use-quit. * new setting net:persist-retries (ignore this number of hard errors). * new setting ftp:auto-sync-mode (extended regex) to match first server reply. * try to connect to original IP when PASV returns address from private network and original IP is not in private network. * mirror can return error code now. * add workarounds for hftp over apache proxy. * use getipnodebyname or getaddrinfo when gethostbyname2 is unavailable. * invalidate dir listing cache on chmod. * fixed pget's eta (sometimes it was not shown). * fixed max-retries and reconnect delay handling when uploading. * fixed `open -u ... -p ... bookmark_name'. Version 2.2.6 - 2000-09-07 * compile fix for AIX (Gombas Gabor). * reformat EPLF even if modification time if absent (Matthias Andree). * russian translation updated (Alexander Lukyanov). * deutsch translation updated (Moritz Moeller-Herrmann). * french translation included (Nicolas Noble). Version 2.2.5 - 2000-07-31 * fixed coredump on completion and globbing on empty directory or when directory listing cannot be completely parsed. * fixed coredump on FreeBSD in `mirror -x/-i'. The bug was found by Andriy I Pilipenko . * fixed coredump on ^V^C^C keyboard sequence. * Spanish translation updated. Version 2.2.4 - 2000-07-12 * fixed chmod and removing old directories in `mirror -R'. * fixed a deadlock in `pget'. * fixed a compile problem in * italian translation updated. Version 2.2.3 - 2000-06-08 * cmd:prompt is now sensitive to TERM variable, e.g. cmd:prompt/xterm. * fixed: send un-localized Last-Modified in http PUT request. * fixed bug in file:/ accessing (which caused hang). * fixed buffer allocation in http. * fixed symlink handling in hftp squid listing. * fixed rare spinning in ascii mode. Version 2.2.2 - 2000-04-29 * added http:cookie setting. * italian and german translations updated. * fixed handling of http timeout - don't always disable ranges. * fixed handling of old (0.9) http servers reply. * fixed stall problem with `glob' command. * really fixed handling of ^Z during `cd' command. Version 2.2.1a - 2000-04-20 * Use http:user-agent for hftp, this fixes hftp core dump. Version 2.2.1 - 2000-04-19 * mirror --Remove-source-files and --loose-time-precision new options. * new settings mirror:time-precision and mirror:loose-time-precision. * new setting http:user-agent. * new setting cmd:interactive. * A bug in error checking fixed, which lead to infinite loops on upload in passive mode when the file could not be created. * pget hang maybe fixed. * fixed handling of ^Z during `cd' command. Version 2.2.0a - 2000-03-29 * A bug in ftp code fixed, it could lead to connection hang. Version 2.2.0 - 2000-03-28 * URLs are now handled in more places: `get URL1 -o URL2', `login URL', `glob URL', `cat URL', `mget URL/*', etc. Setting xfer:use-urls is obsolete, option -u is also obsolete but accepted for compatibility. Completion also works on URLs. `login URL' can be used to cache password for further URL usage. * new settings xfer:eta-period and xfer:rate-period for calculation of eta and current rate. * ascii mode transfers - `get -a', `put -a' etc. * new settings net:connection-limit and net:connection-takeover to limit number of connections to the same site and allow take-over of background connections being used to do foreground operations. * new setting ftp:use-abor. (default: yes) If set to no, lftp does not send ABOR command but closes data connection immediately. * new settings net:reconnect-interval-multiplier and net:reconnect-interval-max, reconnect-interval renamed to reconnect-interval-base. It is possible to use short names, e.g. recon-int-b, recon-int-mul, recon-int-max. * new setting ftp:list-options to append to every LIST command. E.g. it can be useful for some sites to set it to `-a'. Default is empty. * new setting ftp:rest-stor (default: yes) to avoid file corruption on some old and buggy ftp servers after restarted upload. * new setting net:no-proxy. It contains comma separated list of domains. Environment variable no_proxy is copied to net:no-proxy on startup. * `glob' command can now select files by type. By default wildcards are expanded to list of plain files, option `-d' makes it expand to directories and `-a' - to files and directories. * Commands `get', `put', `mget' and `mput' now have an option `-O base' which specifies base directory or URL to which the files should be placed. * ftp to ftp (FXP) copying is now easy, e.g. `get ftp://... -o ftp://...' or `put ftp://...'