2001-11-15 - Make use of this file. :) Stuff like the note from 2001-08-03 should really be in here, so it moved. README will contain non-INSTALL-related usage instructions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2001-08-03... - This hasn't been updated in a LOOONG time, so I'll do so now. Some exciting new features have been added to bbkeys with this release (0.8.0), and I'll try to explain one of them here. By default, bbkeys will now window-cycle MUCH better. Of course, all keybindings are user-configurable as before, and whatever keys you were using before for PrevWindow/NextWindow will still work--they'll just work better. xOr has helped me considerably (HUGE THANKS AGAIN, xOr!!) with this release, and one of the new features that we added was a "stackedCycling" methodology to window-switching. To turn off this incredibly GOOD feature (although I have NO idea why you would want to), put this in your bbtools/bbkeys config file (no, not ~/.bbkeysrc--this is the other one that's by default looked for at ~/.bbtools/bbkeys.bb or ~/.bbtools/bbkeys.nobb).... ! set this to false to use the linear style of window cycling bbkeys.menu.stackedCycling: False Again, why you'd want to do that is beyond me, because there's SO much more benefit to letting bbkeys do things the way it wants to--the new way. But if you're absolutely dead-set against progress, then put that in. What you'll then be using is another improvement--a "linear" cycling method. This will look the same as the old blackbox/bbkeys window cycling method, but will act a little bit better and make more sense. It will, for instance, put a newly-created window into the cycling stack immediately after the currently-focused window, so you just have to "alt+tab" to it, rather than having to go all the way around the stack. As for the new method for cycling windows... When you hit your NextWindow keybinding (mine's ), a window menu will pop up and stay up until you release your PrevWindow/NextWindow keys. This allows you to navigate through the window list (only showing the windows on the current workspace, but INCLUDING STICKY WINDOWS!!), and then release your keys when you have the window hilighted that you want to switch to. You can go backwards or forwards through the list, by using your NextWindow and PrevWindow keys. You can also make the pop-up window menu go away by hitting , or if you want, you can select the window currently hilighted with or . What this last little feature also means is that if you have only one key bound to PrevWindow or NextWindow (i.e. using F11 to cycle forwards and F12 to cycle backwards), you can keep cycling backwards/forwards, and then when you've hilighted the window you want, just hit , or to cancel. But that's not all!! With this new cycling scheme, the window list stack will be re-organized when you cycle to a new/different window. The window that you had previously focused is now right below the one you now have focused. So you can switch back and forth between windows with a simple (or whatever you choose for your NextWindow keybinding. I guess that's about it. Give it a try. I think you'll be pleasantly suprised.