ksymoops reads a Linux kernel Oops file and makes the best stab at converting the code to instructions and mapping addresses to kernel symbols. Copyright 1999 Keith Owens . Released under the GNU Public Licence, Version 2. This is a complete replacement for the version of ksymoops in the kernel. Older versions of ksymoops were in scripts/ksymoops.cc, more recently there was a version in the scripts/ksymoops directory. This code has grown to the stage that it should be separated from the kernel. For full documentation, see the man page, ksymoops.8. Please do *not* send oops reports to kaos@ocs.com.au unless you find something wrong with ksymoops itself. Oops reports should go to the maintainer of the failing code or, if you do not known who maintains the code, to an appropriate linux mailing list.