. The command `ftpcopy' is now obsolete. New settings: ftp:use-fxp, ftp:fxp-passive-source. It does not work for some servers, so use `set ftp:use-fxp no' for them. FXP is also tried both ways - with passive and active source, if both fail it falls back to simple copy. * now lftp remembers that commands MDTM, SIZE or SITE CHMOD are not supported by the server, and does not send them again. * if password is entered on command line it is supposed to be insecure and is printed on screen and entered into bookmarks automatically. * slightly better VMS support. * EPLF listing format is now understood. It is used by anonftpd (e.g. * in globbing, if list restart is not used, don't skip list beginning but rather use it instead of previously received. * ftp and hftp URLs are now assumed to have home-relative path. To write root-relative path in such URLs, use ftp://site/%2Fpath. * new setting dns:use-fork. When true, lftp does fork before gethostbyname (as in previous versions) to allow instant interrupting and asynchronousity. (default is true) * new setting cmd:default-protocol. The value is used when open is used with just host name without protocol. Default is `ftp'. * new setting ftp:port-range for active mode port range (useful for firewalls). * mirror --use-cache to allow mirror to use directory listing cache. * check file names in ftp listings for slashes, don't use file names with slashes. * ftp REST bug workaround - send REST 0 if last REST was >0. * ftp server's 19100 in MDTM bug workaround. * fixed completion and file name globbing for wu-ftpd-2.6.0. A long standing bug with multiple path component globbing over ftp has also been fixed. * fixed coredump on `command' with no arguments. Version 2.1.10 - 2000-03-09 * fixed core dump on very long prompt. Version 2.1.9 - 2000-02-22 * fixed command `mv'. It was broken for a year. Version 2.1.8 - 2000-02-18 * fixed a stupid bug in PWD reply extraction. Version 2.1.7 - 2000-02-14 * fixed assertion failure in * fixed handling of PWD reply when it does not include a quoted path. * `mirror -R' now checks time stamps again. Version 2.1.6 - 2000-01-13 * fixed html parser spinning on & in file names when no sequence matches. * fixed compilation on Solaris2.5.1. * korean translation updated. Version 2.1.5 - 2000-01-09 * fixed & and others handling in http links. * fixed sending of port to http proxy. * don't send queued command after 1xx reply in sync mode. * fixed `mget -e': session was Close()'d too early. * fixed connect() problem on NetBSD 1.4P Version 2.1.4 - 1999-10-23 * hftp support for non-anonymous user added * http Proxy-Authorization support added. * new setting hftp:use-head for proxies that don't properly handle HEAD requests for ftp:// URLs. * memory leak in http code fixed. * http/hftp PUT fixed. * a bug in parsing squid ftp listing fixed (some files were shown without info). * fixed handling of base-href in hftp listings. Version 2.1.3 - 1999-10-16 * documentation update. * get: don't create output file early. * http: check if extracted file info is valid. * http: list parser for Mini-Proxy added. * http: fixed core dump on certain html pages. * fixed closure handling in cmd: veriables. * fixed a bug with setting variables using shortened name. * fixed completion for files with spaces in name. Version 2.1.2 - 1999-10-09 * http: ls -F implemented, accept some other options. * hftp: parser for Netscape proxy added. * socks5 and dante support added (--with-socks5, --with-socksdante). * korean translation. * mget -d now uses 0777 mode on directories. * fixed a SEGV due to double freed memory. Version 2.1.1 - 1999-10-02 * close -a now really closes all connections, even if current protocol is http. * extra info in debug output when it goes to a file. * in http listings, strip slash in /~user links. * fixed compile problems on some systems in ResMgr.h, module.c. Version 2.1.0 - 1999-09-27 * ftp over http proxy support via hftp:// notation. * new command `queue' to queue commands for sequential execution. * rate limit for all connections in sum: settings net:limit-total-rate and net:limit-total-max. * dns cache implemented: settings dns:cache-{enable,expire,size}. Use `set dns:cache-expire never' to disable