# uugetty.sample: sample uugetty configuration file for a Hayes # compatible modem to allow incoming modem connections # # [ put this file in /etc/uugetty. ] # # this config file sets up uugetty to use the RINGBACK feature for # answering calls. # ringback enable. The defaults are trusted here (and are pretty sane). # first, one to three rings, then hangup and call back within 6 and 60 # seconds. RINGBACK=YES MINRBTIME = 7 MAXRBTIME = 21 INTERRING = 6 MINRINGS = 1 MAXRINGS = 2 # line to use to do initialization. All INIT, OFF, and WAITFOR functions # are handled on this line. If this line is not specified, any other # program that wants to share the line (like kermit, uucp, seyon) will # fail. This line will also be checked for lockfiles. # # format: (without the /dev/) INITLINE=cua3 # timeout to disconnect if idle... TIMEOUT=60 # modem initialization string... Sets the modem not to auto-answer # # format: ... (chat sequence) INIT="" \d+++\dAT\r OK\r\n ATH0\r OK\r\n AT\sM0\sE1\sQ0\sV1\sX4\sS0=0\r OK\r\n # waitfor string... if this sequence of characters is received over the line, # a call is detected. WAITFOR=RING # this line is the connect chat sequence. This chat sequence is performed # after the WAITFOR string is found. The \A character automatically sets # the baudrate to the characters that are found, so if you get the message # CONNECT 2400, the baud rate is set to 2400 baud. # # format: ... (chat sequence) CONNECT="" ATA\r CONNECT\s\A # this line sets the time to delay before sending the login banner DELAY=1