========================================================================== INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR IPTRAF 2.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: READ THE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS SECTION IN THE README. IPTRAF 2 REQUIRES LINUX 2.2 OR LATER. The iptraf-2.7.0.tar.gz file no longer contains precompiled executable programs, only source code. To compile and install, just change to the iptraf-2.7.0 top-level directory and type: ./Setup This will automatically compile and install the software. The traditional cd src make clean make make install can still be used. Precompiled binaries are available in the iptraf-2.7.0.i386.bin.tar.gz file. This contains no source code and is expected to run on Intel x86 Linux with the GNU C Library 2.1 or later. UPGRADING FROM 2.1 or 2.4 There have been filter file format changes but no need to redefine existing filters. IPTraf 2.5 will not use the saved filters from versions 2.1 to 2.4. so if you had some applied TCP and UDP filters, just reapply them. Also verify the settings for your ARP, RARP, and non-IP filter toggles, and define as appropriate your miscellaneous IP filters. UPGRADING FROM 2.0.x or 1.4.x IPTraf 1.4.x and 2.0.x had a filename parsing bug that caused the filter data files to be placed in the wrong directory with the wrong names. This version corrects it. If you're using TCP or UDP filters, perform a "make upgrade" before running the program. This step will place the filter data files in the correct place with the right names. DEALING WITH "ERROR OPENING TERMINAL" The precompiled executable program comes linked with ncurses 4.2. ncurses 4.2 needs to determine your terminal capabilities from the terminfo database in /usr/share/terminfo. If the supplied program fails with "Error opening terminal", check this directory. If it doesn't exist, your terminfo database may be somewhere else. To override the default terminfo search path, you can use the TERMINFO environment variable. Supposing your terminfo is in /usr/lib/terminfo (typical for Slackware distributions) TERMINFO=/usr/lib/terminfo export TERMINFO You may want to place these commands in your login initialization files (/etc/profile or ~/.profile for sh/bash). You can also create a symbolic link /usr/share/terminfo to point to your existing terminfo database. For example, given the same conditions above: ln -s /usr/lib/terminfo /usr/share/terminfo Or, as an alternative, you can simply recompile your program to use your ncurses installation. Be sure you have at least ncurses 1.9.9e. See section on recompiling below. See the README file and the manual for more information.