Begin4 Title: FVWM (F? Virtual Window Manager) Version: @VERSION@ Entered-date: 2004-09-30 Description: FVWM is an ICCCM-compliant X window manager providing a 3D look for window decorations, multiple discontiguous virtual desktops, a high degree of configurability, and an external module interface for implementing functional extensions. Keywords: window manager, X11, virtual, themes Author: Rob Nation, FVWM Workers Maintained-by: FVWM Workers List Primary-site: /pub/fvwm 2M fvwm-@VERSION@.tar.gz Alternate-site: /pub/Linux/X11/window-managers/ 1k fvwm.lsm 2M fvwm-@VERSION@.tar.gz Original-site: Platforms: Unix, X Copying-policy: GNU General Public License End