"Try to find a word list to use as a spelling dictionary local elvispath locale i if !locale then set locale=gibberish let! spelldict = elvispath("words") if !spelldict then { for i in ("/usr/dict/";locale) /usr/dict /usr/share/dict do { if !spelldict && exists(i/"words") then let! spelldict = i/"words" } } "some common English suffixes set! spellsuffix="'ve 'll 'd 's n't 're s ed" "some valid English words which aren't in most /usr/dict/words files, and "which can't be derived via the above suffixes. words! won't can't I'm pragma etc words! a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z "disable spell checking in parts of source code where it wouldn't be useful. check! -string char regexp regsub prep prepquote variable keyword other number check! -docindent docmarkup markup fold fixed libc libd libf libt libv