# this is a bare bones sample .fvwm2rc/system.fvwm2rc file for fvwm. # It should be customized before install. See other sample .fvwm2rc files # for hints, as well as pointers from the various links on the official # fvwm web page (see the FAQ). EdgeResistance 250 10 EdgeScroll 100 100 ClickTime 750 DeskTopSize 2x2 Menustyle * fvwm, Font -adobe-times-bold-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-* MenuStyle * Foreground maroon, Background grey60, Greyed grey40 ColormapFocus FollowsMouse # default Styles: # make sure these fonts exist on your system: Style * Font -adobe-times-bold-r-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Style * IconFont -adobe-times-bold-r-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Style * HilightFore black, HilightBack palevioletred Style * BorderWidth 7, HandleWidth 7 Style * Icon unknown1.xpm, Color lightgrey/dimgrey Style * MWMFunctions, MWMDecor, HintOverride Style * DecorateTransient, NoPPosition Style * IconBox 0 -10 -280 -1 Style * FocusFollowsMouse Style * TileCascadePlacement # Styles for various Fvwm modules: Style "Fvwm*" NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip Style "Fvwm*" BorderWidth 2, CirculateSkipIcon, CirculateSkip Style "FvwmPager" StaysOnTop Style "FvwmBanner" StaysOnTop Style "FvwmButtons" Icon toolbox.xpm, ClickToFocus # Styles for your common terminal emulator programs: Style "XTerm" Icon xterm.xpm, SloppyFocus, IconBox -70 1 -1 -140 Style "rxvt" Icon term.xpm, SloppyFocus, IconBox -70 1 -1 -140 Style "rxvt" MWMBorder, MWMButtons # Styles for various common programs: Style "*lock" NoTitle, NoHandles, Sticky, WindowListSkip, ClickToFocus Style "xbiff" NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip, ClickToFocus Style "xcalc" Icon xcalc.xpm, NoButton 2,ClickToFocus Style "xmh" Icon mail1.xpm, NoIconTitle,StickyIcon Style "xmh" NoButton 2 Style "xman" Icon xman.xpm, ClickToFocus Style "xmag" Icon mag_glass.xpm, ClickToFocus Style "xgraph" Icon graphs.xpm, ClickToFocus Style "xmosaic" Color Green/Yellow, ClickToFocus # some simple default key bindings: Key Next A SCM Next (AcceptsFocus) Focus Key Prior A SCM Prev (AcceptsFocus) Focus # some simple default mouse bindings: # for the root window: Mouse 1 R A Menu RootMenu Nop Mouse 2 R A Menu Window-Ops Nop Mouse 3 R A WindowList # for the title bar buttons: Mouse 0 1 A Menu Window-Ops2 Close Mouse 0 2 A Maximize-Func Mouse 0 4 A Iconify # for other parts of the window/borders/icons: Mouse 1 F A Resize-or-Raise Mouse 1 TS A Move-or-Raise Mouse 1 I A Move-or-Iconify Mouse 2 I A Iconify Mouse 2 FST A Menu Window-Ops2 Nop Mouse 3 TSIF A RaiseLower ######################## Initialization Functions ############################ AddToFunc StartFunction + I Module FvwmButtons AddToFunc InitFunction + I exec xsetroot -mod 2 2 -fg rgb:55/40/55 -bg rgb:70/50/70 # For some SM-s (like gnome-session) there is an internal background setter. AddToFunc SessionInitFunction + I Nop ######################## Menus ################### AddToMenu RootMenu "Root Menu" Title + "XTerm" Exec exec xterm + "Rxvt" Exec exec rxvt + "" Nop + "Remote Logins" Popup Remote-Logins + "" Nop + "Utilities" Popup Utilities + "" Nop + "Fvwm Modules" Popup Module-Popup + "Fvwm Window Ops" Popup Window-Ops + "Fvwm Simple Config Ops" Popup Misc-Ops + "" Nop + "Refresh Screen" Refresh + "Recapture Screen" Recapture + "" Nop + "Exit Fvwm" Popup Quit-Verify AddToMenu Utilities "Utilities" Title + "Top" Exec exec xterm -T Top -n Top -e top + "Calculator" Exec exec xcalc + "Xman" Exec exec xman + "Xmag" Exec exec xmag + "Editres" Exec exec editres + "" Nop + "XEmacs" Exec exec xemacs + "Mail" MailFunction xmh "-font fixed" + "" Nop + "XLock" Exec exec xlock -mode random + "" Nop + "Reset X defaults" Exec xrdb -load $HOME/.Xdefaults AddToMenu Misc-Ops "Misc Config Opts" Title + "Sloppy Focus" ChangeDefaultFocus SloppyFocus + "Click To Focus" ChangeDefaultFocus ClickToFocus + "Focus Follows Mouse" ChangeDefaultFocus FocusFollowsMouse + "" Nop + "Colormap Follows Mouse" ColormapFocus FollowsMouse + "Colormap Follows Focus" ColormapFocus FollowsFocus + "" Nop + "Full Paging ON" EdgeScroll 100 100 + "All Paging OFF" EdgeScroll 0 0 + "Horizontal Paging Only" EdgeScroll 100 0 + "Vertical Paging Only" EdgeScroll 0 100 + "Partial Paging" EdgeScroll 50 50 + "Full Paging && Edge Wrap" EdgeScroll 100000 100000 AddToMenu Window-Ops "Window Ops" Title + "Move" Move + "Resize" Resize + "Raise" Raise + "Lower" Lower + "(De)Iconify" Iconify + "(Un)Stick" Stick + "(Un)Maximize" Maximize + "" Nop + "Delete" Delete + "Close" Close + "Destroy" Destroy + "" Nop + "Refresh Window" RefreshWindow AddToMenu Window-Ops2 "&Move" Move + "&Resize" Resize + "R&aise" Raise + "&Lower" Lower + "(De)&Iconify" Iconify + "(Un)&Stick" Stick + "(Un)Ma&ximize" Maximize + "" Nop + "&Delete" Delete + "&Close" Close + "Destroy" Destroy + "" Nop + "ScrollBar" Module FvwmScroll 2 2 + "Print" PrintFunction + "Print Reverse" PrintReverseFunction # be sure to fill these in with your correct machine names: AddToMenu Remote-Logins "dopey" Exec rsh dopey rxvt -display $HOSTDISPLAY & + "snoopy" Exec rsh snoopy rxvt -display $HOSTDISPLAY & + "grumpy" Exec rsh grumpy rxvt -display $HOSTDISPLAY & + "happy" Exec rsh happy rxvt -display $HOSTDISPLAY & + "bailey" Exec rsh bailey rxvt -display $HOSTDISPLAY & + "barnum" Exec rsh barnum rxvt -display $HOSTDISPLAY & + "joker" Exec rsh joker rxvt -display $HOSTDISPLAY & + "signal" Exec rxterm signal AddToMenu Module-Popup "FvwmModules" Title + "Identify" Module FvwmIdent + "Talk" Module FvwmTalk + "" Nop + "Button-Bar" Module FvwmButtons + "Pager" Module FvwmPager 0 0 + "Pager (2 desks)" Module FvwmPager 0 1 + "WinList" Module FvwmWinList + "" Nop + "Banner" Module FvwmBanner + "ScrollBar" Module FvwmScroll 50 50 + "Background" Module FvwmBacker + "AutoRaise" Module FvwmAuto 200 Raise Nop + "Stop AutoRaise" KillModule FvwmAuto + "" Nop + "IconBox" Module FvwmIconBox + "IconMan" Module