/* This file contains stubs of most Xft library functions, used for rendering * antialiased text. This is intended to serve as a reference; there's no * point in compiling it. The idea is that you put this file in an accessible * but out-of-the-way location, and run ctags on it. Then you set the TAGPATH * environment variable to include this file's directory. From that point on, * you can * use the normal tag searching functions to see the declaration for * any * of these functions. In particular, the "ref" program distributed with * elvis is handy for this. * * This file is derived from the header file. See the * copyright notice at the end of this file. */ /* */ typedef struct { short red; short redMask; short green; short greenMask; short blue; short blueMask; short alpha; short alphaMask; } XRenderDirectFormat; /* */ typedef struct { PictFormat id; int type; int depth; XRenderDirectFormat direct; Colormap colormap; } XRenderPictFormat; /* - indicates used fields XRenderPixtFormat */ #define PictFormatID (1 << 0) #define PictFormatType (1 << 1) #define PictFormatDepth (1 << 2) #define PictFormatRed (1 << 3) #define PictFormatRedMask (1 << 4) #define PictFormatGreen (1 << 5) #define PictFormatGreenMask (1 << 6) #define PictFormatBlue (1 << 7) #define PictFormatBlueMask (1 << 8) #define PictFormatAlpha (1 << 9) #define PictFormatAlphaMask (1 << 10) #define PictFormatColormap (1 << 11) /* */ typedef struct { Visual *visual; XRenderPictFormat *format; } XRenderVisual; /* */ typedef struct { int depth; int nvisuals; XRenderVisual *visuals; } XRenderDepth; /* */ typedef struct { XRenderDepth *depths; int ndepths; XRenderPictFormat *fallback; } XRenderScreen; /* */ typedef struct _XRenderInfo { XRenderPictFormat *format; int nformat; XRenderScreen *screen; int nscreen; XRenderDepth *depth; int ndepth; XRenderVisual *visual; int nvisual; } XRenderInfo; /* */ typedef struct _XRenderPictureAttributes { Bool repeat; Picture alpha_map; int alpha_x_origin; int alpha_y_origin; int clip_x_origin; int clip_y_origin; Pixmap clip_mask; Bool graphics_exposures; int subwindow_mode; int poly_edge; int poly_mode; Atom dither; Bool component_alpha; } XRenderPictureAttributes; /* */ typedef struct { unsigned short red; unsigned short green; unsigned short blue; unsigned short alpha; } XRenderColor; /* */ typedef struct _XGlyphInfo { unsigned short width; unsigned short height; short x; short y; short xOff; short yOff; } XGlyphInfo; /* */ Bool XRenderQueryExtension(Display *dpy, int *event_basep, int *error_basep) { } /* */ Status XRenderQueryVersion(Display *dpy, int *major_versionp, int *minor_versionp) { } /* */ Status XRenderQueryFormats(Display *dpy) { } /* */ XRenderPictFormat *XRenderFindVisualFormat(Display *dpy, Visual *visual) { } /* */ XRenderPictFormat *XRenderFindFormat(Display *dpy, unsigned long mask, XRenderPictFormat *templ, int count) { } /* */ Picture XRenderCreatePicture(Display *dpy, Drawable drawable, XRenderPictFormat *format, unsigned long valuemask, XRenderPictureAttributes *attributes) { } /* */ void XRenderChangePicture(Display *dpy, Picture picture, unsigned long valuemask, XRenderPictureAttributes *attributes) { } /* */ void XRenderSetPictureClipRectangles(Display *dpy, Picture picture, int xOrigin, int yOrigin, XRectangle *rects, int n) { } /* */ void XRenderSetPictureClipRegion(Display *dpy, Picture picture, Region r) { } /* */ void XRenderFreePicture(Display *dpy, Picture picture) { } /* */ void XRenderComposite(Display *dpy, int op, Picture src, Picture mask, Picture dst, int src_x, int src_y, int mask_x, int mask_y, int dst_x, int dst_y, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) { } /* */ GlyphSet XRenderCreateGlyphSet(Display *dpy, XRenderPictFormat *format) { } /* */ GlyphSet XRenderReferenceGlyphSet(Display *dpy, GlyphSet existing) { } /* */ void XRenderFreeGlyphSet(Display *dpy, GlyphSet glyphset) { } /* */ void XRenderAddGlyphs(Display *dpy, GlyphSet glyphset, Glyph *gids, XGlyphInfo *glyphs, int nglyphs, char *images, int nbyte_images) { } /* */ void XRenderFreeGlyphs(Display *dpy, GlyphSet glyphset, Glyph *gids, int nglyphs) { } /* */ void XRenderCompositeString8(Display *dpy, int op, Picture src, Picture dst, XRenderPictFormat *maskFormat, GlyphSet glyphset, int xSrc, int ySrc, int xDst, int yDst, char *string, int nchar) { } /* */ void XRenderCompositeString16(Display *dpy, int op, Picture src, Picture dst, XRenderPictFormat *maskFormat, GlyphSet glyphset, int xSrc, int ySrc, int xDst, int yDst, unsigned short *string, int nchar) { } /* */ void XRenderCompositeString32(Display *dpy, int op, Picture src, Picture dst, XRenderPictFormat *maskFormat, GlyphSet glyphset, int xSrc, int ySrc, int xDst, int yDst, unsigned int *string, int nchar) { } /* */ void XRenderFillRectangle(Display *dpy, int op, Picture dst, XRenderColor *color, int x, int y, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) { } /* */ void XRenderFillRectangles(Display *dpy, int op, Picture dst, XRenderColor *color, XRectangle *rectangles, int n_rects) { } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ typedef unsigned char XftChar8; /* */ typedef unsigned short XftChar16; /* */ typedef unsigned int XftChar32; /* */ #define XFT_FAMILY "family" /* String */ /* */ #define XFT_STYLE "style" /* String */ /* */ #define XFT_SLANT "slant" /* Int */ /* */ #define XFT_WEIGHT "weight" /* Int */ /* */ #define XFT_SIZE "size" /* Double */ /* */ #define XFT_PIXEL_SIZE "pixelsize" /* Double */ /* */ #define XFT_ENCODING "encoding" /* String */ /* */ #define XFT_SPACING "spacing" /* Int */ /* */ #define XFT_FOUNDRY "foundry" /* String */ /* */ #define XFT_CORE "core" /* Bool */ /* */ #define XFT_ANTIALIAS "antialias" /* Bool */ /* */ #define XFT_XLFD "xlfd" /* String */ /* */ #define XFT_FILE "file" /* String */ /* */ #define XFT_INDEX "index" /* Int */ /* */ #define XFT_RASTERIZER "rasterizer"/* String */ /* */ #define XFT_OUTLINE "outline" /* Bool */ /* */ #define XFT_SCALABLE "scalable" /* Bool */ /* */ #define XFT_RGBA "rgba" /* Int */ /* */ #define XFT_SCALE "scale" /* double */ /* */ #define XFT_RENDER "render" /* Bool */ /* */ #define XFT_MINSPACE "minspace" /* Bool use minimum line spacing */ /* */ #define XFT_DPI "dpi" /* double */ /* */ #define XFT_CHAR_WIDTH "charwidth" /* Int */ /* */ #define XFT_CHAR_HEIGHT "charheight"/* Int */ /* */ #define XFT_MATRIX "matrix" /* XftMatrix */ /* */ #define XFT_WEIGHT_LIGHT 0 /* */ #define XFT_WEIGHT_MEDIUM 100 /* */ #define XFT_WEIGHT_DEMIBOLD 180 /* */ #define XFT_WEIGHT_BOLD 200 /* */ #define XFT_WEIGHT_BLACK 210 /* */ #define XFT_SLANT_ROMAN 0 /* */ #define XFT_SLANT_ITALIC 100 /* */ #define XFT_SLANT_OBLIQUE 110 /* */ #define XFT_PROPORTIONAL 0 /* */ #define XFT_MONO 100 /* */ #define XFT_CHARCELL 110 /* */ #define XFT_RGBA_NONE 0 /* */ #define XFT_RGBA_RGB 1 /* */ #define XFT_RGBA_BGR 2 /* */ #define XFT_RGBA_VRGB 3 /* */ #define XFT_RGBA_VBGR 4 /* */ typedef enum _XftType { XftTypeVoid, XftTypeInteger, XftTypeDouble, XftTypeString, XftTypeBool, XftTypeMatrix } XftType; /* */ typedef struct _XftMatrix { double xx, xy, yx, yy; } XftMatrix; /* */ #define XftMatrixInit(m) /* sets "m" to the identity matrix */ /* */ typedef enum _XftResult { XftResultMatch, XftResultNoMatch, XftResultTypeMismatch, XftResultNoId } XftResult; /* */ typedef struct _XftValue { XftType type; union { char *s; int i; Bool b; double d; XftMatrix *m; } u; } XftValue; /* */ typedef struct _XftValueList { struct _XftValueList *next; XftValue value; } XftValueList; /* */ typedef struct _XftPatternElt { const char *object; XftValueList *values; } XftPatternElt; /* */ typedef struct _XftPattern { int num; int size; XftPatternElt *elts; } XftPattern; /* */ typedef struct _XftFontSet { int nfont; int sfont; XftPattern **fonts; } XftFontSet; /* */ typedef struct _XftFontStruct XftFontStruct; /* */ typedef struct _XftFont { int ascent; int descent; int height; int max_advance_width; Bool core; XftPattern *pattern; union { struct { XFontStruct *font; } core; struct { XftFontStruct *font; } ft; } u; } XftFont; /* */ typedef struct _XftDraw XftDraw; /* */ typedef struct _XftColor { unsigned long pixel; XRenderColor color; } XftColor; /* */ typedef struct _XftObjectSet { int nobject; int sobject; const char **objects; } XftObjectSet; /* */ Bool XftConfigSubstitute(XftPattern *p) { } /* */ Bool XftColorAllocName(Display *dpy, Visual *visual, Colormap cmap, char *name, XftColor *result) { } /* */ Bool XftColorAllocValue(Display *dpy, Visual*visual, Colormap cmap, XRenderColor *color, XftColor *result) { } /* */ void XftColorFree(Display *dpy, Visual *visual, Colormap cmap, XftColor *color) { } /* */ void XftValuePrint(XftValue v) { } /* */ void XftValueListPrint(XftValueList *l) { } /* */ void XftPatternPrint(XftPattern *p) { } /* */ void XftFontSetPrint(XftFontSet *s) { } /* */ Bool XftDefaultHasRender(Display *dpy) { } /* */ Bool XftDefaultSet(Display *dpy, XftPattern *defaults) { } /* */ void XftDefaultSubstitute(Display *dpy, int screen, XftPattern *pattern) { } /* */ XftDraw *XftDrawCreate(Display *dpy, Drawable drawable, Visual *visual, Colormap colormap) { } /* */ XftDraw *XftDrawCreateBitmap(Display *dpy, Pixmap bitmap) { } /* */ void XftDrawChange(XftDraw *draw, Drawable drawable) { } /* */ void XftDrawDestroy(XftDraw *draw) { } /* */ void XftDrawString8(XftDraw *d, XftColor *color, XftFont *font, int x, int y, XftChar8 *string, int len) { } /* */ void XftDrawString16(XftDraw *draw, XftColor *color, XftFont *font, int x, int y, XftChar16 *string, int len) { } /* */ void XftDrawString32(XftDraw *draw, XftColor *color, XftFont *font, int x, int y, XftChar32 *string, int len) { } /* */ void XftDrawStringUtf8(XftDraw *d, XftColor *color, XftFont *font, int x, int y, XftChar8 *string, int len) { } /* */ void XftDrawRect(XftDraw *d, XftColor *color, int x, int y, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) { } /* */ Bool XftDrawSetClip(XftDraw *d, Region r) { } /* */ void XftTextExtents8(Display *dpy, XftFont *font, XftChar8 *string, int len, XGlyphInfo *extents) { } /* */ void XftTextExtents16(Display *dpy, XftFont *font, XftChar16 *string, int len, XGlyphInfo *extents) { } /* */ void XftTextExtents32(Display *dpy, XftFont *font, XftChar32 *string, int len, XGlyphInfo *extents) { } /* */ void XftTextExtentsUtf8(Display *dpy, XftFont *font, XftChar8 *string, int len, XGlyphInfo *extents) { } /* */ XftPattern *XftFontMatch(Display *dpy, int screen, XftPattern *pattern, XftResult *result) { } /* */ XftFont *XftFontOpenPattern(Display *dpy, XftPattern *pattern) { } /* */ XftFont *XftFontOpen(Display *dpy, int screen, ...) { } /* */ XftFont *XftFontOpenName(Display *dpy, int screen, const char *name) { } /* */ XftFont *XftFontOpenXlfd(Display *dpy, int screen, const char *xlfd) { } /* */ void XftFontClose(Display *dpy, XftFont *font) { } /* */ Bool XftGlyphExists(Display *dpy, XftFont *font, XftChar32 glyph) { } /* */ XftFontSet *XftFontSetCreate(void) { } /* */ void XftFontSetDestroy(XftFontSet *s) { } /* */ Bool XftFontSetAdd(XftFontSet *s, XftPattern *font) { } /* */ Bool XftInit(char *config) { } /* */ XftObjectSet *XftObjectSetCreate(void) { } /* */ Bool XftObjectSetAdd(XftObjectSet *os, const