expiration. * improved completion of file names with wildcards. * debug output now clears and redraws the prompt. * mirror now does not overwrite just appeared/changed files. * added a possibility to specify protocol family explicitly in host name: inet6, will resolve to only inet6 address. This can be also acheived by `set dns:order/ inet6'. * added xfer:clobber setting. When it is off, get does not overwrite files. * new command `repeat' to repeat a command. E.g. `repeat 1d mirror'. Version 2.0.5 - 1999-09-18 * new translation zh_CN. (by Wang Jian) * fixed unlimited memory usage on `ls -R' when the listing is too large to be cached. * fixed error with `Invalid argument' when kernel is compiled without ipv6 support and host has both ipv4 and ipv6 addresses. * fixed deadlock bug when doing put from named pipe and pipe is slower than network. Version 2.0.4 - 1999-08-11 * added ftp:rest-list setting to allow using of REST/LIST pair. By default it is off, since some ftp servers silently ignore REST before LIST. * ignore SIGXFSZ signal, print an error instead. * try to catch ftp server error "Too many open files". * added options -c, -v, -d to lftpget script. * in mirror, don't reset time stamps on unchanged files. * few fixes in html parser. * fixed get -u to decode %XX in default output file name. * fixed interrupting (^C) of `at' command. * fixed `at' command to quote its arguments for execution. * fixed NT listing parser for files with space in name. * fixed renlist, it was printing long list instead of short one. Version 2.0.3 - 1999-07-25 * added lftpget (get an URL) script to distribution. * fixed rare spining in ls (when pipe stalls). * fixed handling of HREF=/ in http ls. * fixed coredump on mrm without arguments. * fixed coredump from find command when pipe stalls. * fixed compilation problem with T_SRV on some systems. Version 2.0.2 - 1999-07-12 * when background job terminates and its cwd is different from current one, show the cwd in `Done' message. * cd and lcd without argument go to remote/local home directory. * send User-Agent in http request. * html parser improved. * dns SRV records support (`set dns:SRV-query y' to enable). * fixed port representation in URL - colon was missing. * fixed completion for nlist command - should use remote completion. Version 2.0.1 - 1999-06-27 * report ETA more precisely (e.g. 2h15m) * added verbose ETA option (set eta-terse no) * http ls -f file.html to extract links just as from index. * extract http links from frame src and area href too. * added http:cache option to disable server/proxy side cache. * fixed core dump in http ls on certain documents. * workaround for a readline bug causing core dump on certain completions. Version 2.0.0 - 1999-06-15 * command `module' to load shared objects at runtime * autoloading modules for protocols and for some commands (only mirror now) To build with modules use `configure --with-modules'. * http protocol support (via ipv6 too) * socks support (configure --with-socks) * cmd:verbose - show command's summary even in non-interactive mode. * command `lpwd'. * command `glob' to do globbing: e.g. `glob echo *'. * command `chmod'. * since `glob' now exists, `cat', `more', `zcat', `zmore' commands do not do globbing themself now; use `glob cat', or make alias `cat' -> `glob cat'. * mirror -R can now set permission on remote files, if server supports SITE CHMOD. * try all addresses of multihomed hosts. * remote globbing redesigned, now the wildcards are matched locally * finally implemented automatic cache invalidation on certain operations. * ftp over ipv6 support (uses EPSV/EPRT - RFC2428) * NT directory listing parser added * set now prints only altered settings, use set -a to see all * argument for `wait' is now optional. It waits for last bg job by default. * redial-interval is renamed to reconnect-interval * ftp:timeout and some others are renamed to net:... to be shared with http. you can still set them without net: prefix. * dns:timeout renamed to dns:fatal-timeout. * fixed bug with url special chars @/: encoding in user name and password * fixed bug with symbolic ports on little-endian machines * fixed bug with wrong ETA in pget * fixed bug which caused file times set by mirror to be non-precise. * fixed `quote' for certain commands, e.g. `quote stat .'