Joe commands grouped by function Background programs ------------------- bknd Run a shell in a window killproc Kill program in current window run Run a UNIX command in a window sys Run a UNIX command and return to editor when done (I/O does not go through editor, be we get the command's return status). Blocks ------ blkcpy Copy marked block to cursor blkdel Delete marked block blkmove Move marked block to cursor blksave Save marked block into a file copy Copy block to kill-ring drop Set markb. If it was already set, eliminate it. dropon Set markb. If it was already set, eliminate it. Turn on marking mode. toggle_marking If we're in a block: clear markb and markk. If marking is off: set markb and turn on marking. If marking is on: set markk (swap if necessary with markb) and turn marking off. begin_marking If we're on an edge of a block: set markb to other edge and turn on marking mode. Otherwise set markb to cursor and turn on marking mode. select Set markb. If it was already set, do nothing. filt Filter block or file through a unix command markb Set beginning of block mark markk Set end of block mark markl Mark current line nmark Eliminate markb and markk picokill Delete line or block pop Restore markb and markk values from stack psh Push markb and markk values onto a stack swap Switch cursor with markb tomarkb Move cursor to markb tomarkbk Move cursor to markb or markk tomarkk Move cursor to markk yank Insert top of kill ring yankpop Scroll through kill ring yapp Append next kill to top of kill ring upper Convert everything in block to uppercase lower Convert everything in block to lowercase Buffers ------- bufed Buffer menu edit Load file into window: asks to reload if buffer exists switch Load file into window: always uses buffer if it exists scratch Load a scratch buffer into current window nbuf Load next buffer into current window pbuf Load previous buffer into current window Cursor Motion ------------- bof Move cursor to beginning of file bol Move cursor to beginning of line (always) bop Move to beginning of a paragraph bos Move to beginning of screen bkwdc Search backwards for a character byte Move cursor to specific byte offset into the file. col Move cursor to specific column number. dnarw Move cursor down one line eof Move cursor to end of file eol Move cursor to end of line eop Move cursor to end of paragraph fwrdc Search forward for matching character gomark Move cursor to a bookmark home Move cursor to beginning of line line Move cursor to specified line ltarw Move cursor left nedge Move cursor to next edge nextpos Move cursor to next position in cursor position history nextword Move cursor to end of next word pedge Move cursor to previous edge prevpos Move cursor to previous position in cursor position history prevword Move cursor to beginning of previous word rtarw Move cursor right setmark Set a bookmark tomatch Move cursor to matching delimiter tos Move cursor to top of screen uparw Move cursor up Deletion -------- backs Backspace backw Backspace a word delbol Delete to beginning of line delch Delete character under cursor deleol Delete to end of line dellin Delete entire line delw Delete word to right Error parsing ------------- nxterr Goto next parsed error parserr Parse errors in current file prverr Go to previous parsed error showerr Show current message Exit ---- cancel Like abort, but doesn't return failure: useful in macros to escape out of a prompt. abort Abort current buffer/window. Prompt if it is changed. abortbuf Like above, but just fail if it would have to prompt because it's the last window on a modified buffer. ask Prompt to save current file: user says yes return, user says no: run 'abort'. Use in a macro: "ask,query,exsave" exsave Save file and exit lose emacs kill buffer. The buffer is deleted- any windows with it get a replacement scratch buffer. querysave Prompt to save each modified buffer Use in a macro: "querysave,query,killjoe" killjoe Exit joe immediately without checking for modified buffers Files ----- save Save file savenow Save immediately, unless file name is not known insf Insert a file Formatting ---------- center Center line fmtblk Format all paragraphs in a block format Format current paragraph lindent Indent to the left rindent Indent to the right Help ---- help Turn help on or off hnext Switch to next help screen hprev Switch to previous help screen Inserting --------- ctrl Type next key finish Complete word in text window insc Insert a space open Insert newline quote Insert a control character quote8 Insert a meta character rtn Return key type Insert typed character Macros ------ macros Insert keyboard macros into current file play Execute a macro query Macro query record Record a macro stop Stop recording macro Menu ---- backsmenu Undo in file completion menu bofmenu Move to beginning of menu bolmenu Move to beginning