-- TODO for Blackbox - an X11 Window manager Before 0.65.0 full release: ----------------------------- * double check man pages CVS Bugs: ----------------------------- * acroread transients <-- seems ok CVS warts: ----------------------------- * vnc in full screen mode does not get focus Stuff TODO or On The Way(tm): ----------------------------- CHANGE: deiconify() is overloaded, we need a "place window on Workspace N" and "bring this window back from icon land" CHANGE: as a corrolary to the above, BlackboxWindow::mapRequest should actually be called for map requests CHECK: getBlackboxHints() and restoreAttributes() do a lot of the same work should look into whether it can be combined or not CHANGE: sticky windows are not handled well CHANGE: Send to menu should not list the current workspace idea -- we could store the workspace number in the BasemenuItem CHANGE: look into centering the window when maximizing and the window can not grow to fill the area CHANGE: BlackboxWindow::deiconify needs a new name, also look into show() ADD: add _BLACKBOX_STYLE and _BLACKBOX_MENU atoms so that bbtools, bbconf, etc. can get the current path to the style in use and menu. ADD: subdirs in stylesmenu/dir will create a new submenu ADD: UTF8 support CHANGE: when workspace name is greater than the width of its text area the toolbar gets very ugly CHANGE: rework the .blackboxrc resources so that they give a more uniform behavior across screens. (Still not sure how I want to do this, so it'll have to wait.) ADD: support for KDE and GNOME via the new WM Spec at http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/wm-spec/ ADD: get volunteers to translate blackbox into other languages ADD: draw resize frames using the styles borderWidth... should be fairly simple to do... ADD: always on top/bottom support ADD: way to empty a menu with one method call something like menu.erase() or menu.removeAll() ADD: way to have items in menu and store data other than their index number. The reason the Send To menu lists every workspace is because if it did not blackbox would have no way to know that the one labelled "Workspace 2" actually was workspace #2 and was referenced by workspace[1]. Something like menu.insert(item, data). CHANGE: use a Workspace* instead of a number in BlackboxWindow ADD: a regression test suite items to test: *) toggle decor works *) multihead