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General Index

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  • ‘ABOUT-NLS’ file
  • ‘acconfig.h’ file
  • ‘aclocal.m4’ file
  • ‘config.h.in’ file
  • ‘gettext.h’ file
  • ‘LINGUAS’ file
  • ‘Makefile.in.in’ extensions
  • ‘Makevars’ file
  • ‘mkinstalldirs’ file
  • ‘POTFILES.in’ file
  • _

  • _, a macro to mark strings for translation
  • _nl_msg_cat_cntr
  • a

  • accumulating translations
  • adding keywords, xgettext
  • ambiguities
  • apply a filter to translations
  • apply command to all translations in a catalog
  • Arabic digits
  • attribute manipulation
  • attribute, fuzzy
  • attributes of a PO file entry
  • attributes, manipulating
  • autoconf macros for gettext
  • autopoint program, usage
  • auxiliary PO file
  • available translations
  • awk
  • b

  • backup old file, and msgmerge program
  • bash
  • bibliography
  • big picture
  • bind_textdomain_codeset
  • Boost format strings
  • bug report address
  • c

  • C and C-like languages
  • C trigraphs
  • C#
  • C# mode, and msgfmt program
  • C# mode, and msgunfmt program
  • C# resources mode, and msgfmt program
  • C# resources mode, and msgunfmt program
  • C#, string concatenation
  • catalog encoding and msgexec output
  • catclose, a catgets function
  • catgets, X/Open specification
  • catgets, a catgets function
  • catopen, a catgets function
  • character encoding
  • charset conversion at runtime
  • charset of PO files
  • check format strings
  • checking of translations
  • clisp
  • clisp C sources
  • codeset
  • comments in PO files
  • comments, automatic
  • comments, extracted
  • comments, translator
  • Common Lisp
  • compare PO files
  • comparison of interfaces
  • compatibility with X/Open msgfmt
  • compendium
  • compendium, creating
  • concatenate PO files
  • concatenating PO files into a compendium
  • concatenation of strings
  • context
  • context, argument specification in xgettext
  • context, in MO files
  • context, in PO files
  • convert binary message catalog into PO file
  • convert translations to a different encoding
  • converting a package to use gettext
  • country codes
  • create new PO file
  • creating a new PO file
  • creating compendia
  • currency symbols
  • d

  • date format
  • dcngettext
  • dcpgettext
  • dcpgettext_expr
  • debugging messages marked as format strings
  • dialect
  • disabling NLS
  • distribution tarball
  • dngettext
  • dollar substitution
  • domain ambiguities
  • dpgettext
  • dpgettext_expr
  • duplicate elimination
  • duplicate removal
  • e

  • editing comments in PO files
  • Editing PO Files
  • editing translations
  • Emacs Lisp
  • Emacs PO Mode
  • encoding
  • encoding conversion
  • encoding conversion at runtime
  • encoding for your language
  • encoding list
  • encoding of PO files
  • environment variables
  • envsubst program, usage
  • eval_gettext function, usage
  • eval_ngettext function, usage
  • evolution of packages
  • extracting parts of a PO file into a compendium
  • f

  • FDL, GNU Free Documentation License
  • file format, ‘.mo’
  • file format, ‘.po’
  • files, ‘.po’ and ‘.mo’
  • files, ‘.pot’
  • filter messages according to attributes
  • find common messages
  • force use of fuzzy entries
  • format strings
  • Free Pascal
  • function attribute, __format__
  • function attribute, __format_arg__
  • fuzzy entries
  • g

  • gawk
  • GCC-source
  • generate binary message catalog from PO file
  • generate translation catalog in English
  • gettext files
  • gettext installation
  • gettext interface
  • gettext program, usage
  • gettext, a programmer's view
  • gettext vs catgets
  • gettextize program, usage
  • GNOME PO file editor
  • GPL, GNU General Public License
  • GUI programs
  • guile
  • h

  • hash table, inside MO files
  • he, she, and they
  • header entry of a PO file
  • help option
  • history of GNU gettext
  • i

  • i18n
  • importing PO files
  • include file ‘libintl.h’, include file ‘libintl.h’, include file ‘libintl.h’, include file ‘libintl.h’
  • initialization
  • initialize new PO file
  • initialize translations from a compendium
  • installing gettext
  • interface to catgets
  • internationalization
  • inttypes.h
  • ISO 3166
  • ISO 639
  • j

  • Java
  • Java mode, and msgfmt program
  • Java mode, and msgunfmt program
  • Java, string concatenation
  • k