of line in a menu dnarwmenu Move down one line in a menu eolmenu Move cursor to end of line in a menu eofmenu Move cursor to end of menu ltarwmenu Move cursor left in a menu rtarwmenu Move cursor right in menu uparwmenu Move cursor up in menu dnslidemenu Scroll menu down one line upslidemenu Scroll menu up one line pgupmenu Scroll menu up pgdnmenu Scroll menu down Misc ---- beep Beep execmd Execute a joe command math Calculator mode Mode prompt msg Display a message notmod Clear the modified flag retype Refresh screen shell Suspend process or execute a sub-shell stat Display cursor position tag Tags file search txt Insert text name Insert current file name language Insert current language charset Insert current character set keymap Switch to another keymap Prompts ------- complete Complete a file-name in a prompt if Only run following cmds if expr is true (non-zero) then Same as rtn but only works in prompt windows elsif Try a new condition else Toggle truth flag endif Start running cmds again Here is an example 'if' macro: if,"char==65",then,"it's an A",else,"it's not an A",endif ^[ q When you hit ^[ q, if the character under the cursor is an 'A': "it's a A" is inserted into the buffer, otherwise "it's not an A" is inserted. "if" creates a math prompt (like ESC m). "then" is like "rtn"- it hits the return key for this prompt. Within the math prompt, the following variables are available: char ASCII value of character under cursor width Width of screen height Height of screen byte byte number col column number line line number lines no. lines in file top line number of top line of window Repeat ------ arg Prompt for repeat argument uarg Universal argument Scrolling --------- crawll Pan screen left crawlr Pan screen right dnslide Scroll screen down 1 line pgdn Scroll screen down pgup Scroll screen up upslide Scroll up one line Search and replace ------------------ ffirst Find text fnext Repeat previous search isrch Incremental search forward qrepl Search and replace rfirst Search backwards for text rsrch Reverse incremental search Windows ------- explode Display one window or display all windows dupw Duplicate current window groww Increase size of window nextw Move cursor to next window prevw Go to previous window shrinkw Shrink window splitw Split window into two tw0 Eliminate this window tw1 Show only one window mwind Get error messages window on the screen and put cursor in it. mfit Fit two windows on the screen: make current window 6 lines, and give rest of space to window above. The window above is either the existing previous window, a newly created one if there wasn't one. Undo ---- redo Re-execute the latest undone change undo Undo last change Mouse ----- tomouse Move the cursor to where the mouse was clicked/dragged defmdown Default single-click handlers defmdrag (click to move cursor, drag to select characters) defmup defm2down Default double-click handlers defm2drag (drag to select words) defm2up defm3down Default triple-click handlers defm3drag (drag to select lines) defm3up paste Insert text until magic sequence ^[ [ 2 0 1 ~ is received. (for XTerm bracketed paste). Math ---- Math functions: sin, cos, tan, exp, sqrt, cbrt, ln, log, asin, acos, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh, int, floor, ceil, abs, erf, erfc, j0, j1, y0, y1 Variables: e Set to 'e' pi Set to 'pi' top Set to line number of top window line lines Set to number of lines in file line Set to current line number col Set to current column number byte Set to current byte number size Set to buffer size height Set to window height width Set to window width char Set to ASCII val of character under cursor markv True if there is a valid block set (^KB ... ^KK) rdonly True if file is read-only arg Current repeat argument argset True if a repeat argument was given no_windows No. buffer windows on the screen ans Result of previous expression Commands: hex Hex display mode dec Decimal display mode ins Insert 'ans' into buffer sum Sum of numbers in block cnt Count numbers in block avg Average value of numbers in block dev Standard deviation of numbers in block eval Evaluate math expressions in block (or whole file if no block set). joe(..) Execute a JOE macro (argument in same format as joerc file macros). Return value of JOE macro is returned (for macro success, return true (non-zero)). For example: joe(sys,"[ 1 == 1 ]",rtn) ([ 1 == 1 ]) is a shell command. "[" is a synonym for the "test" UNIX command. Returns true. Remember: argument for JOE macro command "if" is a math expression. So for example, the macro: if,"joe(sys,\"[ 1 == 1 ]\",rtn)",then,"TRUE",endif Types TRUE into the buffer. Operators: ^ * / % + - < <= > >= == != && || ? : = : &&, || and ? : work as in C and sh as far as side effects: if the left side of && is false, the right side is not evaluated. : is expression separator