char *object) { } /* */ void XftObjectSetDestroy(XftObjectSet *os) { } /* */ XftObjectSet *XftObjectSetVaBuild(const char *first, va_list va) { } /* */ XftObjectSet *XftObjectSetBuild(const char *first, ...) { } /* */ XftFontSet *XftListFontSets(XftFontSet **sets, int nsets, XftPattern *p, XftObjectSet *os) { } /* */ XftFontSet *XftListFontsPatternObjects(Display *dpy, int screen, XftPattern *pattern, XftObjectSet *os) { } /* */ XftFontSet *XftListFonts(Display *dpy, int screen, ...) { } /* */ XftPattern *XftFontSetMatch(XftFontSet **sets, int nsets, XftPattern *p, XftResult *result) { } /* */ int XftMatrixEqual(const XftMatrix *mat1, const XftMatrix *mat2) { } /* */ void XftMatrixMultiply(XftMatrix *result, XftMatrix *a, XftMatrix *b) { } /* */ void XftMatrixRotate(XftMatrix *m, double c, double s) { } /* */ void XftMatrixScale(XftMatrix *m, double sx, double sy) { } /* */ void XftMatrixShear(XftMatrix *m, double sh, double sv) { } /* */ XftPattern *XftNameParse(const char *name) { } /* */ Bool XftNameUnparse(XftPattern *pat, char *dest, int len) { } /* */ XftPattern *XftPatternCreate(void) { } /* */ XftPattern *XftPatternDuplicate(XftPattern *p) { } /* */ void XftValueDestroy(XftValue v) { } /* */ void XftValueListDestroy(XftValueList *l) { } /* */ void XftPatternDestroy(XftPattern *p) { } /* */ XftPatternElt *XftPatternFind(XftPattern *p, const char *object, Bool insert) { } /* */ Bool XftPatternAdd(XftPattern *p, const char *object, XftValue value, Bool append) { } /* */ XftResult XftPatternGet(XftPattern *p, const char *object, int id, XftValue *v) { } /* */ Bool XftPatternDel(XftPattern *p, const char *object) { } /* */ Bool XftPatternAddInteger(XftPattern *p, const char *object, int i) { } /* */ Bool XftPatternAddDouble(XftPattern *p, const char *object, double d) { } /* */ Bool XftPatternAddString(XftPattern *p, const char *object, const char *s) { } /* */ Bool XftPatternAddMatrix(XftPattern *p, const char *object, const XftMatrix *s) { } /* */ Bool XftPatternAddBool(XftPattern *p, const char *object, Bool b) { } /* */ XftResult XftPatternGetInteger(XftPattern *p, const char *object, int n, int *i) { } /* */ XftResult XftPatternGetDouble(XftPattern *p, const char *object, int n, double *d) { } /* */ XftResult XftPatternGetString(XftPattern *p, const char *object, int n, char **s) { } /* */ XftResult XftPatternGetMatrix(XftPattern *p, const char *object, int n, XftMatrix **s) { } /* */ XftResult XftPatternGetBool(XftPattern *p, const char *object, int n, Bool *b) { } /* */ XftPattern *XftPatternVaBuild(XftPattern *orig, va_list va) { } /* */ XftPattern *XftPatternBuild(XftPattern *orig, ...) { } /* */ int XftUtf8ToUcs4(XftChar8 *src_orig, XftChar32 *dst, int len) { } /* */ Bool XftUtf8Len(XftChar8 *string, int len, int *nchar, int *wchar) { } /* */ XftPattern *XftXlfdParse(const char *xlfd_orig, Bool ignore_scalable, Bool complete) { } /* */ XFontStruct *XftCoreOpen(Display *dpy, XftPattern *pattern) { } /* */ void XftCoreClose(Display *dpy, XFontStruct *font) { } /* * $XFree86: xc/lib/Xft/Xft.h,v 1.19 2001/04/29 03:21:17 keithp Exp $ * * Copyright © 2000 Keith Packard, member of The XFree86 Project, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation, and that the name of Keith Packard not be used in * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without * specific, written prior permission. Keith Packard makes no * representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It * is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * * KEITH PACKARD DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO * EVENT SHALL KEITH PACKARD BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, * DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */