% % This is supposed to be an easy to use help facility % $1 = " *EZhelp*"; !if (keymap_p($1)) { make_keymap($1); definekey("page_up", "^?", $1); definekey("page_up", "u", $1); definekey("page_up", "U", $1); definekey("page_down", " ", $1); definekey("page_down", "d", $1); definekey("page_down", "D", $1); definekey("search_forward", "S", $1); definekey("search_forward", "F", $1); definekey("search_forward", "f", $1); definekey("search_forward", "s", $1); definekey("search_backward", "b", $1); definekey("search_backward", "B", $1); definekey("ezhelp_quit", "q", $1); definekey("ezhelp_quit", "Q", $1); } variable EZhelp_Last_Buffer; define ezhelp_quit() { sw2buf(EZhelp_Last_Buffer); } define jed_easy_help(file) { variable c, hlpbuf, hlpfile, err, flags, dir; hlpbuf = " *EZhelp*"; !if (strcmp(hlpbuf, whatbuf())) return; EZhelp_Last_Buffer = whatbuf(); err = strcat("Help file not found: ", file); ERROR_BLOCK { ezhelp_quit(); } sw2buf(hlpbuf); (hlpfile, dir, hlpbuf, flags) = getbuf_info(); if (strcmp(hlpfile, file)) { hlpfile = expand_jedlib_file(file); !if (strlen(hlpfile)) error(err); erase_buffer(); set_readonly(0); if (insert_file(hlpfile) <= 0) error(err); setbuf_info(file, dir, hlpbuf, flags); bob(); set_readonly(1); } use_keymap(hlpbuf); set_status_line(" u:Page Up, d:Page Down, s:Search, q:Quit Help (%p)", 0); }