getmail version 4 -- a flexible, extensible mail retrieval system with support for POP3, IMAP4, SSL variants of both, maildirs, mboxrd files, external MDAs, arbitrary message filtering, single-user and domain-mailboxes, and many other useful features. getmail is Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Charles Cazabon. getmail is licensed for use under the GNU General Public License version 2 (only). See docs/COPYING for specific terms and distribution information. getmail version 4 requires Python version 2.3.3 or later. You can have several installed versions of Python peacefully co-existing, see for details. To install: getmail v.4 uses the standard Python distutils. Do the following as a regular user: python build Then (probably as root), do: python install This will install the software as follows: -the four scripts will be installed in /bin/ -the Python files will be installed under the site-packages directory of your Python installation (typically /usr/local/lib/pythonXXX or /usr/lib/pythonXXX, but may be elsewhere -- this is detected automatically) -the documentation will be installed under /doc/getmail-/ -the man pages will be installed under /man/ is the directory Python was configured to install under (typically either /usr/local/ or /usr/, but may be another value). See the file docs/documentation.html or docs/documentation.txt for details on installing files to directories other than these defaults. The four scripts included in the package (getmail, getmail_fetch, getmail_maildir, and getmail_mbox) will have their "#!"-interpreter line automatically modified to invoke the Python interpreter you run the setup script with. If you later remove this version of Python, and the newer version does not provide a link to the interpreter with that name, you may have to modify the scripts. See the HTML documentation for details on setting up and using getmail. It is included in the docs subdirectory of the distribution tarball, and will be installed in /doc/getmail-/ (by default). See docs/BUGS for instructions on reporting bugs in this software.