# # $Id: animate.dem,v 1.6 2003/10/28 05:35:54 sfeam Exp $ # # HBB: Demo animation, tumbling around 'glass.dat' # meant to replace the 'rotating whale' demo. set parametric set hidden3d unset key set style data line xrot=60 zrot=0 set view xrot,zrot splot "glass.dat" limit_iterations=40 # limits number of iterations if nonzero if (!limit_iterations) print "The following animation will never stop on its own. You have" if (!limit_iterations) print "to stop it manually by interrupting gnuplot (e.g., press ^C)" print "On some screen terminal drivers for PC screens, you'll have" print "to hit a key to get to the next frame" pause -1 "Press a key to start the rotation..." iteration_count=0 load "gnuplot.rot" reset