Any Font 8 On ="
" Any Font 8 Off ="
" Any Font 9 On =" " Any Font 9 Off =" " Any Font 10 On =" " Any Font 10 Off =" " Any Font 11 On =" " Any Font 11 Off =" " Any Font 12 On ="

" Any Font 12 Off ="

" Any Font 14 On ="

" Any Font 14 Off ="

" Any Font 18 On ="

" Any Font 18 Off ="

" Any Font 24 On ="

" Any Font 24 Off ="

" Any Font 28 On ="

" Any Font 28 Off ="

" Any Font 32 On ="

" Any Font 32 Off ="

" Any Font 36 On ="

" Any Font 36 Off ="

" # Now the really specific stuff for WWW Urls # This one decodes the special Url macro which puts the URL reference # inside a WP Comment (so it is hidden but editable) and makes the # link text blue and underline # If we find a comment inside an Url style pair defined by the user # we can be pretty sure it was deliberate ( done by MACRO), so we # have this special translation just for Comments inside Url Styles # Course, if not defined (UrlComment) it will default to standard # UrlOn="%e" # Eat style codes UrlOnEnd="%f" # Style end for UrlOn, restart output # the comment text, passed as parameter 2 text, is the URL UrlCommentOn="" # URL link UrlOff="%e" # Anchor Off and eat style codes UrlOffEnd="%f" # Style end for UrlOff, restart output