  • KDE PO file editor
  • keyboard accelerator checking
  • l

  • l10n
  • language codes
  • language selection
  • language selection at runtime
  • large package
  • LGPL, GNU Lesser General Public License
  • libiconv library
  • libintl for C#
  • libintl for Java
  • libintl library
  • librep Lisp
  • License, GNU FDL
  • License, GNU GPL
  • License, GNU LGPL
  • Licenses
  • link with ‘libintl’
  • Linux, Linux, Linux
  • Lisp
  • list of translation teams, where to find
  • locale facet, LC_ALL
  • locale facet, LC_COLLATE
  • locale facet, LC_CTYPE, locale facet, LC_CTYPE, locale facet, LC_CTYPE
  • locale facet, LC_MESSAGES, locale facet, LC_MESSAGES
  • locale facet, LC_MONETARY, locale facet, LC_MONETARY
  • locale facet, LC_NUMERIC, locale facet, LC_NUMERIC
  • locale facet, LC_RESPONSES
  • locale facet, LC_TIME, locale facet, LC_TIME
  • locale facets
  • locale program
  • localization
  • lookup message translation, lookup message translation
  • lookup plural message translation, lookup plural message translation
  • m

  • magic signature of MO files
  • manipulating PO files
  • marking Perl sources
  • marking string initializers
  • marking strings that require translation
  • marking strings, preparations
  • marking translatable strings
  • menu entries
  • menu, keyboard accelerator support
  • merge PO files
  • merging two PO files
  • message catalog files location
  • messages
  • migration from earlier versions of gettext
  • mnemonics of menu entries
  • MO file's format
  • modify message attrributes
  • msgattrib program, usage
  • msgcat program, usage
  • msgcmp program, usage
  • msgcomm program, usage
  • msgconv program, usage
  • msgen program, usage
  • msgexec program, usage
  • msgfilter filter and catalog encoding
  • msgfilter program, usage
  • msgfmt program, usage
  • msggrep program, usage
  • msginit program, usage
  • msgmerge program, usage
  • msgunfmt program, usage
  • msguniq program, usage
  • multi-line strings
  • n

  • N_, a convenience macro
  • Native Language Support
  • Natural Language Support
  • newlines in PO files
  • ngettext
  • ngettext program, usage
  • NLS
  • number format
  • o

  • Object Pascal
  • obsolete entries
  • optimization of gettext functions
  • orthography
  • outdigits
  • output to stdout, xgettext
  • overview of gettext
  • p

  • package and version declaration in ‘configure.in’
  • package build and installation options
  • package distributor's view of gettext
  • package installer's view of gettext
  • package maintainer's view of gettext
  • paragraphs
  • Pascal
  • Perl
  • Perl default keywords
  • Perl invalid string interpolation
  • Perl long lines
  • Perl parentheses
  • Perl pitfalls
  • Perl quote-like expressions
  • Perl special keywords for hash-lookups
  • Perl valid string interpolation
  • pgettext
  • pgettext_expr
  • PHP
  • Pike
  • plural form formulas
  • plural forms
  • plural forms, in MO files
  • plural forms, in PO files
  • PO files' format
  • PO mode (Emacs) commands
  • PO template file
  • po_file_domains
  • po_file_free
  • po_file_read
  • po_message_iterator
  • po_message_iterator_free
  • po_message_msgid
  • po_message_msgid_plural
  • po_message_msgstr
  • po_message_msgstr_plural
  • po_next_message
  • portability problems with sed
  • preparing programs for translation
  • preparing shell scripts for translation
  • problems with catgets interface
  • programming languages
  • Python
  • q

  • Qt format strings
  • Qt mode, and msgfmt program
  • quotation marks, quotation marks
  • quote characters, use in PO files
  • r

  • recode-sr-latin program
  • related reading
  • release
  • RST
  • s

  • Scheme
  • scripting languages
  • search messages in a catalog
  • selecting message language
  • sentences
  • setting up gettext at build time
  • setting up gettext at run time
  • several domains
  • sex
  • she, he, and they
  • shell format string
  • shell scripts
  • Smalltalk
  • sorting msgcat output
  • sorting msgmerge output
  • sorting msgunfmt output
  • sorting output of xgettext
  • specifying plural form in a PO file
  • standard output, and msgcat
  • standard output, and msgmerge program
  • string concatenation
  • string normalization in entries
  • style
  • supported languages, xgettext
  • t

  • Tcl
  • Tcl mode, and msgfmt program
  • Tcl mode, and msgunfmt program
  • template PO file
  • testing ‘.po’ files for equivalence
  • Tk's scripting language
  • translated entries
  • translating menu entries
  • translation aspects
  • Translation Matrix
  • Translation Project
  • turning off NLS support
  • tutorial of gettext usage
  • u

  • unify duplicate translations
  • untranslated entries
  • update translations from a compendium
  • upgrading to new versions of gettext
  • v

  • version control for backup files, msgmerge
  • w

  • wxWidgets library
  • x

  • xargs, and output from msgexec
  • xgettext program, usage
  • xmodmap program, and typing quotation marks
  • y

  • YaST2 scripting language
  • YCP

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