This README file documents experimental features included in the distribution. These features must be enabled explicitly during configuration/build. Alternative algorithm for dgrid3d ================================= SYSTEMS: All PURPOSE: Implement thin plate splines in 2d as an alternative to the former inverse distance algorithm for scattered data. AUTHOR: Jean-Michel Savignat REFERENCE: info-gnuplot-beta, Message-ID: <> USAGE: configure --enable-thin-splines -OR- add -DTHIN_PLATE_SPLINES_GRID=1 to CFLAGS in the platform makefile Sort help and subtopic tables by column ======================================= SYSTEMS: All PURPOSE: Sort help and subtopic tables bei row (default) or column AUTHOR: "Mark K. Gardner" REFERENCE: Patch in private email from Tue, 27 Apr 1999 USAGE: configure --without-row-help -OR- add -DCOLUMN_HELP to CFLAGS in the platform makefile