#!../expect -- # Name: virterm - terminal emulator using Expect, v1.0, December, 1994 # Author: Adrian Mariano # # Derived from Done Libes' tkterm # This is a program for interacting with applications that use terminal # control sequences. It is a subset of Don Libes' tkterm emulator # with a compatible interface so that programs can be written to work # under both. # # Internally, it uses arrays instead of the Tk widget. Nonetheless, this # code is not as fast as it should be. I need an Expect profiler to go # any further. # # standout mode is not supported like it is in tkterm. # the only terminal widget operation that is supported for the user # is the "get" operation. ############################################### # Variables that must be initialized before using this: ############################################# set rows 24 ;# number of rows in term set cols 80 ;# number of columns in term set term myterm ;# name of text widget used by term set termcap 1 ;# if your applications use termcap set terminfo 0 ;# if your applications use terminfo ;# (you can use both, but note that ;# starting terminfo is slow) set term_shell $env(SHELL) ;# program to run in term ############################################# # Readable variables of interest ############################################# # cur_row ;# current row where insert marker is # cur_col ;# current col where insert marker is # term_spawn_id ;# spawn id of term ############################################# # Procs you may want to initialize before using this: ############################################# # term_exit is called if the associated proc exits proc term_exit {} { exit } # term_chars_changed is called after every change to the displayed chars # You can use if you want matches to occur in the background (a la bind) # If you want to test synchronously, then just do so - you don't need to # redefine this procedure. proc term_chars_changed {} { } # term_cursor_changed is called after the cursor is moved proc term_cursor_changed {} { } # Example tests you can make # # Test if cursor is at some specific location # if {$cur_row == 1 && $cur_col == 0} ... # # Test if "foo" exists anywhere in line 4 # if {[string match *foo* [$term get 4.0 4.end]]} # # Test if "foo" exists at line 4 col 7 # if {[string match foo* [$term get 4.7 4.end]]} # # Return contents of screen # $term get 1.0 end ############################################# # End of things of interest ############################################# set blankline "" set env(LINES) $rows set env(COLUMNS) $cols set env(TERM) "tt" if {$termcap} { set env(TERMCAP) {tt: :cm=\E[%d;%dH: :up=\E[A: :cl=\E[H\E[J: :do=^J: :so=\E[7m: :se=\E[m: :nd=\E[C: } } if {$terminfo} { set env(TERMINFO) /tmp set ttsrc "/tmp/tt.src" set file [open $ttsrc w] puts $file {tt|textterm|Don Libes' tk text widget terminal emulator, cup=\E[%p1%d;%p2%dH, cuu1=\E[A, cuf1=\E[C, clear=\E[H\E[J, ind=\n, cr=\r, smso=\E[7m, rmso=\E[m, } close $file set oldpath $env(PATH) set env(PATH) "/usr/5bin:/usr/lib/terminfo" if {1==[catch {exec tic $ttsrc} msg]} { puts "WARNING: tic failed - if you don't have terminfo support on" puts "your system, change \"set terminfo 1\" to \"set terminfo 0\"." puts "Here is the original error from running tic:" puts $msg } set env(PATH) $oldpath exec rm $ttsrc } log_user 0 # start a shell and text widget for its output set stty_init "-tabs" eval spawn $term_shell stty rows $rows columns $cols < $spawn_out(slave,name) set term_spawn_id $spawn_id proc term_replace {reprow repcol text} { global termdata set middle $termdata($reprow) set termdata($reprow) \ [string range $middle 0 [expr $repcol-1]]$text[string \ range $middle [expr $repcol+[string length $text]] end] } proc parseloc {input row col} { upvar $row r $col c global rows switch -glob -- $input \ end { set r $rows; set c end } \ *.* { regexp (.*)\\.(.