" DEFAULT CONFIGURATION FOR THE "X11" USER INTERFACE color! statusbar like toolbar color! status like tool color! scrollbar like toolbar color! scroll like tool gui Quit:q gui Quit?!modified gui Quit"Close this window, and maybe exit elvis gui Edit;"File to load:" (file) f = filename gui Edit:e (f) gui Edit"Open a file in this window gui Split;"File to load:" (file) f = filename gui Split:sp (f) gui Split"Open a file in a new window gui Save:w gui Save?modified && edited && !readonly gui Save"Write this buffer out to its file gui Save as;"File to write:"(file)f=dirfile(filename);="The default is in the current directory!" gui Save as:w (f) gui Save as"Write this buffer out to a different file gui Reload:e!% gui Reload"Re-read this file, discarding all changes gui Reload;="Are you sure you want to do this?" gui gap gui Prev:N gui Prev?!modified && current("previous") gui Prev"Switch to the previous file in the args list gui Next:n gui Next?!modified && current("next") gui Next"Switch to the next file in the args list gui Alt:e# gui Alt?!modified && previousfile gui Alt"Switch to the alternate file gui Back:pop gui Back?current("tagstack") gui Back"Return to previous position via the tagstack gui gap gui Make:make gui Make?!modified gui Make"Compile the program, and collect error messages gui Err:errlist gui Err?buffer("Elvis error list") gui Err"Move to the next error gui Search;"plain text to find"s;"direction"(oneof forward backward)d=(d=="backward")?"backward":"forward";ignorecase;wrapscan;autoselect;hlsearch if feature("normal") then gui Search:eval normal (d=="backward" ? ("?";quote(("?"; magic?magicchar:"^$"), s); "\r") : ("/";quote(("/"; magic?magicchar:"^$"), s); "\r")) else gui Search:eval (d=="backward"?"?":"/")(quote((magic?".*/[^$":"/^$"),s)) gui Search"Search for plain text -- not a regular expression gui gap gui Normal:no gui Normal=display=="normal" gui Normal"Select the normal display mode gui Hex:dis hex gui Hex=display=="hex" gui Hex"Select the hex display mode gui Syntax:dis syntax gui Syntax=display<<6=="syntax" gui Syntax"Select the syntax display mode (syntax-coloring) gui Other:eval dis (bufdisplay) gui Other=display!="normal" && display!="hex" && display<<6!="syntax" gui Other?bufdisplay!="normal" && bufdisplay!="hex" && bufdisplay<<6!="syntax" gui Other"Select the appropriate text-formatting display mode gui Display Options;"display"(oneof normal hex syntax HTML man tex)d=(display=="html"?"HTML":display);wrap;sidescroll;list;showmarkups;number;tabstop;showmatch;nonascii;prefersyntax;spell gui Display Options:eval dis (tolower(d)) gui Display Options"Configure the display options gui gap gui XV:w !sh -c "cat >tmp$$; (xv tmp$$; rm tmp$$) >/dev/null 2>&1 &" gui XV"Send this buffer to the XV image viewer if alias("man") then gui Man:man \@ else gui Man:sp !man \@| col -b gui Man"Create a new window, showing the man-page for this word gui Help:help gui Help"Create a new window, showing elvis' manual