for Cairo 1.0.3

Table of Contents

I. Tutorial
II. Reference
cairo_t - The cairo drawing context
Paths - Creating paths and manipulating path data
Patterns - Gradients and filtered sources
Transformations - Manipulating the current transformation matrix
Text - Rendering text and sets of glyphs
cairo_font_face_t - Base class for fonts
Scaled Fonts - Caching metrics for a particular font size
Font Options - How a font should be rendered
FreeType Fonts - Font support for FreeType
Win32 Fonts - Font support for Microsoft Windows
cairo_surface_t - Base class for surfaces
Image Surfaces - Rendering to memory buffers
Glitz Surfaces - OpenGL accelerated rendering using the Glitz library
PDF Surfaces - Rendering PDF documents
PNG Support - Reading and writing PNG images
PostScript Surfaces - Rendering PostScript documents
Win32 Surfaces - Microsoft Windows surface support
XLib Surfaces - X Window System rendering using XLib
cairo_matrix_t - Generic matrix operations
Error handling - Decoding cairo's status
Version Information - Compile and run time version checks
Types - Generic data types used in the cairo API
A. Creating a language binding for cairo
General considerations
Memory Management
Multiple return values
Overloading and optional arguments
Streams and File I/O
Error handling