*) $input dummy r c if {$r == "end"} { set r $rows } } } proc myterm {command first second args} { global termdata if {[string compare get $command]} { send_error "Unknown terminal command: $command\r" } else { parseloc $first startrow startcol parseloc $second endrow endcol if {$endcol != "end"} {incr endcol -1} if {$startrow == $endrow} { set data [string range $termdata($startrow) $startcol $endcol] } else { set data [string range $termdata($startrow) $startcol end] for {set i [expr $startrow + 1]} {$i < $endrow} {incr i} { append data $termdata($i) } append data [string range $termdata($endrow) 0 $endcol] } return $data } } proc scrollup {} { global termdata blankline for {set i 1} {$i < $rows} {incr i} { set termdata($i) $termdata([expr $i+1]) } set termdata($rows) $blankline } proc term_init {} { global rows cols cur_row cur_col term termdata blankline # initialize it with blanks to make insertions later more easily set blankline [format %*s $cols ""]\n for {set i 1} {$i <= $rows} {incr i} { set termdata($i) "$blankline" } set cur_row 1 set cur_col 0 } proc term_down {} { global cur_row rows cols term if {$cur_row < $rows} { incr cur_row } else { scrollup } } proc term_insert {s} { global cols cur_col cur_row term set chars_rem_to_write [string length $s] set space_rem_on_line [expr $cols - $cur_col] ################## # write first line ################## if {$chars_rem_to_write <= $space_rem_on_line} { term_replace $cur_row $cur_col \ [string range $s 0 [expr $space_rem_on_line-1]] incr cur_col $chars_rem_to_write term_chars_changed return } set chars_to_write $space_rem_on_line set newline 1 term_replace $cur_row $cur_col\ [string range $s 0 [expr $space_rem_on_line-1]] # discard first line already written incr chars_rem_to_write -$chars_to_write set s [string range $s $chars_to_write end] # update cur_col incr cur_col $chars_to_write # update cur_row if {$newline} { term_down } ################## # write full lines ################## while {$chars_rem_to_write >= $cols} { term_replace $cur_row 0 [string range $s 0 [expr $cols-1]] # discard line from buffer set s [string range $s $cols end] incr chars_rem_to_write -$cols set cur_col 0 term_down } ################# # write last line ################# if {$chars_rem_to_write} { term_replace $cur_row 0 $s set cur_col $chars_rem_to_write } term_chars_changed } term_init expect_before { -i $term_spawn_id -re "^\[^\x01-\x1f]+" { # Text term_insert $expect_out(0,string) term_cursor_changed } "^\r" { # (cr,) Go to to beginning of line set cur_col 0 term_cursor_changed } "^\n" { # (ind,do) Move cursor down one line term_down term_cursor_changed } "^\b" { # Backspace nondestructively incr cur_col -1 term_cursor_changed } "^\a" { # Bell, pass back to user send_user "\a" } "^\t" { # Tab, shouldn't happen send_error "got a tab!?" } eof { term_exit } "^\x1b\\\[A" { # (cuu1,up) Move cursor up one line incr cur_row -1 term_cursor_changed } "^\x1b\\\[C" { # (cuf1,nd) Nondestructive space incr cur_col term_cursor_changed } -re "^\x1b\\\[(\[0-9]*);(\[0-9]*)H" { # (cup,cm) Move to row y col x set cur_row [expr $expect_out(1,string)+1] set cur_col $expect_out(2,string) term_cursor_changed } "^\x1b\\\[H\x1b\\\[J" { # (clear,cl) Clear screen term_init term_cursor_changed } "^\x1b\\\[7m" { # unsupported # (smso,so) Begin standout mode # set term_standout 1 } "^\x1b\\\[m" { # unsupported # (rmso,se) End standout mode # set term_standout 0 } } proc term_expect {args} { global cur_row cur_col # used by expect_background actions set desired_timeout [ uplevel { if {[info exists timeout]} { set timeout } else { uplevel #0 { if {[info exists timeout]} { set timeout } else { expr 10 } } } } ] set timeout $desired_timeout set timeout_act {} set argc [llength $args] if {$argc%2 == 1} { lappend args {} incr argc } for {set i 0} {$i<$argc} {incr i 2} { set act_index [expr $i+1] if {[string compare timeout [lindex $args $i]] == 0} { set timeout_act [lindex $args $act_index] set args [lreplace $args $i $act_index] incr argc -2 break } } set got_timeout 0 set start_time [timestamp] while {![info exists act]} { expect timeout {set got_timeout 1} set timeout [expr $desired_timeout - [timestamp] + $start_time] if {! $got_timeout} \ { for {set i 0} {$i<$argc} {incr i 2} { if {[uplevel [lindex $args $i]]} { set act [lindex $args [incr i]] break } } } else { set act $timeout_act } if {![info exists act]} { } } set code [catch {uplevel $act} string] if {$code > 4} {return -code $code $string} if {$code == 4} {return -code continue} if {$code == 3} {return -code break} if {$code == 2} {return -code return} if {$code == 1} {return -code error -errorinfo $errorInfo \ -errorcode $errorCode $string} return $string } # ======= end of terminal emulator ======== # The following is a program to interact with the Cornell Library catalog proc waitfornext {} { global cur_row cur_col term term_expect {expr {$cur_col==15 && $cur_row == 24 && " NEXT COMMAND: " == [$term get 24.0 24.16]}} {} } proc sendcommand {command} { global cur_col exp_send $command term_expect {expr {$cur_col == 79}} {} } proc removespaces {intext} { regsub -all " *\n" $intext \n intext regsub "\n+$" $intext \n intext return $intext } proc output {text} { exp_send_user $text } proc connect {} { global term term_expect {regexp {.