Installation instructions for GIMP Help --------------------------------------- This package includes prebuilt help files for The GIMP 2.0 as well as the XML sources that are needed to rebuild the HTML files. If you downloaded this tarball to install the help files, you don't need to worry about how to build the files. Just run the usual commands to install the prebuilt help: ./configure make make install (you need root priviledges for this last step) In order for configure to locate the GIMP installation, pkg-config needs to find gimp-2.0.pc. This file is installed with GIMP. If you installed GIMP by means of binary package, you may have to install the GIMP development package that provides gimp-2.0.pc. If you want to work on the help content, you should enable the build of the help files by using the --enable-build configure option: ./configure --enable-build The GIMP help documents are written in Docbook XML. Since the GIMP help browser wants HTML files, the documents need to be converted. This is done as an XSLT [1] using xsltproc [2]. If you encounter any problems during the build, these are likely caused by the XSLT processor not being able to locate stylesheets it needs to do the transformation. You should have an XML catalog file that helps the XSLT processor to locate your locally installed stylesheets. In case you are missing such a catalog file or it is incomplete, you can specify the location of the stylesheets explicitely, for example: ./configure --with-xsl=/usr/share/sgml/docbook/stylesheet/xsl/nwalsh By default we do not allow the XSLT processor to attempt to download external resources. If you have a fast internet connection, it may be useful to allow xsltproc to fetch DTDs or entities over the network: ./configure --enable-network If you want to test the built help files without installing them, you can create a symlink from $prefix/share/gimp/2.0/help to the html directory or set the environment variable GIMP2_HELP_URI. In case you just want to play with the help files without having GIMP installed, you can disable the check for gimp-2.0 like this: ./configure --without-gimp -- The GIMP-Help team. [1] [2]