From - Tue Oct 1 18:05:17 1996 Message-ID: <> Date: Tue, 01 Oct 1996 17:46:52 -0400 From: "Brian White" Organization: Verisim, Inc. X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0 (X11; I; Linux 2.0.2 i486) MIME-Version: 1.0 To: Tom Webster Subject: GenPower and new APC cable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mozilla-Status: 0001 Content-Length: 2287 Tom, I'd appreciate it if you could add this cable to your next release. /* Brian's APC Back-UPS Pro, Smart-UPS, and Matrix-UPS */ {"apc-advanced",{TIOCM_DTR,0}, {TIOCM_RTS,1}, 5, {TIOCM_CAR,0}, {TIOCM_RNG,0}, {TIOCM_DSR,0}}, This cable supports power-fail detection (of course), low-battery detection, cable-test (loopback), and UPS shutdown. It is built like this: Computer (Pin#/Name) APC UPS (Name/Pin#) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7 RTS ------------------------. \ \ 1 DCD ---------------------*---. \ .----- SHUTDOWN 1 | \ \ / 10k | \ \ 4-wire cable / 6 DSR ---. ,---'\/\/\,---' \ `---------------------' .------ POWRFAIL 3 | | `-----------------------' | | ,-----------------------. 4 DTR ---*---*---'\/\/\,---. / ,---------------------. `------ BATRYLOW 5 10k | / / (telephone cable) \ | / / \ 9 RNG ---------------------*---' / `----- SIGROUND 4 / / 5 GND ------------------------' According to APC, this cable will work on all Backups-Pro, Smart-Ups, and most likely the Matrix-Ups, too. I've only tested it on my Backups-Pro 420, though. Please let me know when you release your next version or want some beta testing done! Brian ( ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generated by Signify v1.00. For this and more, visit