These are scripts to help you running fetchmail in special situations. Note: you're on your own using these -- I don't really understand them, I'm just passing them along. --esr maildaemon: Larry Fahnoe wrote this for driving fetchmail from cron. It may be useful if you want to force a PPP link up and then poll for mail at specified times. I have rearranged it slightly to make it easier to configure. novell: Some mail from Dan Newcombe describing how to write a procmail rule that will domainify Novell server names. login & logout: These are intended to help if you typically have multiple logins active. Here's the script composer's original README: Please find attached 2 files, ~/.bash_login & ~/.bash_logout What these do is try to keep track of WHO is the process/tty that ran fetchmail in daemon mode. I tried to use the bash Variable PPID, but when using xterm the PPID is set to the xterm's pid not the bash shell's pid so.... They have been lightly tested. Any comments... Hth, JimL Doug Carter suggests this instead: Add the following to your login script. (.ie .bash_profile, .profile, etc) LOGINS=`who | grep $USER | wc -l` if [ $LOGINS = 1 ]; then /usr/bin/fetchmail > /dev/null 2>&1 fi Then add the following to your logout script. (.ie .bash_logout, etc) LOGINS=`who | grep $USER | wc -l` if [ $LOGINS = 1 ]; then /usr/bin/fetchmail -q > /dev/null 2>&1 fi ip-up: A note from James Stevens about using fetchmail in an ip-up script without disabling timeouts. runfetchmail: A shellscript front end for fetchmail that mails you various statistics on the downloaded mail and the state of your folders. A good example of what you can do with your own front end. fetchspool: If you find that the speed of forwarding to port 25 is limited by the SMTP listener's speed, it may make sense to locally spool all the mail first and feed it to sendmail after you hang up the network link. This shellscript aims to do exactly that. It would be smarter to figure out why sendmail is slow, however. fetchsetup: This is a shell script for creating a $HOME/.fetchmailrc file, it will ask you some questions and based on your answers it will create a .fetchmailrc file, fetchsetup is linux specific so it may not work on another operating system. This script will connect to your isp (if not already connected), send any outgoing mail and retrieve any incoming mail. If this program made the connection, it will also break the connection when it is done. By Bill Adams, . The latest version is carried at . redhat_rc: A fetchmail boot-time init file compatible with RedHat 5.1. It leaves fetchmail in background to get messages when you connect to your ISP. The invoked fetchmail expects to find its configuration in /etc/fetchmailrc, and must include the proper "interface" directive. debian_rc: A fetchmail boot-time init file compatible with Debian. It leaves fetchmail in background to get messages when you connect to your ISP. The invoked fetchmail expects to find its configuration in /root/.fetchmailrc, and must include the proper "interface" directive. start_dynamic_ppp: An admittedly scratchy ip-up script that Ryan Murray wrote to cope with dynamic PPP addressing. Will need some customizing. getfetchmail: Here's a script that gets Eric's most recent fetchmail source rpm, downloads it and (if the rpm's not broken) rebuilds it. With fairly simple changes it can be used to download the latest i386 rpm or tar.gz. Those who are addicted to having the latest of everything could filter mail from fetchmail announce through it and get new versions as they're announced. However, if we all did that, Eric's ftp server might feel a little stressed. The script as written works on bash 2. By John Summerfield . zsh-completion: These commands set up command completion for fetchmail under zsh. Jay Kominek . getmail/gotmail: These scripts are front ends for fetchmail in daemon mode that can gather log statistics and generate text or HTML reports. See README.getmail for details. Scripts by Thomas Nesges . fetchmaildistrib: This script resolves the issue where the sysadmin polls for mail with fetchmail only at set intervals, but where a user wishes to see his email right away. The duplication in /etc/fetchmailrc and ~/.fetchmailrc files is automated with this script; whenever /etc/fetchmailrc is changed, this script is run to distribute the stuff into all user's ~/.fetchmailrc files. multidrop: Martijn Lievaart's sendmail hacks to make multidrop reliable. domino: Gustavo Chaves wrote this script to deal with the boundary-mismatch bug in Domino (see FAQ item X5). If you use this with --mda, the broken boundaries will be fixed and the result passed to procmail. toprocmail: John Lim Eng Hooi wrote this script, yet another mda plugin, to be used with fetchmail in foreground mode. It displays some header lines to stdout in color, passing them (and the rest of the message content) to procmail. preauth-harness: Emmanuel Dreyfus's Perl test script for exercising IMAP PREAUTH connections. You'll have to patch in your username and password. sm-hybrid: Peter 'Rattacresh' Backes sent this patch to improve the behavior of sendmail 8.11.0 with multidrop. Watchdog script to check whether fetchmail is working in daemon mode. A short python script to remove old read mail from a pop3 mailserver. Dovetails with fetchmail with keep option. Run it as a cron job...