. * fixed `ftpcopy' for the case of `set ftp:passive-mode yes' Version 1.2.4 - 1999-01-11 * small completion improvement: after mirror -N use local completion * now it is possible to do non-checking open and cd using & * few bugs hopefully fixed: sometimes ignoring response to USER, very rare (i.e. can't reproduce) using wrong cwd. Version 1.2.3 - 1998-12-24 * cmd:fail-exit setting. If true, exit when a command fails. Useful for scripts. * fix to "exit" if initial open fails. (was broken in 1.2.2) * fix for "put" to print more correct statistics (in some rare cases it said that negative amount was transferred) Version 1.2.2 - 1998-12-19 * cmd:at-exit setting. Execute given commands before exiting. * mget "" should now work (get all files), useful if `mget *' does not work. * refuse to add empty bookmarks. Version 1.2.1 - 1998-12-17 * updated translations: it (by Giovanni Bortolozzo), pl (by Arkadiusz Mi¶kiewicz) * fixed 'mirror -R' coredump Version 1.2 - 1998-12-08 * rate limit for each connection implemented. set ftp:limit-rate, ftp:limit-max. limit-max is maximum rate accumulated. 0 means unlimited. * path and host verification can be turned off via cmd:verify-* settings. Also verification can be stopped via ^Z. Then path will be set and checked later, same for host name. * added ftp:socket-maxseg option, 0 means system default. * mirror -L: follow symlinks (treat them as files) * completion for open from bookmarks * encode/decode %XX in URLs * rm -r (recursive - be careful) * Polish (pl || pl_PL) translation * don't use ls cache for mget * ftpcopy, sleep, at, find, command - new commands * abort data connection properly * ETA in status (original by * fixed `bookmark list' when there were no bookmarks * fixed `bookmark import' when there were no ~/.lftp/bookmarks * fixed `mirror -i/-x', the pattern was mangled when mirror is used second time. Version 1.1.1 - 1998-08-30 * fix connection leak. It happened when many connection to the same site were open, and then tried to be reused. * exclude "total *" from file name completion * fix error messages of mget/mput Version 1.1 - 1998-08-19 * `suspend' command * when doing `cd -', show real directory on status line * recognize tilde in `source' command * set ftp:verify-address - data connection peer address verification set ftp:verify-port - peer port verification (must be 20) - off by default * try to use cached 'ls' for completion (ls-in-completion setting) * add xfer:use-urls option to make get,mget etc recognize urls by default * add bmk:save-passwords option to save password on `bookmark add' command * make `bookmark delete' complain when bookmark does not exist * lftp -c option (execute command and exit) * set ftp:anon-user, ftp:anon-pass * set dns:timeout to limit host name lookup time * allow redirection for 'bookmark list': bo|grep, etc; same for `set' and `alias'. * print url on `pwd' command, allow redirection * echo command with redirection * skey/opie support (ftp:skey-allow, ftp:skey-force) (suggested/tested by Eugene B. Byrganov) * bookmark edit -- start an editor on bookmarks file bookmark import ncftp/netscape -- import foreign bookmarks (suggested by Sam Steingold) * exit if options given to lftp are incorrect, support --help and --version options for lftp (suggested by Sam Steingold) * use password from .netrc if given user name matches it * fixed memory leak in input routine * fixed spinning when output pipe is closed and data is not available yet Version 1.0.1 - 1998-05-28 * pt_BR translation bugs fixed: * fixed a bug with not expanding sometimes aliases * fixed coredump on (open ...; ls) * fixed a rare coredump in mirror Version 1.0 - 1998-04-29 * debug -o file N: redirect output to the file * builtin alias shell=!, the difference is that ! takes full line to eol * cd -, lcd - * old remote cwd is saved to ~/.lftp/cwd_history for each host separately and it is possible to do 'open host && cd -' to go to last directory * show cd status * mirror option --newer-than FILE: download only files newer than given one * mirror option --verbose, useful for background operation * ~/.lftp/rc - additional rc file * write log to ~/.lftp/log * bookmark command: maintain bookmark file ~/.lftp/bookmarks * close command: close all idle connections with current host * set idle: close idle connections locally * set max-retries: limit maximum number of operation retries (default 0=unlim) * i18n: spanish, russian and italian translations * is now accessible in sync mode * use sysconfdir for lftp.conf; /etc for prefix=/usr * output current transfer rate in `jobs', also in pget. * in pget, don't show chunks by default; use `jobs -v' to see them * limited pget status update rate bugs fixed: * several problems with reverse mirror fixed * fixed recursive alias expansion in case of 'alias a "x;a"' * fixed parse bug in line join construct * fixed a bug that forced re-creation of symlinks in mirror * fixed ^C for `more' when pager has not started yet Version 0.14.3 - 1998-03-10 * changed transfer statistics format (x bytes .. in y sec (z b/s)) bugs fixed: * fixed spinning in case relookup-always=on * disabled timeout in store mode when waiting for transfer completion * count bytes in 'put' more precisely on soft errors * 'open host:/;open host:/' bug fixed Version 0.14.2 - 1998-03-03 bugs fixed: * fixed 'lftp -u user' - now asks for password correctly * fixed sync mode: clear waiting flag only after complete response Version 0.14.1 - 1998-02-21 * man page corrected * broken fnmatch should be detected now (e.g. in solaris2.4) * limit transfer status update rate (from Sean Reifschneider) bugs fixed: * 'exit' in lftp -e option: now works again Version 0.14.0 - 1998-01-28 * mirror: default target directory is now basename of source instead of . * mirror: exclude files before MDTM's, don't set time/mode on excluded files * mirror: exclude/include regexp is matched against relative path now * show current minute average transfer speed * reset parser and readline on ^C * file size can be caught from text responce now * debug output is now more realistic in sync mode * reverse mirror (--reverse) (limited - no symlinks, no timestamps) * workaround for \0 characters in server replies (Jason Gunthorpe) * setting closure can now be specified using wildcards (fnmatch) * set ftp:proxy URL - now a user and a password can be used in the URL (protocol of url should be still `ftp' or omitted) * --verbose/--quiet options for ftpget (James Troup) * set ftp:nop-interval - seconds between NOOPs while downloading tail of a file (for broken servers) * `get/reget/pget/cat/zcat/more/zmore -u' recognize URLs now * automatically guess addrlen type (socklen_t/size_t/int) bugs fixed: * mirror could set wrong year on directories in some cases * pget did not set local mtime * lftp had problems with xmalloc on 64-bit platforms due to wrong prototype * fclose(0) could be executed Version 0.13.2 - 1997-11-14 bugs fixed: * sometimes wrong remote directory was used * ftpget -c did not work Version 0.13.1 * completion improved - handle aliases, incomplete commands; catch -o if extra space given. * some compatibility fixes * man page for lftp corrected * mirror: ignore size if the remote file is older and --only-newer is given bugs fixed: * in some cases `put' loose data on soft errors * zero length files could not be uploaded Version 0.13.0 - 1997-10-18 * ftp proxy support: set proxy pxhost:port - default proxy, set proxy/host pxhost:port - proxy for host, set proxy/host "" - no proxy for host * ls output is now line buffered * nlist and renlist commands implemented * compare file name with pattern to prevent untrusted server to fake file names * `lftp -f file' executes the file * mirror can now re-get files with certain conditions, option -c * if --include is specified and --exclude is not, assume to exclude all * moved functionality of parallelftp into lftp (pget command) * ftp:relookup-always (bool) - look up host address always before connecting * Meta-Tab does remote completion now (Tab still guesses completion type) * ^C on command group terminates current job of the group, not the interpreter * better external process handling - using process groups * rm, mrm, mget now use remote completion (James Troup) * rmdir/mkdir should use remote completion too * optional csh-style history expansion * allowed any characters (but \0) in password in .netrc via \ddd * skip macdef's in .netrc * mget -e - remove remote files after successful transfer * integrated patch for documentation/help from James Troup * replaced execl with execlp in ! (shell escape) handling * workaround for server sending ./ or // before file names * completion workaround for servers returning only file names without directory for 'nlist dir' * --without-libresolv