" dark background default alias colordbg { " get a dark random background: helps tell different elvis session local d n m let n="0,1,2" let m="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f" eval let d="(rand(n))(rand(m))(rand(n))(rand(m))(rand(n))(rand(m))" " let's go eval color normal cornsilk on #(d) eval color toolbar cornsilk3 on #(d) eval color tool #(d) on grey75 eval color scrollbar grey75 on #(d) color idle like normal color lnum pink color selection on #715d4b color hlsearch black on lightblue color cursor cornsilk on cornsilk color hexcursor bold black on gold color hexheading bold gold color italic italic sandybrown color graphic graphic sandybrown color underlined lightblue color emphasized darkolivegreen2 color link lightblue color definition pink color bold bold gold color boxed sandybrown color fixed fixed orange color markup pink color comment italic orange color keyword gold color prep darkolivegreen2 color prepquote darkolivegreen2 color string mediumturquoise color char mediumturquoise color function cornsilk color variable cornsilk color number cornsilk color other darkolivegreen2 color fold italic bold on SpringGreen4 color hlobject1 on MidnightBlue color guide lightsteelblue1 } " dark background 2 for bold type fonts alias colordbg2 { local d n m let n="0,1,2" let m="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f" eval let d="(rand(n))(rand(m))(rand(n))(rand(m))(rand(n))(rand(m))" eval color normal cornsilk3 on #(d) eval color toolbar cornsilk3 on #(d) eval color tool #(d) on grey75 color idle like normal color lnum pink2 color selection on grey40 color hlsearch black on lightblue3 color cursor cornsilk2 on cornsilk2 color hexcursor bold black on gold color hexheading bold gold color italic italic sandybrown color graphic graphic sandybrown color underlined lightblue3 color emphasized darkolivegreen3 color link lightblue3 color definition pink2 color bold bold gold2 color boxed sandybrown color fixed fixed orange2 color comment italic orange2 color keyword gold2 color prep darkolivegreen3 color prepquote darkolivegreen3 color string #00aab4 color char #00aab4 color function cornsilk3 color variable cornsilk3 color number cornsilk3 color other darkolivegreen3 color fold on SpringGreen4 color hlobject1 on MidnightBlue color guide lightsteelblue1 } " bright background alias colorbbg { local d n m let n="d,e,f" let m="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f" eval let d="(rand(n))(rand(m))(rand(n))(rand(m))(rand(n))(rand(m))" eval color normal black on #(d) eval color toolbar black on #(d) eval color tool #(d) on grey75 color idle like normal color lnum pink color selection on PeachPuff1 color hlsearch lightblue on black color cursor firebrick on firebrick color hexcursor bold gold4 on black color hexheading bold on gold4 color italic italic darkorange4 color graphic graphic brown color underlined blue color emphasized green4 color link blue color definition pink4 color bold bold gold4 color boxed brown color fixed fixed darkorange3 color comment darkorange3 color keyword darkgoldenrod4 color prep green4 color prepquote green4 color string turquoise3 color char turquoise3 color function black color variable black color number black color other darkolivegreen4 color fold black on NavajoWhite1 color hlobject1 on DarkSlateBlue color hlobject2 on DarkGreen } alias ft { set font=!^ } " try " fixed " corona-bold14, courier14, neep-14 " corona16, screen16, serif16 " large " interesting fonts : m, mr, t alias x11def { switch background case dark colordbg case light colorbbg } alias x11sm { colordbg2 } " toolbar related : generate a tab for each buffer " bug : cannot show the name properly when the filename has :?="~. alias removesc { local c i g let g=f let f="" for i (1 .. strlen(g)) do { let c = ((g;" ") << i) >> 1 if c=="?" || c=="=" || c==":" || c=="\"" || c=="~" then let c=" " let f=f;c } } alias rescanbuffers { local d f x gui newtoolbar gui Rescan:rescanbuffers gui Rescan"Redcan current buffers all { let x=file if x=="" then let x=buffer let d=dirdir(x) let f=dirfile(x);" (";bufferid;")" removesc if d!="." then let f="..."/f eval gui (f) :openbuffer (bufferid) eval gui (f) ?bufferid != (bufferid) eval gui (f) "(x) \((bufferid)\) } } alias openbuffer { local i let i="#!^" if buffer(i) then { "keep track of the old buffer for "goback" alias let b=(bufferid) eval b (i) } else { message buffer (i) is already gone. rescanbuffers } } alias toggletoolbar { local d eval let d=(toolbar) if !d then rescanbuffers set negtoolbar eval message show toolbar (toolbar) } gui Rescan:rescanbuffers gui Rescan"Rescan current buffers au BufCreate,BufDelete * rescanbuffers map  :toggletoolbar x11def "set noicon set nostatusbar set nofocusnew " for now no toolbar, it will show once you have more than one buffer " and you can toogle it with  set notoolbar