On laptop computers, the APM support provides access to battery status information and may help you to conserve battery power, depending on your laptop and the APM implementation. Rik Faith has transferred maintenance of the Linux apmd package over to me, Avery Pennarun and I'm finally getting around to making a release with the many updates we've collected since the last release back in 1996. Here's what apmd can do: - apmd(8): logs the battery status to syslog every now and then and handles background power management tasks; - apm(1): a command-line tool to print the current battery status or suspend the computer; - xapm(1x): provides a battery meter for X; - libapm.a: a library for writing similar APM applications. The new 3.0beta versions add a new feature to apmd: it can run arbitrary commands (like 'cardctl suspend') when you suspend or resume your system. It also supports BIOS clocks that are set to UTC time. This release also fixes some small bugs that were in apmd-2.4. Since it's a beta release, I expect it adds some new bugs as well. Please help us test it out! The new home of apmd is at: http://www.worldvisions.ca/~apenwarr/apmd/ Have fun, Avery