FvwmIconMan + "" Nop + "Form - Rlogin" Module FvwmForm Rlogin + "Form - MyFvwmTalk" Module FvwmForm MyFvwmTalk + "Form - QuitVerify" Module FvwmForm QuitVerify AddToMenu Quit-Verify "Really Quit Fvwm?" Title + "Yes, Really Quit" Quit + "" Nop + "Restart Fvwm" Restart + "Restart Fvwm 1.x" Restart fvwm -s + "" Nop + "Start twm" Restart twm + "Start ctwm" Restart ctwm + "Start tvtwm" Restart tvtwm + "Start vtwm" Restart vtwm + "Start mwm" Restart mwm + "Start olwm" Restart /usr/openwin/bin/olwm + "" Nop + "Start dummy" Restart xterm + "" Nop + "No, Don't Quit" Nop ######################## Sample Functions ########################## AddToFunc MailFunction I Next (AcceptsFocus $0) Iconify -1 + I Next (AcceptsFocus $0) Focus + I None (AcceptsFocus $0) Exec $0 $1 AddToFunc Move-or-Raise I Raise + M Move + D Lower AddToFunc Move-or-Raise2 M Raise + M Move + D Lower AddToFunc Maximize-Func M Maximize 0 100 + C Maximize 0 80 + D Maximize 100 100 AddToFunc Move-or-Iconify I Raise + M Move + D Iconify AddToFunc Resize-or-Raise I Raise + M Resize + D Lower AddToFunc Resize-or-Raise2 M Raise + M Resize + D Lower AddToFunc PrintFunction I Raise + I Exec xdpr -id $w AddToFunc PrintReverseFunction I Raise + I Exec xdpr 1/2 -h -rv -id $w AddToFunc Iconify-and-Raise I Iconify + I Raise # RLOGIN machine fg bg AddToFunc RLOGIN I Exec xterm -fg $1 -bg $2 -e rlogin $0 -8 # TELNET machine fg bg AddToFunc TELNET I Exec xterm -fg $1 -bg $2 -e telnet $0 AddToFunc FocusAndWarp I Focus + I WarpToWindow 2p 2p AddToFunc DeiconifyFocusAndWarp I Iconify -1 + I FocusAndWarp AddToFunc ChangeDefaultFocus I Style * $0 + I Recapture ################## FvwmButtons button-bar ################################ *FvwmButtonsGeometry 520x100-1-1 *FvwmButtonsBack bisque3 *FvwmButtons(Frame 2 Padding 2 2 Container(Rows 2 Columns 5 Frame 1 \ Padding 10 0)) *FvwmButtons(3x2 Frame 2 Swallow "FvwmIconMan" "Module FvwmIconMan") *FvwmButtons(1x2 Frame 2 Swallow(UseOld) "FvwmPager" "Module FvwmPager 0 0") *FvwmButtons(1x2 Frame 0 Container(Rows 2 Columns 2 Frame 0)) *FvwmButtons(Frame 2 Swallow(UseOld,NoHints,Respawn) "xbiff" `Exec exec xbiff -bg bisque3`) *FvwmButtons(Frame 3 Swallow(UseOld,NoHints,Respawn) "xclock" `Exec exec xclock -bg bisque3 -fg black -hd black -hl black -padding 0 -update 1`) *FvwmButtons(2x1 Frame 2 Swallow(UseOld,NoHints,Respawn) "xload" `Exec exec xload -bg bisque3 -fg black -update 5 -nolabel`) *FvwmButtons(End) *FvwmButtons(End) ########################## Icon Manager #################################### # this FvwmIconMan setup is for swallowing in above button bar example *FvwmIconMan*numManagers 1 *FvwmIconMan*Resolution page *FvwmIconMan*background bisque3 *FvwmIconMan*foreground black *FvwmIconMan*font 7x13bold *FvwmIconMan*format "%t" *FvwmIconMan*action Mouse 1 N sendcommand Focus, sendcommand "Iconify" *FvwmIconMan*action Mouse 2 N sendcommand "Iconify 1" *FvwmIconMan*action Mouse 3 N sendcommand "FvwmIdent" *FvwmIconMan*followfocus true *FvwmIconMan*sort name *FvwmIconMan*plainbutton up black bisque3 *FvwmIconMan*selectbutton down black bisque3 *FvwmIconMan*focusbutton up yellow firebrick *FvwmIconMan*focusandselectButton down yellow firebrick *FvwmIconMan*dontshow icon=Untitled title=Untitled #*FvwmIconMan*drawicons true *FvwmIconMan*buttongeometry 300x0 *FvwmIconMan*managergeometry 1x5 ########################## Window-Identifier ############################### # Just choose colors and a fonts *FvwmIdentBack MidnightBlue *FvwmIdentFore Yellow *FvwmIdentFont -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ########################### Pager ######################################### *FvwmPagerBack #908090 *FvwmPagerFore #484048 #*FvwmPagerFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-* # turn off desktop names for swallowing in above button bar example: *FvwmPagerFont none *FvwmPagerHilight #cab3ca *FvwmPagerGeometry -1-1 *FvwmPagerLabel 0 Misc *FvwmPagerLabel 1 Maker *FvwmPagerLabel 2 Mail *FvwmPagerLabel 3 Matlab *FvwmPagerSmallFont 5x8 *FvwmPagerBalloons All *FvwmPagerBalloonBack Yellow *FvwmPagerBalloonFore Black *FvwmPagerBalloonFont lucidasanstypewriter-12 *FvwmPagerBalloonYOffset +2 *FvwmPagerBalloonBorderWidth 1 *FvwmPagerBalloonBorderColor Black ##########################FvwmWinList################################## *FvwmWinListBack #908090 *FvwmWinListFore Black *FvwmWinListFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-* *FvwmWinListAction Click1 Iconify -1,Focus *FvwmWinListAction Click2 Iconify *FvwmWinListAction Click3 Module "FvwmIdent" FvwmIdent *FvwmWinListUseSkipList *FvwmWinListGeometry +0-1 *FvwmBackerDesk 0 -solid steelblue *FvwmBackerDesk 1 -solid midnightblue *FvwmScrollBack grey40 *FvwmScrollFore green ############################################################ ############################################################ # Note that icons are shown in the module # only if NoIcon commnand is applied. #Style * NoIcon ############################################################ *FvwmIconBoxIconBack #cfcfcf *FvwmIconBoxIconHiFore black *FvwmIconBoxIconHiBack LightSkyBlue *FvwmIconBoxBack #5f9ea0 #*FvwmIconBoxFore blue *FvwmIconBoxGeometry 5x1+0+0 *FvwmIconBoxMaxIconSize 64x38 *FvwmIconBoxFont -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-* *FvwmIconBoxSortIcons IconName *FvwmIconBoxPadding 4 *FvwmIconBoxLines 10 *FvwmIconBoxSBWidth 11 *FvwmIconBoxPlacement Left Top *FvwmIconBoxPixmap fvwm.xpm #*FvwmIconBoxHideSC Horizontal *FvwmIconBoxSetWMIconSize *FvwmIconBoxHilightFocusWin #*FvwmIconBoxResolution Desk *FvwmIconBoxMouse 1 Click RaiseLower *FvwmIconBoxMouse 1 DoubleClick Iconify *FvwmIconBoxMouse 2 Click Iconify -1, Focus *FvwmIconBoxMouse 3 Click Module FvwmIdent *FvwmIconBoxKey r RaiseLower *FvwmIconBoxKey space Iconify *FvwmIconBoxKey d Close *FvwmIconBoxKey n Next *FvwmIconBoxKey p Prev *FvwmIconBoxKey h Left *FvwmIconBoxKey j Down *FvwmIconBoxKey k Up *FvwmIconBoxKey l Right # # Icon file specifications # # Mostly, you