% latex209.sl % % AUC-TeX style LaTeX209-mode (v0.3) by Kevin Humphreys % % For JED (v0.97.9b) by John E. Davis % % Based on AUC-TeX (v7.3) by Per Abrahamsen % Loaded from latex.sl if LaTeX_default_documentstyle is non-null % (If you don't use LaTeX209 you don't need this file) % CHANGES HISTORY: % Modified for integration into the main jed distribution. % --- v0.2-0.3 % added call to read_with_completion for documentstyle % --- v0.1-0.2 % added insertions for letter style % call tex_embrace for font specifier insertion define latex_insert_document_env () { variable class = read_with_completion(LaTeX_classes, "Enter Document Class:", LaTeX_default_documentstyle, Null_String, 's'); variable options = read_mini ("Enter Style Options:", LaTeX_default_options, Null_String); if (strlen (options)) options = sprintf("[%s]", options); bob (); vinsert ("\\\\documentstyle%s{%s}\n\n", options, class); insert ("\\begin{document}\n\n\n\n\\end{document}\n"); go_up(3); !if (strcmp(class, "letter")) latex_insert_letter_args(); } % Font Selection - LaTeX209 define tex_insert_font (pre, post, arg) { if (arg == -1) tex_embrace(pre, post); else % if prefix argument { push_spot(); bsearch("{\\"); pop(); delete_word(); del (); insert (pre); () = fsearch_char ('}'); del (); go_left(2); if (looking_at("\\/")) del (); else go_right(2); insert(post); pop_spot (); } } define tex_delete_font () { push_spot(); () = bsearch("{\\"); delete_word(); del (); () = fsearch_char ('}'); del (); go_left(2); if (looking_at("\\/")) deln(2); pop_spot (); } define tex_font () { variable arg = prefix_argument(-1); switch (getkey()) { case 2 : tex_insert_font ("{\\bf ", "}", arg);} % C-b { case 3 : tex_insert_font ("{\\sc ", "}", arg);} % C-c { case 5 : tex_insert_font ("{\\em ", "\\/}", arg);} % C-e { case 9 : tex_insert_font ("{\\it ", "\\/}", arg);} % C-i { case 18 : tex_insert_font ("{\\rm ", "}", arg);} % C-r { case 19 : tex_insert_font ("{\\sl ", "\\/}", arg);} % C-s { case 20 : tex_insert_font ("{\\tt ", "}", arg);} % C-t { case 4 : tex_delete_font ();} % C-d }