to disable libresolv usage Bugs fixed: * should ignore 'Connection timed out' error (and retry) * mirror --no-perms should create directories with default mode * fixed site and quote commands to work with filter correctly * coredump when starting ls in background with a pipe to external command * realloc size in PrependCmd corrected - could coredump * -d option handling for mget fixed * coredump in mirror when using 'jobs -v' * coredump when using shortened subcommands for `cache' * occasional coredump in CatchSIZE_opt/CatchDATE_opt * in some rare cases lftp ate cpu time in background mode * in some cases aliases were not expanded properly * fixed readline-2.1/ to enable compiling on `make install' * fixed MirrorJob to create directories with permission to write to them. * default entry of .netrc was used instead of the previous one * `cd ~user' fixed Version 0.12.2 - 1997-07-19 * file 'missing' replaced with common one * readline completion improved to understand quoting properly Bugs fixed: * reput was broken Version 0.12.1 * fail configure when no tgetent function found * print to log that background lftp finished; print pid in the final message `Moving to background' * append / to file name in cd command completion * disconnect on unexpected extra responces * handle remote timeout message better Bugs fixed: * core-dump when receiving error responce after downloading some data fixed * object leak in mput, cat on ^C (caused cpu-eating) fixed Version 0.12.0 * more flexible settings system, now it is possible to tune parameters for each host separately (ex: set sync/ y) * rearranged printing of error messages so that they don't mess with status line * quote command implemented (thanks to Hugo Van den Berg ) * ls cache can now expire * passwords can now appear in URLs; host:/path is recognized * passive mode ftp connection is now supported * command lines can now be joined with \eol * mrm command implemented (globbing rm) Bugs fixed: * `cd ~..' bug fixed * `mput & lcd' bug fixed * memory allocation bug in PrependCmd (calles by `source') fixed * mput did not initialize make_dirs (the variable for -d option). fixed * integer overflow in percent printing for large files fixed * symbolic port was ignored - fixed Version 0.11.1 - 1997-05-12 * timeout and redial-interval are now global * gethostbyname is now done in a separate process, thus allowing instant interrupt and parallelness. Bugs fixed: * fixed a bug in `put' which prevented correct restart of transfer * kill subjobs when they don't have a jobno (else they can't be killed) * alias expansion could cause buffer overflow/core dump (fixed) * completion sometimes opened another ftp connection (fixed) Version 0.11.0 * automake used * various options for mirror * allowed comments # * optimized file date/size retrieve (parallel with RETR) * allowed wildcards in cat, more, zcat, zmore * allowed help for command abbreviations * log errors to ~/.lftp_log when moved to background * cache ls output, rels to re-ls * `cache' command to control cache * show percents completed * allow kill for any job; not kill subjobs but rather reparent them * expand ~ in get/put * when `get rfile -o lfile' used and lfile is a directory, write to file named as basename of rfile in the directory lfile. * sync-mode is the default now, so it should work always. If you want speed and it works for you, turn it off (set sync-mode n). * improved printing debug slightly - now it does not mess up with status * added several escapes in prompt (Suggested by Ed Grimm) * mkdir -p * debug printing control now works globally * exit now can return exit code to system * poll.h replaced Bugs fixed: * a bug caused spinning when mirror dealt with symlink - fixed * `user' did not reset home dir - fixed * corrected multiline responce handling - terminate with the same code as it started. * `open -u user' sometimes did not ask for password - fixed * directory count corrected in mirror Version 0.10.7 - 1997-03-09 * unitialized variable could cause unneeded SIZE or MDTM commands or coredump * bug in configure which prevented use of preinstalled readline - fixed Version 0.10.6 * home-relative paths were handled incorrectly since 0.10.5 * expand shortened commands to use correct argv0 Version 0.10.5 * path handling - fix for //dir * Buffer overrun sometimes caused 'not supported protocol' errors * blocking logic corrected for GetJob Version 0.10.4 * in some rare cases it did not catch EAGAIN errors and printed 'Resource temporary unavailable' - fixed * a bug in REST command handling could cause some cpu-eating * ignore local directories . and .. in * restore Ftp flags from env vars after Connect ( * inherit env vars when creating sub-CmdExec * put command name in error messages ( Version 0.10.3 * make Connect less blocking (external loop) * reimplemented reconnect on timeout (occasionally dropped in 0.10.0) * set mode on newly created files in mirror * improve error handling in RemoteGlob * add options --delete, --allow-suid for mirror * don't retrive file date when it is impossible to set it locally * awful bug in reput (namely `reput' not `put -c') (file was truncated) fixed Version 0.10.2 * stupid forgotten case caused abort() * `open' (and Ftp::Connect) did not reset home - fixed * error code DO_AGAIN simplified handling of Ftp errors * #ifdef S_ISLNK for Unixware and such. Version 0.10.1 * in, FlushSendQueue, errors were effectively ignored - fixed (this one could lead to time-eating) * `put' skipped next file after error - fixed * `get' could break after dl error - fixed * man pages (Christoph Lameter ) * read /etc/lftp.conf on startup Version lftp-0.10.0 * The package renamed to lftp * help improved * readline from bash-2.0 used (hook for rl_getc) * mv * mirror * `long-running' parameter * `timeout' parameter * `redial-interval' parameter * alias listing on `alias' * parameters handling improvement (shortened names allowed) * site command * () command groupping (like in shell) * && and || command separation (like in shell) * wait command * Complete rewrite for new object model * open doesn't turn off debugging Version ftpclass-0.5.4 * dosish style path recognition * ignore intermediate responces 1xy * command on cmd line of lftp (-e option) * don't use SIZE when in norest_mode ( * fixed rate calc for put ( * fixed hanging in FtpTransfer::waitpid for filter_pid * added -w option for get,put,mget (wait for a transfer) Version 0.5.3 * wait_fg should print `done' when the transfer is complete * FtpTransfer::Step cleanup * not destroying foreground dession in close_transfer * help ca/anon did not output LF * don't give data to program until REST result is known * long options for ftpget * ask password in ftpget if not given * NOREST_MODE - dumb but it works Version 0.5.2 * don't call all_transfers_check_done from wait_fg_transfer * don't print password on debug * don't disconnect on "Broken pipe" responce * ftptransfer rewrite * added mkdir,rmdir,rm (MAKE_DIR,REMOVE_DIR,REMOVE) * now lftp uses .netrc for default login * now it should work if ftpd doesn't ask for password Version 0.5.1 * non-sync mode should not be default :) * fixed GetPollVector to notice SYNC_WAIT Version 0.5.0 * readline completion support * was disconnecting on NO_FILE condition - fixed * foreground session was left open after cd - fixed * url support - open ftp://host/path, cd ftp://host/path * synchronous mode operation -- works with buggy NT ftp server and with old one at Use 'set sync_mode y' to turn it on. Version 0.4.6 * was wrongly printing status when doing cat - fixed * did not close data socket in Ftp::Close - fixed * lftp: added 'source' command * lftp: disconnect foreground session before moving to background Version 0.4.5 * not closing files in 'mget' - fixed * don't close ftp session when downloading several files in chain Version 0.4.4 * lftp: help improvement (no long desc yet) * lftp: command separation with ';' * 'cd ok, cwd=' another fix (hopefully the last) * lftp: ~/ handling in lcd * lftp: fixed options handling in mget * ftpclass: anon_pass inheritance * Ftp::operator= * Used readline from bash-1.14.7, stock 2.0 had problems with FreeBSD * configure changes - now all handled in one configure Version 0.4.3 * fixed changing wait_chain in close_transfer_session (affected 'kill') * fixed REST&NLST, NLST mode&Transfer complete * fixed falling back to non-waiting transfer in add_transfer * lftp: added mget * lftp and ftpclass: added handling of ~/ * ftpclass: portability fix: timezone/tm_gmtoff autoconf (for FreeBSD) Version 0.4.2 * lftp: set prompt * lftp: wait chains * ftpclass: SendEOT ... many small changes which I don't remember Version 0.4.1 ... no change log was being written