What is this? ============= This is the official AA-lib for OS/2 - the great ascii-art library by Jan Hubicka & Kamil Toman. The official OS/2 driver is developed and maintained by Thomas A. K. Kjaer(takjaer@imv.aau.dk). AA-lib is compiled using emx/gcc version 0.9c+fix 02 and works on OS/2 Warp 3.x & 4.x - maybe on OS/2 2.x too, but I haven't tested that. It makes use of the old VIO, KBD & MOU api, but everything else is pure 32-bits code. AA-lib programs works in either fullscreen or windowed OS/2 sessions, and supports a wide range of resolutions. What resolutions is supported? ============================== AA-lib programs can be run in fullscreen or windowed OS/2 seesions. The resolutions supported, and the font used in rendering are: Full screen OS/2 session: cols X Rows ----------- 132 x N, where 7<=N<=50 80 x N, where 7<=N<=50 Fonts used in rendering: Rows | Font name ---------------- 50 vga8 43 vga9 28 mda14 25 vga16 default vga16 Windowed OS/2 session: Only your imagination sets the limit! Fonts used in rendering: Rows | Font name ---------------- 50 vga8 43 vga9 28 mda14 25 vga16 default vga16 Where to find AA-lib ******************** Just join our mailing list: `aa-project-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net'. Or just browse our homepage at `http://aa-project.sourceforge.net'. A ton of examples of ascii-art generated by aalib, pointers to other AA-Project resources etc. What else? ========== For more info, see README & aalib.info.