don't have to specify icon files, as FvwmIconBox now # reads icon files specified in Style commands. # *FvwmIconBox "Fvwm*" - # FvwmForm alias - rlogin or telnet to host via xterm *RloginWarpPointer *RloginFont *helvetica*m*r*n*12* *RloginButtonFont *helvetica*m*o*n*12* *RloginInputFont *cour*m*r*n*12* *RloginFore Black *RloginBack Light Gray *RloginItemFore Wheat *RloginItemBack Gray50 # begin items *RloginLine center *RloginText "Login to Remote Host" *RloginLine center *RloginText "Host:" *RloginInput HostName 30 "" *RloginLine center *RloginSelection meth single *RloginChoice TN TN off "telnet" *RloginChoice RL RL on "rlogin" *RloginSelection UserSel single #*RloginChoice Default Default on "same user" #*RloginChoice Custom Custom off "user:" *RloginText "(Userid:" *RloginInput UserName 10 "" *RloginText ")" *RloginLine center *RloginText "FG:" *RloginInput FgColor 15 "" *RloginText "BG:" *RloginInput BgColor 15 "" *RloginLine expand *RloginButton quit "Login" ^M *RloginCommand Exec xterm $(FgColor?-fg $(FgColor)) $(BgColor?-bg $(BgColor)) -T xterm@$(HostName) -e $(RL?rlogin) $(TN?telnet) $(HostName) $(RL?-8 $(UserName?-l $(UserName))) *RloginButton restart "Clear" *RloginCommand Beep *RloginButton quit "Cancel" *RloginCommand Nop # FvwmForm alias - query exit ala mwm *QuitVerifyGrabServer *QuitVerifyWarpPointer *QuitVerifyFont *helvetica*m*r*n*14* #*QuitVerifyButtonFont *helvetica*m*o*n*14* *QuitVerifyButtonFont 7x13bold *QuitVerifyFore Black *QuitVerifyBack Light Gray *QuitVerifyItemFore Wheat *QuitVerifyItemBack Gray50 # begin items *QuitVerifyLine center *QuitVerifyText "Do you really want to exit FVWM?" *QuitVerifyLine expand *QuitVerifyButton quit " Exit " *QuitVerifyCommand Quit *QuitVerifyButton quit "Cancel" *QuitVerifyCommand Nop # MyTalk & MyFvwmTalk from Dave Goldberg # MyTalk Form - dissappears after use *MyTalkWarpPointer *MyTalkFont *helvetica*m*r*n*14* *MyTalkButtonFont *helvetica*m*o*n*14* *MyTalkInputFont *cour*m*r*n*14* *MyTalkFore Red *MyTalkBack Gray *MyTalkItemFore Blue *MyTalkItemBack Gray *MyTalkLine center *MyTalkText "Fvwm Function" *MyTalkInput Func 40 "" *MyTalkLine expand *MyTalkButton quit "Run" ^M *MyTalkCommand $(Func) *MyTalkButton restart "Clear" ^R *MyTalkButton quit "Cancel" ^C *MyTalkCommand Nop # MyFvwmTalk Form - sticks around *MyFvwmTalkWarpPointer *MyFvwmTalkFont *helvetica*m*r*n*14* *MyFvwmTalkButtonFont *helvetica*m*o*n*14* *MyFvwmTalkInputFont *cour*m*r*n*14* *MyFvwmTalkFore Red *MyFvwmTalkBack Gray *MyFvwmTalkItemFore Blue *MyFvwmTalkItemBack Gray *MyFvwmTalkLine center *MyFvwmTalkText "Fvwm Function" *MyFvwmTalkInput Func 40 "" *MyFvwmTalkLine expand *MyFvwmTalkButton restart "Run" ^M *MyFvwmTalkCommand $(Func) *MyFvwmTalkButton restart "Clear" ^R *MyFvwmTalkCommand Nop *MyFvwmTalkButton restart "Iconify" ^Z *MyFvwmTalkCommand Next [MyFvwmTalk] Iconify *MyFvwmTalkButton quit "Quit" ^C *MyFvwmTalkCommand Nop # to change banner pixmap #*FvwmBannerPixmap fvwm3.xpm #*FvwmBannerTimeout 2