...just collecting ideas here (roughly ordered by priority - which doesn't necessarily have any influence on the order in which they get fixed/implemented) ideas / feature requests ======================== - hierarchical playlists (for playlist files in the playlist) - make main window skinnable - doable to some extent via gxine-specific gtkrc & XML - iconified mode for audio only playback? Probably not needed - the video widget can be hidden automatically. - add commands to wait for various events to script engine - "end of stream" is done - Don't "rewind" the movie when "stop" is pressed - blank the window only. - Eject button (replacing current stop button)? - Which 'live' streams are pauseable? - Definitely not the stream from vdr - it handles pausing itself. - For pauseable streams: it's possibly useful that you can pause it then continue minutes later (maybe after eating lots of memory) from where you stopped - but you should be made very aware that it's no longer "live", but more like "delayed live", so maybe there could also be a display like: "LIVE -2:45". (Fast-forward would also be possible for a delayed stream.) - One for xine-lib, I think. - clear log It'd have to clear only the shown text, I think. (Timestamps in libxine?) - double-click => full-screen mode Need to check interaction with DVD menus (click claiming). Doesn't seem possible to find out whether single-click caused some action. - auto-show and auto-hide toolbar Based on pointer position; needs a timeout, poss. also a pointer shape change. unsorted stuff ============== * Mediamarks aren't very useful for DVDs (dvd:/). I get the impression that mediamarks are primarily intended for bookmarking the addresses of online broadcast stations, true? * Support nvtv TV-out (as xine-ui 0.9.13 does). http://sf.net/projects/nv-tv-out (I don't have the hardware for this. Anybody? [DS]) * When the stream in non-seekable, or when no stream is loaded - hide or disable the slider bar - need to log widgets associated with the slider adjustment object