*[>%]} [$term get 1.0 3.end]} exp_send "tn3270 notis.library.cornell.edu\r" term_expect {regexp "desk" [$term get 19.0 19.end]} { exp_send "\r" } waitfornext exp_send_error "connected.\n\n" } proc dosearch {search} { global term exp_send_error "Searching for '$search'..." if {[string match ?=* "$search"]} {set typ ""} else {set typ "k="} sendcommand "$typ$search\r" waitfornext set countstr [$term get 2.17 2.35] if {![regsub { Entries Found *} $countstr "" number]} { set number 1 exp_send_error "one entry found.\n\n" return 1 } if {$number == 0} { exp_send_error "no matches.\n\n" return 0 } exp_send_error "$number entries found.\n" if {$number > 250} { exp_send_error "(only the first 250 can be displayed)\n" } exp_send_error "\n" return $number } proc getshort {count} { global term output [removespaces [$term get 5.0 19.0]] while {[regexp "CONTINUED on next page" [$term get 19.0 19.end]]} { sendcommand "for\r" waitfornext output [removespaces [$term get 5.0 19.0]] } } proc getonecitation {} { global term output [removespaces [$term get 4.0 19.0]] while {[regexp "FORward page" [$term get 20.0 20.end]]} { sendcommand "for\r" waitfornext output [removespaces [$term get 5.0 19.0]] } } proc getcitlist {} { global term getonecitation set citcount 1 while {[regexp "NEXt record" [$term get 20.0 21.end]]} { sendcommand "nex\r" waitfornext getonecitation incr citcount if {$citcount % 10 == 0} {exp_send_error "$citcount.."} } } proc getlong {count} { if {$count != 1} { sendcommand "1\r" waitfornext } sendcommand "lon\r" waitfornext getcitlist } proc getmed {count} { if {$count != 1} { sendcommand "1\r" waitfornext } sendcommand "bri\r" waitfornext getcitlist } ################################################################# # set help { libsearch version 1.0 by Adrian Mariano (adrian@cam.cornell.edu) Invocation: libsearch [options] search text -i : interactive -s : short listing -l : long listing -o file : output file (default stdout) -h : print out list of options and version number -H : print terse keyword search help The search will be a keyword search. Example: libsearch -i sound and arabic } ################################################################# proc searchhelp {} { send_error { ? truncation wildcard default operator is AND AND - both words appear in record OR - one of the words appears NOT - first word appears, second words does not ADJ - words are adjacent SAME- words appear in the same field (any order) .su. - subject b.fmt. - books eng.lng. - English .ti. - title m.fmt. - music spa.lng. - Spanish .au. - author s.fmt. - serials fre.lng. - French .dt. or .dt1. -- limits to a specific publication year. E.g., 1990.dt. } } proc promptuser {prompt} { exp_send_error "$prompt" expect_user -re "(.*)\n" return "$expect_out(1,string)" } set searchtype 1 set outfile "" set search "" set interactive 0 while {[llength $argv]>0} { set flag [lindex $argv 0] switch -glob -- $flag \ "-i" { set interactive 1; set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]} \ "-s" { set searchtype 0; set argv [lrange $argv 1 end] } \ "-l" { set searchtype 2; set argv [lrange $argv 1 end] } \ "-o" { set outfile [lindex $argv 1]; set argv [lrange $argv 2 end] } \ "-H" { searchhelp; exit } \ "-h" { send_error "$help"; exit } \ "-*" { send_error "\nUnknown option: $flag\n$help";exit }\ default { set search [join $argv]; set argv {};} } if { "$search" == "" } { send_error "No search specified\n$help" exit } exp_send_error "Connecting to the library..." set timeout 200 trap { log_user 1;exp_send "\003"; expect_before expect tn3270 {exp_send "quit\r"} expect "Connection closed." {exp_send "exit\r"} expect eof ; send_error "\n"; exit} SIGINT connect set result [dosearch $search] if {$interactive} { set quit 0 while {!$quit} { if {!$result} { switch "[promptuser {(h)elp (n)ewsearch (q)uit? }]" { n { } h { searchhelp } q { set quit 1} } } else { switch "[promptuser {(s)hort (m)ed (l)ong (h)elp (n)ewsearch (q)uit? }]" { s { getshort $result; ;} l { getlong $result; ;} m { getmed $result; ; } n { research; } h { searchhelp } q { set quit 1; } } } } } else { if {$result} { switch $searchtype { 0 { getshort $result} 1 { getmed $result } 2 { getlong $result } } } }